Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

ubergeek said:
so who preordered it for 1499rs and what is this first come first server basis thing? are they trying to tell me that even if i had payed 1499 for the game i wont be getting the limited edition?

AFAIK, ALL pre-orders whether retail or digital will be LE versions. It wont really matter whether you paid 999 or 1499.

Update regarding BETA availability.

From FS -

"early access means you get to play the open beta only 48 hours before the general public does. To add insult to injury, those of us that bit the bullet and purchased the Limited Edition of the Medal of Honor reboot last year in exchange for the promise of early access to the BF3 beta get the same treatment."

So we will be able to play the public BETA (albeit 2 days after the "Origin" pre-order offer) as long as one can get access to a BETA key. All the Origin offer does is -

1) guarantee you a BETA key

2) give you a 2 day head start over the general public
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

DICE Unveils Battlefield 3 Pre-Order Bonuses for North America

Source : DICE Unveils Battlefield 3 Pre-Order Bonuses for North America - Softpedia


Video game developer DICE and publisher Electronic Arts have announced the pre-order bonuses that will be offered to the players who are ready to put down money now in order to get Battlefield 3 on launch day.

All those who pre-order the game, regardless of the channel used to do this, will get the Back to Karkaland digital expansion for free.

It will include four of the best maps for Battlefield 3, all of them re-created using the new Frostbite 2 game engine and its destruction focused tech.

The price for the expansion for those who do not pre-order the game will be set at 14.99 dollars.

In addition to that, DICE is offering other bonuses:

- the Physical Warfare pack: includes three exclusive weapons: the Type 88 light machine bung with bipod, for suppression and fire support; the SKS sniper rifle flash suppressor, which makes it easier for the Recon class to get kills; the flechette ammunition for the DAO-12 semi-automatic shotgun.

- SPECACT kit offers increased customization options via eight new skins for all the classes in Battlefield 3.

- Dog Tag pack – includes five unique dog tags that can show the identity and the gameplay record of the player.

Electronic Arts has not yet said exactly which bonuses for pre-ordering will be linked to which retailers.

Battlefield 3 is the most ambitious of the video games that DICE has so far created and aims to offer both a complex and layered single-player campaign and the signature multiplayer modes that the developer is known for.

The big draw of the game is the new Frostbite 2 engine, which has impressed all those who have seen the game until now with its attention to detail and its commitment to realism.

Battlefield 3 launches on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC on October 25 in the United States and three days later in Europe.
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

ubergeek said:
so who preordered it for 1499rs and what is this first come first server basis thing? are they trying to tell me that even if i had payed 1499 for the game i wont be getting the limited edition?

Those who pre-order from Flipkart, Intencity and Game4u will get Steelcase on 1st come 1st serve basis. Others will get normal case.
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Rickyk said:
Then again, keep your eyes open - its more than likely gaming sites will offer beta access serials to BF3. There were several sites that did this for BC2. I think Gamespot was where I got my BC2 beta access from....

No no no. This time its different. There's only one beta, which is an open BETA, but people who pre-order BF3 from Origin and those who got LE of MOH are given a 48-hour advantage. After those 48 hours its open to all until the BETA closes.

Still that should give the rest of us enough time to check out the game/weapons/vehicles/maps/strats so maybe you wont pwn us completely on day one! :)

You know that won't happen. you pawned me everytime! + i am a noob that sucks bad!
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

if i order from flipkart will i get the steel case or not? and what about the other freebies ? will they be availlable on first come fist serve basis too?
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

From Flipkart Page

Steelcase & DLC: BF3 Steelcase along with DLC (Physical Warfare Pack), as a combo, only for pre-orders on PC and PS3 which will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. These freebies are only valid on pre-orders and will be provided either near the time of release or shortly after. Please note that the PWP DLC consists of items that can be used in multiplayer.

Back to Karkand pack will be available to all Limited Editions Buyers and Physical Warfare Pack will be available to all for free later on.

Back To Karkand:

Four Battlefield 2 maps: Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman, Sharqi Peninsula and Wake Island

Several exclusive Battlefield 2 guns and rifles

Several exclusive Battlefield 2 vehicles

New awards


Type 88 LMG

DAO-12 shotgun

Flashette ammo for DAO-12 shotgun

Flash suppressor for SKS sniper rifle
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Aman27deep said:
Thank GOD i preordered from Flipkart at 999. Will save 500 bucks + 3 movies + steelcase edition <3

Sorry to spoil the party Aman, but. .

An update from Flipkart, those who ordered Battlefield 3 for ₹ 999/- the price will remain unchanged for them but they will not be receiving the Steelcase, Physical Warfare Pack or the movie download offer, but it will most definitely be a Limited Edition pack with Back to Karkand DLC because all pre-orders for EA products are automatically Limited Editions. Now all those who ordered for ₹ 999/- have a choice of cancelling your order and reordering for ₹ 1499/- if you are so eager for the Steelcase, Physical Warfare Pack and the free movie offer. I guess the same goes for the other online shops as well
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

^^ Ouch. So much for preorder promises. I for one am not preordering another game after the Crysis 2 letdown. Especially not from EA. Maybe I will preorder Skyrim, but big maybe. Too many things unknown at the time of preorder.
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

! 0 t A said:
Sorry to spoil the party Aman, but. .

ooo, doesn't bother me much. BTW, all the Physical Warfare Pack items (Type 88 LMG, DAO-12 shotgun, Flashette ammo for DAO-12 shotgun, Flash suppressor for SKS sniper rifle) are unlock-able whilst playing the game right? or no? don't say no, lol.
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Aman27deep said:
No no no. This time its different. There's only one beta, which is an open BETA, but people who pre-order BF3 from Origin and those who got LE of MOH are given a 48-hour advantage. After those 48 hours its open to all until the BETA closes.

I didn't realize it was going to be a Public beta. I was expecting EA/Dice to keep it closed like the current Alpha.

With an public beta, theres a very good chance the BF3 servers are going to get overwhelmed. Thats what happened when the RETAIL ver of BC2 launched last year.

Anyway, I decided to copy/paste the official FAQ on the Beta from EA itself for those interested.

Current Update - 4th August @ 21:15 GMT+1

48 Hour Early Access to the Open Beta
What it is: A 2 day (48 hours) early access to the Battlefield 3 Open Beta starting in September 2011.
Where to get: By pre-ordering the digital download PC version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin or by being a first-hand Medal of Honor: Limited Edition or Medal of Honor: Tier 1 Edition player.
Available: 48 hours before the Open Beta goes public for everyone.
FAQ on the Open Beta
How early is early access?
Early access to the Open Beta is 48 hours before the public is allowed to enter.

How will my early access to the Open Beta be delivered if I am eligible?
This will be communicated later. Stay tuned.

Who can participate in the Open Beta?
The Battlefield 3 Open Beta will be available to all, on all platforms, in September.

Can I get early access to the Open Beta by pre-ordering Battlefield 3 on Origin?
Yes, if you pre-order the digital download PC version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin. This will also entitle you to the pre-order items Physical Warfare Pack plus the Shotgun and Beret for Battlefield Play4Free -- see above.
I bought Medal of Honor Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition and was promised entry to the Battlefield 3 Beta -- is that a different Beta than the Open Beta just announced?
No, it is the same Open Beta, but as a first-hand buyer of Medal of Honor: Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition, you will have 48 hours early access.

What if I bought Medal of Honor: Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition as a digital download -- do I still get early access to the Open Beta?

What are the exact dates for the Open Beta?
The exact dates for the Open Beta will be announced later.

What if I pre-ordered the digital download version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin before they announced the early access to the Open Beta -- do I still get this early access?

Beta email have NOT gone out yet. There is NO starting date on the beta presently
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

! 0 t A said:
Sorry to spoil the party Aman, but. .

From where you copied that,, i paste you this!

Further update for those who pre-orderd from Flipkart. I just received a call from Flipkart saying those who ordered for ₹ 999/- will infact get the Steelcase, Physical Warfare Addon and the Karkand DLC but no the movie download offer so HELLLL YEAHHHH!!
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Dont know if this is real or fake so dont blame me later.

In any case, its (apparently) only being offered to people who participated in the Closed Alpha. EA is dangling more carrots by offering a FREE game to entice Closed Alpha users to buy BF3 on Origin. Games on offer - ME2, Dead Space 2 and MOH.


--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Aman27deep said:
BTW, all the Physical Warfare Pack items (Type 88 LMG, DAO-12 shotgun, Flashette ammo for DAO-12 shotgun, Flash suppressor for SKS sniper rifle) are unlock-able whilst playing the game right? or no? don't say no, lol.

AFAIK, they are "time-based exclusives". Buying the PWP gives you access to them immediately. EA/Dice have said they will be released sometime later in the year for ALL players. However until such time you will not be able to access them if you dont own the PWP.

So if you were thinking of unlocking them early by just playing through normally its not going to happen....
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Aman27deep said:
ooo, doesn't bother me much. BTW, all the Physical Warfare Pack items (Type 88 LMG, DAO-12 shotgun, Flashette ammo for DAO-12 shotgun, Flash suppressor for SKS sniper rifle) are unlock-able whilst playing the game right? or no? don't say no, lol.

Nope, they are pre-order exclusive. . But i Still feel you got a better deal than rest of us who are getting it at 500+ bux, so enjoy :)
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Years worth of unlocks and rewards in Battlefield 3

DICE has posted another Battleblog entry, this time it concerns unlocks, awards and persistence in Battlefield 3. As many know, Battlefield 2 was the first game to really offer a deep persistence mode, with awards, unlocks and stats that would keep players busy for hundreds of hours.

For Battlefield 3, DICE reveals that the game will feature “more than 10 times the hardware unlocks spread over weapons, weapons attachments, gadgets, and a huge unlock tree for vehicles alone”. Unlocks will be given based on the class you play as and the weapon you use, so if you use a weapon a lot, you’ll get more unlocks for it, same goes for classes.

Regarding awards, the pins have been substituted for ribbons, which will be given out each round (e.g. 7 kills with assault rifles to get the Assault Rifle Ribbon), while it will also feature BF2 style medals, for example, the US service medal is awarded after playing 100 hours as the US Marines. Ranks will be as plentiful as in Bad Company 2, which had 50 ranks in total.

It has also been confirmed that Engineers will get an anti-air rocket launcher, and that Jets will get the choice between air to air missiles, or air to ground missiles/bombs.

Battlefield 3 will be the deepest shooter in DICE history. Read on for the full story on how we will reward skill and dedication, and how our flexible unlock and customization system allows you to tailor the game for your personal play style.

“Battlefield players are among the most loyal out there. Our games are literally played for years by our hardcore fans, and we want to actively support that. There should always be something left to achieve in Battlefield 3.”

Valerian Noghin and Fredrik Thylander are Persistence Designers on Battlefield 3. They’re the guys making sure you will have as much fun with the game in 2013 as on launch day.

Back in 2005, Battlefield 2 was one of the first shooters to introduce a deep persistence system to add that extra layer of tasty rewards and unlocks to keep players returning to the battlefield for hundreds of hours. With Battlefield 3, we are pulling all the stops. Compared to Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3 will have more than 10 times the hardware unlocks spread over weapons, weapons attachments, gadgets, and a huge unlock tree for vehicles alone.

Skill and dedication equal rewards

On top of these ingame hardware items, players will also be richly rewarded with medals, ribbons and service stars displaying their skill, commitment, and teamplay prowess. You will be rewarded handsomely in Battlefield 3 for exemplary skill, such as capturing X amount of bases in one round. Excellent teamplayers who keep the team’s vehicles in mint condition and revive fallen comrades will not go unnoticed either. These type of skill-driven rewards are typically handed out in the form of ribbons, and good players can often get more than one ribbon in a single round.

Winning a round for the team should always be the priority, so we are making sure that even when players are chasing their personal achievements, they are contributing to the overall battle. You will also be rewarded for true dedication and commitment, such as playing x amount of hours as a U.S. soldier. These honors come in the form of the much harder to get medals. They are typically given at specific milestones in your career.

There are a large number of ranks in Battlefield 3, similar to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Your rank badge is a quick measure of your overall progress in the game. And even if you hit the max rank, there is always more glory to strive for with the new concept of Service Stars that we are introducing in Battlefield 3.

Service Stars challenge the hardcore

Even getting your first Service Star would be a major achievement. But keep playing, and you will be eligible for even further promotion by getting Service Stars added to your weapon skill badge, your vehicle, your kit, and your overall rank. Anytime your kill card is displayed, everyone will see exactly how experienced you are with your current equipment. The ultimate bragging right would be for a player to be awarded the rank of Colonel with 100 Service Stars attached, and to have 100 stars in all weapons, kits, and vehicles. Getting there will be a massive task – consider that a challenge! :)

The design philosophy behind the unlocks in Battlefield 3 is pretty sweet. We basically give you more hardware to play with for doing what you love to do. Case in point: Using gun X will give you more upgrades specifically for that gun. Playing with a kit and vehicle earns more upgrades for that kit and that vehicle. In addition, all XP gained also goes towards your overall rank, which in turn unlocks new weapons, specializations, and camouflages usable by any class.

Play Battlefield 3 your way

The mantra we keep coming back to when designing Battlefield 3 is “play it your way”. What that means is there’s an unprecedented flexibility in how you tailor your kits. The playable classes are not rigidly defined in what they are supposed to play like. While all four classes in Battlefield 3 (Assault, Engineer, Support, Recon) start out with everything they need to be an efficient soldier in the field, it is totally up to you and your personal preferences how you want to tailor them.

Take the Assault class, for example. As you may know by now, this is now the class that has the ability to equip both a defibrillator and medkit for frontline medic abilities. But if you would prefer to switch your add-ons to, say, an underslung grenade launcher with 40mm grenades, go ahead! That will give you an Assault soldier with a more offensive set of capabilities than the player who opts for the default medic approach.

Tactical unlocks force you to choose the right loadout for you

That’s the way all of the unlocks and upgrades work. They are specifically designed to be tactical in nature, forcing you to choose loadout based on the map and situation. Do you go for the heavy barrel for your assault rifle? It gives added accuracy for single shots, but at the cost of stronger recoil in burst fire/full auto mode. A standard assault rifle can be modified into a long range accurate weapon or for close quarter, almost SMG-like, combat. For jets, do you go with Maverick ATG missiles to take out tanks or AA missiles to dogfight airborne threats? With your Engineer, do you bring your anti-tank or your anti-air RPG launcher?
In short, we think there has never been a better time to be a Battlefield gamer, no matter your play style.

End of blog ------

So no mixed A/G loadouts for Aircraft - Sux. :(
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

It is funny now that any blog post that EA makes about BF3 , 70% comments are only "Show me Jets" "Where are the jets" "Need Jets" "Must see Jets" . .

What are they hiding them for. . I think they want the max hype build up, then actually tease players with it . .if that is the case, it BETTER BE GOOD !!

Or its just not finished yet?
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Possible aircraft (including both fixed and rotor) that might show up in BF3 -




FA-18 Super Hornet

Mig 29


AH-64 Apache

UH-1Y Super Huey

MH-6 Little Bird

Mil MI24

Mil MI28

Kamrov KA-60

UH60 Black Hawk

I am primarily interested in fixed wing craft with the occasional chopper thrown in. Looks like no Warthog which is a major let down for me considering its lethality for air to ground stuff. And since there are no mod tools, we will never see one in BF3. :@

Why couldn't they at least have allowed players to choose to balance his loadout based on a pre-determined weight limit depending on aircraft rather than limiting them to AG or AA mode exclusively? That way one could have combined a couple of sidewinders and some mavericks and have both roles covered. Locking loadouts to one mode or the other seems silly not to mention unrealistic considering the real world capabilities of the aircraft that are (expected) to be present in the game.

As for reasons why they are mum on the issue, take your pick -

  • The aircraft for the game aren't locked down yet
  • Aircraft game play is not balanced yet (which if true, would be worrying considering the game is past Alpha and AFAIK that didn't feature any)
  • They are still undecided on which maps will support aircraft (aircraft require strips/carriers though choppers dont)
  • Aircraft aren't destined to play a significant role and are only present because they were there in BF2 and we expect them (which would be horrible)
  • Existing maps aren't large enough to accommodate Jets though Choppers fit in just fine.

I also hope that they will provide aircraft with some sort of ECM (Chaff/Flares) considering they are allowing Engys to equip with shoulder launched SAMs. Otherwise the moment an aircraft takes off, there will be 5 SAMs in the air chasing it- GG. :(
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

! 0 t A said:
Or its just not finished yet?

This game has been running closed beta (inside DICE offices) from q4 of 2009 and you think it might not be finished yet? :P

Expect a Jet video before the open BETA, it's gonna be so awesome!
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Looks like we wont be getting the "2 day early access to beta" feature in India even if we pre-order from Origin.

Apparently, Origin's pre-order "early access" offer is for "US customers only".



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Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Bad news for Steam users. EA has officially clarified yesterday that BF3 will not appear on Steam. Here's the official confirmation -

“Gamers can pre-order Battlefield 3 at as well as over 100 digital retailers worldwide. EA offers games to all major download services. Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to deliver patches and other downloadable content. No other download service has adopted these practices.”

Unless Valve changes its TOS (highly unlikely), BF3 has no chance of ever appearing on Steam. I think this is going to be the general trend from now on for games published by EA.

What I don't get is why EA is the only pub that seems to have issues with Valves TOS. Are other pubs complaining as well? I'm not aware of any. Then again maybe its just EA wanting to push Origin and using the TOS issue as a pretext....
Re: The "Battlefield 3" Thread! [PC] [360] [PS3]

Update -

Origin required to play Battlefield 3
There has been some confusion over how EA’s new Origin service will be integrated into Battlefield 3. Battlelog plays a big part, with the ability to browse servers and join a game directly from the browser. But according to DICE’s Daniel Martos, Origin will be required in order to play Battlefield 3 if the game is bought in retail. We don’t know whether this is true if the game is downloaded through a digital download service other than Origin, but we suspect Origin will be required no matter what.

This isn’t a big surprise, as many games these days require a client to run in the background, most notably games from Valve, where Steam is required. However, it can become an issue if the client is draining CPU power, which was the case with Origin during the Battlefield 3 alpha trial. Of course, it was only an alpha, so many tweaks and fixes are bound to happen. Another issue is memory usage among these clients, both Steam and Origin appear to use somewhere around 50 MB of memory during a game (but that can depend on the game and other system specs).