Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

ok SP finished. I also share almost the same opinions of the other members above.
Awesome visuals were expected but I was totally immersed by awesome sound also loved the air sortie (reminded of HAWX2)

found this in the credits ;)

btw some random screenies Battlefield 3 - Imgur took care not to have any spoilers but I can't be sure :P
(1920X1080, GTX460, first few screenies are in 'All High' rest All Ultra, 2xMSAA, 16xAF, SSAO ~40 fps avg, can't handle more AA)

and getting pwned badly in MP except in operation metro map (beta effect :D )

Not a biggie actually, they offload small work to local guys, but India is more of the QC hub.

Crysis2 was tested at Hyderabad, Homefront in Bangalore and Arkham City in Pune

Touted as the most epic game of 2011, I was awestruck when I played the Beta. Crashes every 15 minutes, no sound and dead people killing me aside, It was an enjoyable experience.

So I promptly pre-ordered the game on Flipkart and much to my joy received my game today. So I installed it and downloaded the 472mb Patch knowing that the wait will be well worth it.

Installed and ready, first thing I do is invite a friend for some Co-op action. The invite never reaches him, he gets bored and leaves. I, then decide to try out the SP campaign, and am met with mini-freezes with sound looping continuously. I quit that and joined a Multiplayer server and was met with Server disconnected almost everywhere and when I finally got into a game, people were literally teleporting around due to the immense amount of lag in the game.

When I finally found a server which I was comfortable with I was disconnected from it.

I'm sorry people, I just can't seem to enjoy BF3, Bad Company 2 was a far better product with none of this Battlelog shit and launching from browser.

I'm regretting buying my copy now.

To ensure that the fault isn't on my hardware, I have decided to format my computer and then see if any problems arise. If they do, I might have half a mind to sell off the game.


Your worrying a lil too early..There are issues for some yeah, but wait for atleast 2-4 weeks after realease for them to get sorted out..
I don't understand this why should a customer wait for 2-3 weeks after the product is released to get it fixed
MP is working absolutely fine for me now.. SP never had problems as stated earlier... You should right click on battlefield 3 in origin and then click on repair install... Update the drivers and pnkbuster... I found one bug, if I keep the graphic settings to SSAO, then it crashes in MP, but with HBAO it works like charm...
OverlorD said:

Touted as the most epic game of 2011, I was awestruck when I played the Beta. Crashes every 15 minutes, no sound and dead people killing me aside, It was an enjoyable experience.

So I promptly pre-ordered the game on Flipkart and much to my joy received my game today. So I installed it and downloaded the 472mb Patch knowing that the wait will be well worth it.

Installed and ready, first thing I do is invite a friend for some Co-op action. The invite never reaches him, he gets bored and leaves. I, then decide to try out the SP campaign, and am met with mini-freezes with sound looping continuously. I quit that and joined a Multiplayer server and was met with Server disconnected almost everywhere and when I finally got into a game, people were literally teleporting around due to the immense amount of lag in the game.

When I finally found a server which I was comfortable with I was disconnected from it.

I'm sorry people, I just can't seem to enjoy BF3, Bad Company 2 was a far better product with none of this Battlelog shit and launching from browser.

I'm regretting buying my copy now.

To ensure that the fault isn't on my hardware, I have decided to format my computer and then see if any problems arise. If they do, I might have half a mind to sell off the game.

DigitalDude said:
ok SP finished. I also share almost the same opinions of the other members above.
Awesome visuals were expected but I was totally immersed by awesome sound also loved the air sortie (reminded of HAWX2)

found this in the credits ;)

That means you didnt noticed the credits of crysis, (crysis2) and bc2(if i am not mistaken)
ok i started MP last night after completing the campaign, the game crashes every 5 mins and i'm not the only one facing this problem, the game runs superb on ultra but every 15 or so mins just when i'm getting familiar with the map and going on a roll, the game freezes on me.

I have tried different drivers and solutions but i can't stop this from happening, maybe the issue is on the driver side , awaiting 11.10 official expected to be out on Monday, also where the f*** is DICE support when you need em, they are braggin and patting themselves on the back on twitter instead of fixing this Retailed Beta. Having awesome multiplayer on a long holiday weekend and not being able to play it is just plain frustrating. Guess i ' ll finish Missing link instead now