Battlefield 3 - Discussion Thread

Throw Med Packs, Ammo in camping teammates faces.
"Flash" your own team mates.
Go kamikaze with people in Chopper.
FF is obvious. I got FFkd atleast 7-8 times in the same match yesterday.
Roadkill Engg. while performing Repair.
Get an EOD bot to "dog" around a teammate.

These are all the things which annoyed me greatly, I'd love to try these on other people.
Take the driver seat of a Tank,Humvee,Jet or Chopper and wait for someone to sit with you and then drive or fly it as bad as you can outside the gaming area :ohyeah: I do it many a times, even sometimes I drive an humvee directly in front of oppositions tank and leave that humvee and hide somewhere... The person (mostly noobs) who is on the humvee handling the weapon thinks he is the boss with a gun and keeps firing :2guns: at the tank and I see the tank destroy the humvee with that noob inside :cupidon: (I love the sound of destruction)...
chiragsthakur said:
Take the driver seat of a Tank,Humvee,Jet or Chopper and wait for someone to sit with you and then drive or fly it as bad as you can outside the gaming area :ohyeah: I do it many a times, even sometimes I drive an humvee directly in front of oppositions tank and leave that humvee and hide somewhere... The person (mostly noobs) who is on the humvee handling the weapon thinks he is the boss with a gun and keeps firing :2guns: at the tank and I see the tank destroy the humvee with that noob inside :cupidon: (I love the sound of destruction)...
Lol! I cant stop laughing
I didnt get the other indian servers on my browser ???? I got where i had to kill myself multiple times because I got stuck on the kill cam !! Please add me on Origin: Chhanga , just started playing got about 5 hours so far will put in more hours this weekend
You are champ, wont do it with you ;) That was just a funny part of the game, nothing else... I like to play with team mates in close matches, whereas when I join at the time when rounds ending, then I get involved in doing some pranks... Nothing else... And some situations demand to do it on purpose
Aman27deep said:
Don't play like a douchebag :|
Have you noticed the new death message that comes up if you die if you pilot crashes the chopper? "Bad Luck". Nice way to say you died due to some dude's douchebaggery :( I liked the "Epic Fail" of BC2 better....
i think bad luck comes up when u die of some explosion. Once it happened to me i got killed by a large oil container in firestorm exploding.
Ban Information

General Information

Date Added Today, 3:17 am

Game Battlefield 3

Links ID 238238 [View Ban XML]

Appeal Status Open (October 30, 2011)

Violation Data

Type EvenBalance Violation

GUID 11517a3a7fc91b4a85a580e4a6a56815 ( MPI )

Alias W4Rf4CE ( BtLog | GT )

IP Address 59.94.*.51 [India]

Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 80704

Streaming Source

Team [ISI]

Server IP (MSi | GT | GM)

Server Desc ISI Battlefield 3 Rush

I have seen this guy: W4Rf4CE
Bluffmaster said:
Either the Indian servers are full of noobs like me or I am actually getting better at this. :P My stats have significantly improved since I have started playing on the Indian servers. : P The Chats on the Indian servers are also very colorful. :P

I have also found a great way to annoy someone. What I do is just constantly follow a teammate and mimick his actions. Its great fun, one time a teammate got so fed up that he knifed me and left the game. :rofl:

Anymore tips to annoy people?

Same here. :P I think Indian servers have more noobs as compared to the Singapore servers.

But it also could be due to better pings. I'm not completely sure, but I did find to kill more than what I do in similar situations on other servers.

Then again, the reason could be neither. :P With my new DA, my aim wouldn't be stable and the control wasn't that good. Then I remembered I had fiddled around with my mouse settings and it was on 3500 dpi. :| Changed it back to 1800dpi and now it has improved quite a bit for me. :D

Btw, I started the single player campaign yesterday. Seems decent. The story telling is very COD-like.
Well I was on a bit of roll by my standards (a-91 or whatever that bullpup is called is awesome), then game crashed. Now it shows error Syncing Cloud Data and Origin shuts down by itself? Any one else?