Battlefield 4 - Discussion Thread

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The image below is self-explanatory! :lol:


Battlefield 4 is yet to be officially unveiled by EA, but the studio has admitted that it is working on a new entry in the series, and the Origin listing appears to offer confirmation.

'Battlefield 4' beta outed on EA Origin Store - Gaming News - Digital Spy

New screens:


why it's a blunder? they are just pushing sales of MOH peace maker :P

the next BF game would definitely not appear before 2013 fall.

I think I will get MOH for free this time (don't like the game, pretty sure won't play more than a few minutes or half an hour, waste of money)
My understanding was that BF: BC3 would be out going by the trend. But looks like EA is planning to out BF4 next.
Just as above said, too many multiplayers and too less time
Currently on my list COD BO2, MOH and still BF3's two DLCs are left
I was really hoping for the next one too be BF:BC3, but anyways really want to see trailer of BF4
Does anyone remember when did the first trailer of BF3 was unveiled?
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