Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Servers to Play on

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I noticed on the BSN website that they plan to host servers in Bombay as well.

I dont see the need for 8 BC2 servers. One for each game mode should be enough. We arent greedy. :)

If they add even more to the Bombay hub it would be serious overkill imo.

Would be nice if they setup servers for other games rather than so many for a single game...


Yep same problem here. Airtels routing is pathetic. You get the same ping to servers 20 kms and 4100 kms away. Would be great if the ping was low. Unfortunately its the other way around.


They are down since last night. Hope they are up again soon.
Its not just you. Other BSNL users are facing the same issue.

Maybe SH is playing "passing the parcel" with Indian ISPs. Last time it was Airtel (for more than a month), now it looks like BSNLs turn.
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