Using my D40 for a little more then a month and 5000 shutter clicks already, it just gets more exciting day by day, the metering the accurate, AF is precise (though a bit slow in dim light, but I don't find it a problem really). Its light, maybe the lightest DSLR in the market, the VF is big and bright and VR does a great job. The flash is also plenty powerful for a stock, what else you need for a start ?. This camera gives me vibrant colors. All this in a sweet price package.
I have a small group of people in my city who are into serious photography and wild life, some of them work for WWF, BBC, NatGeo and Discovery. I have used their Canon 40D, 5D MK I & II, Nikon D700/300, D90, D80 and D60/D40, with a huge range of lens from fisheye to 600mm, but always went back to my D40 cause it can create equally great pics
(PS: if you have proper skills of using available light source and angle) in good light, even dim light and also cause its very easy to carry around, stop chasing Megapixels.
The features that separates D40 from its competitors are least used by these people, i have noted it quite well. Also the fact that most of these people recommended the D40 for me as my first step into DSLR photography, other people who had the D60 said they got the D60 instead cause D40 was out of stock everywhere and was no where to be found. They said 6MP is enough for prints upto 22 x 16inch. D40 also had quite good high ISO performance, maybe cause of its low MP count, but you can use upto ISO1600 and not worry about noise that much.
when I was buying my DSLR, 1000D and A200 was on my list, but went for the D40 in the end, i tried the 1000D at the mall in Ahmedabad, and i found the AF on quicker then the D40, but the grip was pathetic, VF was small and hard to see, the XS was also slow at shooting continous RAW + JPEG, i was getting like 1fps after 5 shots.
Get a D40 + 18 - 55mm VR + SB400 and your all set.
Just my little suggestion

*Edited* added the bold part.