Guys, I haven't played the Elder scroll series... Skyrim is fifth game.
I wanna play this series (read your comments about skyrim )
So which Elder Scroll game should I start with???
You should start with Skyrim. The stories aren't really connected, they just take place in the same universe. Infact, Skyrim takes place 200 years after Oblivion. You can read about the earlier stories through wiki anyway. Keep in mind elder scrolls games are incredibly vast. Skyrim alone would easily take 100 hours to complete and even then you wouldn't have seen everything in the game. You can try starting with oblivion too but skyrim is a huge improvement over Oblivion so I see little point in doing that.
As yet 21 votes for BF3 here and its leading not coz people dont like other games, but this game is fast.... Join, Compete, Kill, Die, Save our friends, Unlock weapons, Increase rankings and what not...... TBH for a guy like me who is working from 8 to 7, a game like BF3 makes me feel better....
Actually that is what turned me off about BF3. The whole thing just got boring really quick, more so because everyone around me were on extremely high ranks and it was getting difficult to find noob servers. But yes, BF3 always has the ability to surprise you i.e you never know when the same old map suddenly becomes super fun to play because of some interesting fellow team mates, even better if they are your friends.
Skyrim on the other hand never gets boring. Trust me, I am more than 80 hours in this game and I am yet to be bored. There is just so much to do, at times I just stare at the beautiful sky in the night and try to recognize constellations while other times I just like to sneak up on animals and hunt them. The number of things you can do in this game is overwhelming.