bsnl 3g is not reliable in my place(punjab).the point i want to make is basically that right now symbian s60v5 are the most useful ,mature software wise,good app support and also happen to be the cheapest full fledged smartphone as an added bonus.opera mini5 is in beta but i use it.its optimised for touchphones with full qwerty support.but also know that this year is going to see great phones launched.symbian^3,windows phone 7 series,android 2.1,and iphone 4g.out of these android and symbian devices will be cheaper as they are open source.i feel that like the netbook craze all with intel atom,1gig ram,i60 hard disk, drove down prices to 13k a netbook,likewise optimal requirements for these new os such as 1 gz snapdragon or tegra,256 mb ram,wifi,gps,3 inch touchscreen,3 mp camera or similar configuration will ultimately drive down smartphone prices <10k.and that my friend will be exciting!!!!!!!!