Motion can be detected in software.@MarioBros
raspberry pi is the recommendation for me. I am using the version three model and it’s good for experimenting with home bridge without breaking the bank.
I just installed a Homebridge camera using the pi v1.3 camera module. It’s a pretty shoddy camera but it was cheap it cost me Rs.250 only. reason I bought it is I wanted to see how HomeKit video worked so that in the future I can make a better decision when I buy a real security camera.
Edit : @superczar Any idea if the raspberry pi v1.3 camera module can be made to detect motion of people? Maybe via software? Or is it a hardware thing?
Any suggestions?
However, what you are trying to do is CPU intensive in software (i.e. motion detection in real time ) and is in addition to the real time rtsp streaming that will happen when viewing feeds on the home app/ recording on a NVR (presumably later)
While the above isn’t very taxing for a desktop class CPU buti think the Rpi, esp the rpi3 will struggle with the load - and will probably end up resuling in dropped frames or worse, slow response on other homebridge calls.
worth a try anyway but I suspect adding a software camera on the same pi add will worsen the overall experience