BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

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Piyush didn't say it, its from the WSJ that is using an org who put that data together
Its taken from this article written by another Indian
Davos Is Narendra Modi’s Big Stage to Push a Muscular Vision of India - WSJ

And like every time, to mislead everyone, the position mentioned in the chart is India's projected GDP in 2020 as per IMF

At present, India is only 3rd in PPP(Purchasing Power Parity) but that still is a controversial metric. And 7th in Nominal GDP
The PPP exchange-rate calculation is controversial because of the difficulties of finding comparable baskets of goods to compare purchasing power across countries.
Estimation of purchasing power parity is complicated by the fact that countries do not simply differ in a uniform price level; rather, the difference in food prices may be greater than the difference in housing prices, while also less than the difference in entertainment prices. People in different countries typically consume different baskets of goods. It is necessary to compare the cost of baskets of goods and services using a price index. This is a difficult task because purchasing patterns and even the goods available to purchase differ across countries.

Thus, it is necessary to make adjustments for differences in the quality of goods and services. Furthermore, the basket of goods representative of one economy will vary from that of another: Americans eat more bread; Chinese more rice. Hence a PPP calculated using the US consumption as a base will differ from that calculated using China as a base. Additional statistical difficulties arise with multilateral comparisons when (as is usually the case) more than two countries are to be compared.
Reference: Purchasing power parity

It's so easy to mislead Indians(Even the educated one) :facepalm:


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LOL @ people on a tech forum who keep arguing that certain tech CANNOT be hacked. :rolleyes:
It can be hacked if you capture the machine, point is how many need to be captured for the party to win ;)

I've pointed out machines used are the third revision which shut down if tampererd. Let's say still they are hacked.

Number of polling stations in Karnataka : 58, 500
Number of seats 223

How many machines have to be captured ?
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Petinent points from this article

The team needed an EVM for testing, but the Election Commission did not help efforts by failing to provide machines.
If they give you a machine it no longer belongs to the EC, you can make it do whatever.

The fact that a professor was dragging form his house in the middle of the night and made to disappear for days to threaten his family is enough evidence of a cover up for me.
No, its proof that otherwise acquiring an EVM is illegal

Also as I said before, my cousin has worked on assembling these machines at ECIL and the technicians themselves are a weak link.
How many have to be captured to win ?

So, get over it. You don't need to blindly argue just to support BJP.
No, i will not get over it. I have a history of defending EVM's on this board that dates back to the general election in 2009
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Whatever may be the results whether you win or lose, if you truly believe in EVM tampering theory you should Resign Immediately and ask for Reelection with Ballot papers ; otherwise you are equally biased as much as the party you are blaming.
Hah! exactly. has a single MLA or MP done so to date. Not one. Not a single successful challenge has been made. Not a single election has been annulled.

The RTI querry has cleared many doubts in this regard, EVM malfunction is less than 1% & almost impossible to hack. EC has been quite clear in this regard.
Do you have any details of this RTI query ?

As far as as i'm concerned, retaining confidence in EVM's is paramount.

Let's see what reactions come from Liberal Media with Gujarat Elections results tomorrow.
If Congress Wins ; its Victory of democracy, failure of policies by Modiji etc..
If BJP wins its EVM tampering...
Heads I win, Tales you lose!
Back in 2010, a BJP minister wrote a book how EVM's are a threat to democracy. Losing parties run to the street and try to grab headlines.
Its taken from this article written by another Indian
Davos Is Narendra Modi’s Big Stage to Push a Muscular Vision of India - WSJ

And like every time, to mislead everyone, the position mentioned in the chart is India's projected GDP in 2020 as per IMF
View attachment 75114

At present, India is only 3rd in PPP(Purchasing Power Parity) but that still is a controversial metric. And 7th in Nominal GDP
View attachment 75115

Reference: Purchasing power parity

It's so easy to mislead Indians(Even the educated one) :facepalm:

No. I checked imf site data. The projection is for 2018 and and we are projected as fifth. And am not considering ppp basis here.
Petinent points from this article

If they give you a machine it no longer belongs to the EC, you can make it do whatever.

No, its proof that otherwise acquiring an EVM is illegal

How many have to be captured to win ?

No, i will not get over it. I have a history of defending EVM's on this board that dates back to the general election in 2009

I sincerely hope you are not in the technology industry or any where around it because you are clearly unfit for it.

1. You seriously think that people who are going to tamper will play by the rules and legalities?
2. The fact that he got access to an EVM is proof that third parties can get access to it.
3. Doesn't matter how many need to be captured to win. The point is whether EVM's can be tampered with. No party is dumb enough to tamper all the EVM's being used in the elections.

Just because they got the device in an unauthorized manner (mainly because EC refused to provide device for testing) does not mean that all methods used to tamper it are not valid anymore. That is just plain stupid reasoning.

The fact that EC does not want to give a machine for security testing is by itself enough proof that its vulnerable. In the security world, anything that is not tested and certified is vulnerable. Anything that is tested and certified is still vulnerable except for the fact that a few known attack vectors have been ruled out.

There is no such thing as a tamper proof piece of technology..
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1. You seriously think that people who are going to tamper will play by the rules and legalities?
2. The fact that he got access to an EVM is proof that third parties can get access to it.
3. Doesn't matter how many need to be captured to win. The point is whether EVM's can be tampered with. No party is dumb enough to tamper all the EVM's being used in the elections.
1. No
2. yes
3. Why ? this is a numbers game. What is the point of tampering if i cannot win. So how many tampered machines necessary to win ? tell me :)

Just because they got the device in an unauthorized manner (mainly because EC refused to provide device for testing) does not mean that all methods used to tamper it are not valid anymore. That is just plain stupid reasoning.
Tamper all you want. Now you have a machine that you can do whatever with. Where are the numbers ?

The fact that EC does not want to give a machine for security testing is by itself enough proof that its vulnerable. In the security world, anything that is not tested and certified is vulnerable. Anything that is tested and certified is still vulnerable except for the fact that a few known attack vectors have been ruled out.

There is no such thing as a tamper proof piece of technology..
A machine that is not under their control is a rogue machine

See, just because a machine can be tampered with does not an election win. So when people say so and so either won or lost because of tampering it doesn't stand up to scrutiny

I've conceded that machines can be stolen, this is how that prof got it, once stolen it can be tampered. Harder to do but not impossible.

In enough numbers to actually make a difference ? Nah!

tl;dr ballot stuffing in the EVM era does not work!

Debunking EVM conspiracies since 2009 :cigar:
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3. Why ? this is a numbers game. What is the point of tampering if i cannot win. So how many tampered machines necessary to win ? tell me :)

Ever seen any party mess with all the polling booths before the EVM era? Why do you think things are any different now. No party is that stupid, These types are cheating are used strategically. No party wins just though tampering. Not much different from vote for money. They don't go and give money in places where they can win without doing such things.

A machine that is not under their control is a rogue machine

A machine that can be taken out without whistle being blown can be put back the same way. If you can break into a system and steal data, you can also put in something that wasn't there before.

In fact, there is no need for EVM to be taken out at all. If a person that has access to the machine can be compromised, then the machine is compromised. Remember that contractors like my cousin who worked on the fabrication, assembly and validation of the EVM's also go on election duty as technicians. They have access to troubleshoot/debug the devices. Do you think the EC staff or any other person present there would be technically adept to find the difference if a technician were tampering the device instead of doing a routine verification?

See, just because a machine can be tampered with does not an election win. So when people say so and so either won or lost because of tampering it doesn't stand up to scrutiny

Lets say there are 100 locations up for voting and A and B can win 50 each. A goes and tampers the voting machines in a couple of choice places. There by, A wins 52 vs 48 for B. Did A win and B lose because of tampering? A didn't need to go and tamper voting machines in 100 locations.
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In fact, there is no need for EVM to be taken out at all. If a person that has access to the machine can be compromised, then the machine is compromised. Remember that contractors like my cousin who worked on the fabrication, assembly and validation of the EVM's also go on election duty as technicians. They have access to troubleshoot/debug the devices. Do you think the EC staff or any other person present there would be technically adept to find the difference if a technician were tampering the device instead of doing a routine verification?

I think if the contractors are suspect, you might as well not vote. I think your statement reeks of borderline paranoia.
I sincerely hope you are not in the technology industry or any where around it because you are clearly unfit for it.

But I hope you join politics, and explain how the tech works, and why EVMs should not be trusted.

1. You seriously think that people who are going to tamper will play by the rules and legalities?
2. The fact that he got access to an EVM is proof that third parties can get access to it.
3. Doesn't matter how many need to be captured to win. The point is whether EVM's can be tampered with. No party is dumb enough to tamper all the EVM's being used in the elections.

1. Yes. Because they don't get a carte blanche access to everything.
2. No. Getting access to one EVM is easy. Try that with multiple ones.
3. Really? So Party A goes to the trouble of rigging EVMs but not all. They lose because they did not calculate how many numbers were needed.

Just because they got the device in an unauthorized manner (mainly because EC refused to provide device for testing) does not mean that all methods used to tamper it are not valid anymore. That is just plain stupid reasoning.

The fact that EC does not want to give a machine for security testing is by itself enough proof that its vulnerable. In the security world, anything that is not tested and certified is vulnerable. Anything that is tested and certified is still vulnerable except for the fact that a few known attack vectors have been ruled out.

There is no such thing as a tamper proof piece of technology..

I have to agree on this, but I would like to give the EC the benefit of doubt. The best way forward? Open Source the entire design, everything.
Ever seen any party mess with all the polling booths before the EVM era? Why do you think things are any different now. No party is that stupid, These types are cheating are used strategically. No party wins just though tampering. Not much different from vote for money. They don't go and give money in places where they can win without doing such things.
All ? no but many yes. Its called booth captures. Then the ballot stuffing happens. Typical goon squads or in disturbed areas around the country with active insurgencies or naxals. NE, Kashmir and huge swathes in the interior come to mind. Intimidation against villagers not to vote. Happened often in the past and even now, this is why there are armed guards from the CRPF to protect booths these days. To the tune of 1,50,000 in Karnataka alone and we're not even a disturbed area

A machine that can be taken out without whistle being blown can be put back the same way. If you can break into a system and steal data, you can also put in something that wasn't there before.

In fact, there is no need for EVM to be taken out at all. If a person that has access to the machine can be compromised, then the machine is compromised. Remember that contractors like my cousin who worked on the fabrication, assembly and validation of the EVM's also go on election duty as technicians. They have access to troubleshoot/debug the devices. Do you think the EC staff or any other person present there would be technically adept to find the difference if a technician were tampering the device instead of doing a routine verification?
I refer you to procedure here, mock polls are conducted on a machine before and after voting in the presence of all party representatives. This is when rogue machines are found out and make the news

Lets say there are 100 locations up for voting and A and B can win 50 each. A goes and tampers the voting machines in a couple of choice places. There by, A wins 52 vs 48 for B. Did A win and B lose because of tampering? A didn't need to go and tamper voting machines in 100 locations.
Check the winning margins, i do this just for fun. Only one constituency out of 222 springs to mind where the gap was the smallest but still in the many thousands.

With municipal elections the differences can be small. With MLA elections they are bigger and MP's bigger still.

This means municipal elections are the easiest to tamper with, relatively speaking. Issue raised by NCP was in regard to municipal elections and it was found the ECI isn't involved in municipal voting. There is room for conjecture there. But as the margins increase its harder to pull off with bigger elections. The winning margins here are in thousands to many tens of thousands. This means to get that 52-48 you still need to capture booths and many of them
This is an interesting talk about how the south developed faster than the North.

Freight equalisation policy implemented by Nehru in the 50s

The tactics are obvious, fight fire with fire. one chauvinism against another.

Just don't drink too much of the kool aid ;)

The people who wanted a Hindu Rasthra were Savarkars followers. Their big blunder was taking out Gandhi after which everything that could be considered hindu right got thrown into cold storage until the 90s. Meanwhile others took over and built this country to what it is today.

What to make of the commissioners letter ?

None of this would be necessary if the BJP could control its proxies better.

What i find surprising is he doesn't think the rule of law is enough. Being an agent of the state as long as he has he knows all too well how the law works.

Fear is contagious, if one shouts wolf, even if there isn't one you start to see it[DOUBLEPOST=1527849812][/DOUBLEPOST]

This is one counter to the commisioners article

Gorakhpur, Phulpur and now Kairana. Despite EVM glitches the results have been accepted
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A good move if it helps increase confidence. Provide something actionable that can be worked with

Asked to comment on complaints of tampering of EVMs by political parties, the CEC emphatically said "there is absolutely nothing to doubt the integrity of the system".

"Such allegations against EVMs made by political parties are a means of seeking a scapegoat route," he said.

Mr Rawat said in July 2017, the EC had convened an all-party meeting and announced that all future polls would be conducted with VVPAT equipped EVMs.

"Use of these two will be hundred per cent. There is no question of going back to ballot papers," he said.
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