BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

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The addressal for those fears would be to define the NRC process in a more logical way.
NRC has not been defined by the govt yet. Cannot discuss. All we have is statements by the home minister. They will certainly be taking lessons from the pilot study of Assam.

You have to segregate the immigrants in 2 ways- those who were persecuted in the name of religion and those came to india for better prospects i.e economic immigrants.
Religious persecution does not make up part of the statute of CAA. It's only in the preamble. Nobody will be asked to prove religious discrimination.

You define the cutoff criteria as just before the 90s so that the persecuted Bangals are not impacted and boot out the rest irrespective of their religion as per the equal rights of people laid down our constitution.
Cutoff date for CAA is Dec 2014 end. I'm not ware of any cutoff date otherwise for Indian citizenship. It takes 11 odd years to get which CAA reduces by half for those that qualify.

Nobody is going to get booted out as there is no country that will accept them. Which means they will be documented and this means can be tracked. They will get some temporary work permit. This way they will not end up indefinitely in some detention camp. Those camps i think will be for new arrivals who made it across the border and were caught. What it does mean is they cannot vote.

A major reason for some people to object to NRC is they think the point of the exercise of NRC is to disenfranchise people. Take away their right to vote.

Well, i'd say the main object for NRC is to discourage illegal immigration. All of this talk of CAA, NRC etc has caused an increase in people crossing over into Bangladesh.

As for the people who fled they won't have any Indian documentation but if they can prove they have been residing in India before the cutoff of say late 80s/early 90s then give them automatic citizenship. That way you won't have the problem of 17 lakh Hindus being identified as illegals in Assam NRC.
So here's the thing. It's not 17 lakh but 12 lakh hindus out of a total of 19 lakhs, remainder being muslim. They don't qualify under CAA because they came here for economic reasons.

The government can't clarify much further as the headache and expenses with implementing nationwide NRC would be too much. They will need to go through massive expenditure to carry out the process and then they will need to build camps and house the people as well.
Govt HAS to define how they will do NRC. Costs for now are estimated, i'm not even sure of the source of the figures being thrown around by various people. It will cost quite a bit to do it on a nation wide basis and in a coherent way.

Add to that the international backlash that will come from such a move. I think this is a lightning pole like Babri Masjid to divide the people and collect as many votes as possible with "us vs them" tactics..
It's been pointed out to other countries that they too have procedures in place for dealing with illegal immigrants. What makes us unique is how long it took to decide to do it.

A lot of the opposition abroad is due to ignorance. Some of it is motivated. We've managed to delay the resolution about to be passed in the EU parliament. GOI said parties opposed should get in touch and clarify their doubts.
Not that I need to prove my knowledge and anything to Internet forums,I prefer people read on the topic and then engage with discussion.
About my vocabulary,I have scored 8 out of 9 on academic testing.

It’s your lack of knowledge and profound thoughts influenced by ndtv and alike media which makes you believe what media shows you.

Come on the ground and check reality yourself.

Thanks blr_p
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Union finance minister said here on Sunday that as many as 2,838 Pakistanis, 914 Afghans and 172 Bangladeshis had been given citizenship in the past six years.

Reeling out statistics issued by the Union home ministry, the finance minister added that 391 Afghans and 1,595 Pakistanis had been given citizenship in the past two years.

“Obviously, they include Muslims too,” Sitharaman said, while adding that 566 Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh were given citizenship since 2014.

The Citizenship Act of 1955 continues to remain in force and citizenship will continue to be given to people if they fulfill the conditions under the four categories — birth, descendency, registration and naturalization. “Just by bringing in changes and amendments does not make the existing categories go away,” she pointed out.

Important statements by the FM

She said the condition was very pitiable in camps where Sri Lankan Tamils live. “Political parties raising the issue for not granting citizenship (to Sri Lankan Tamils) will not talk about these. No human rights organisation will speak about them.

Since 1964, more than four lakh Sri Lankans have been granted citizenship.

Sri Lankan Tamils living in camps, around 95,000 of them, too will be given citizenship in the coming years,” she said.

I was asked by friends the other day why Sri Lankan Tamils were not included in CAA. The answer as we can see is they don't need it as they have got citizenship through the usual route.

However this does beg the question if Sri Lankan refugees could get citizenship through the normal route then what was the need to amend the citizenship Act for those coming from muslim countries ? Why the need for CAA ?

Why was citizenship withheld from these people for so long if Sri Lankan refugees could get it.

Could have saved a lot of unnecessary hassle. There is something fundamental here that i do not get about Indian citizenship.

This is another problem with this CAA topic !!

Indians might be familiar with how to get citizenship of other countries but 99.99% are ignorant on how to get Indian citizenship :)
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I think this is a lightning pole like Babri Masjid to divide the people and collect as many votes as possible with "us vs them" tactics.

Babri Masjid issue went unresolved for so long because of the poor handling by the Congress [probably intentionally] letting the issue simmer. All it did was become the key rallying point for the sangh.

Why is nobody here answering the question ?

Is lack of answers proof of no evidence :)

Votebank appeasement and pandering to minorities isn't divide and rule. Just coz someone came up with the tukde tukde slogan doesn't make Congress policy divide and rule. That said I don't think sangh policy is divide and rule either. It is just attempting to reverse the damage Ambedkar and the despicable concept of secularism did to the Hindu rashtra and bring back the glory days of the caste system.
Votebank appeasement and pandering to minorities isn't divide and rule. Just coz someone came up with the tukde tukde slogan doesn't make Congress policy divide and rule. That said I don't think sangh policy is divide and rule either. It is just attempting to reverse the damage Ambedkar and the despicable concept of secularism did to the Hindu rashtra and bring back the glory days of the caste system.
Can you expand on the underlined bit ?
You don't understand sarcasm do you?
I didn't see any in his post ?

This just in..

"India is not a Hindu nation, it's a secular state. Some people are trying to write history of the country through the ink of hatred. But we have scripted our history through the ink of love and affection," the Union minister said.
He was pointing out that the rss/bjp intends to undo the secular foundations of the country as well as bring back the caste system. He just wrote it in a sarcastic way.
Right, so i was curious as to how they are going to go about doing this since i've not seen any evidence of it since 2014

Course the usual reply to this query is there is no deadline. Whether it takes 10 years or a hundred.

Which makes the whole assertion or aspiration rather meaningless in the forseeable future.

But detractors & fanboys won't be told and both reinforce the others narrative...
Post automatically merged:

Could you elaborate on what you are confused about?
Bringing back the caste system ?

..from what i've heard they want to make it irrelevant, not bring it back
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Babri Masjid issue went unresolved for so long because of the poor handling by the Congress [probably intentionally] letting the issue simmer. All it did was become the key rallying point for the sangh.

Votebank appeasement and pandering to minorities isn't divide and rule. Just coz someone came up with the tukde tukde slogan doesn't make Congress policy divide and rule. That said I don't think sangh policy is divide and rule either. It is just attempting to reverse the damage Ambedkar and the despicable concept of secularism did to the Hindu rashtra and bring back the glory days of the caste system.

Wow. I was trying hard not to engage with trolls and derail my weekend as you can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

But LOL mate look at who liked your post.:P
This article captures the current strategy correctly. Be very scared & ready to fight.

This article captures the current strategy correctly. Be very scared & ready to fight.

In common man's language, he explains the strategy:
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..from what i've heard they want to make it irrelevant, not bring it back
Th evidence shows it's the other way around.
attacks and harassment of dalits has increased a lot. (not a single so called gau rakshak is in jail).
Also, who killed Pehlu Khan?
Th evidence shows it's the other way around.
attacks and harassment of dalits has increased a lot. (not a single so called gau rakshak is in jail).
When you say evidence i mean a policy of systematic discrimination. There is none. Cases pointed out are isolated ie anecdotal. Meaning they would happen regardless of who is in office.

This Dalit thing is being pushed by the opposition because since 2014 there hasn't been a single incident of major communal violence that can be attributed to the BJP. Both parties court Dalits because they want their vote. Each accuses the other.

As for apprehending culprits of political violence, i find the trend is regardless of the party they rarely ever see time. A culture of Impunity exists. Past & present. Here the evidence is overwhelming. A deficit of justice delivered. Hot topic.

Also, who killed Pehlu Khan?
Mistaken identity. Unfortunate.

Ever hear of the these lynchings in the south ? never happens. Which means its a northern thing. Always point this out to people when they bring up the subject of lynchings 'in India'. It isn't pan India by any stretch.

And the reason for that is a beef industry that causes other issues. Cattle rustling. Authorities don't do anything because they're paid off or doing anything aggravates the situation because now the state gets targeted as being anti-people. Leading to vigilante justice. That is the basis for these lynchings.

Losing a cow for a villager is like a middle class family losing their car with no insurance.
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Th evidence shows it's the other way around.
attacks and harassment of dalits has increased a lot. (not a single so called gau rakshak is in jail).
Also, who killed Pehlu Khan?
Who killed a pro-NRC/CAA protester in Jharkhand? (
Who killed a 15 year old Dalit boy in MP? ( )
Who killed 3 Sadhus in Auraiya, for being cow protectors? (
Who killed Naresh Saini in Haryana? (

There are enough cow smugglers out there - please realise, this is a major issue in rural India. And they can be violent and

Point is - there are enough issues out there to resolve, please don't rely on some one-sided reports on NDTV and their ilk.
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Point is - there are enough issues out there to resolve, please don't rely on some one-sided reports on NDTV and their ilk.
OK, I will only watch republic tv from now on for the truth.:tearsofjoy:
Twitter and some right wing conspiracy site are obviously much more reliable for news right?
The truth is that you claim bias when you yourself are exhibiting it. I don't have a tv so i don't watch ndtv. But clearly i am brainwashed by the "terrrorists media organisations".
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