Black holes

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well said, yours looks much better ,,, it died and became a machine ? or its an AI droid that just got possessed by evil spirits ? or you where just making x ray for your skull after you crashed with your bike ??

It's a inverted image of a T1000
#[member='id1x'] if you are not a religious sort, mind explaining your dp.

so that what dp means , well am a gamer also that is about all i do with the pc . am playing skyrim for 3 months now lots of

buggy quests . i was playing bf2 also for 1000s of hours before i was playing emperor battle of dune online that dp

is house Harkonnen

i played this since 2004 maybe until 2008 ..

my story is long with that country my mother left hama just before this happen


actually his father did the same thing here literally . but the world was busy with Israel wars and there wasnt cnn and reporters

and so but my mum barley barley made it lots of others didnt . after that she got married to my dad in the capital Damascus

and he went to war with Israel as medic where the Syrian army faced a strong defeat he came back marching on his feet

when the regime somehow declared its a victory and still celebrate the event despite of large Territory taken .

things went bad between my mum and dad , dunno why i guess he was having too much pressure at work from this regime

it ended by him leaving the house when i was 10 ..

my mum then decided to follow her 2 sisters living and married in Egypt Cairo .

so we left there and came to Cairo my 2 sisters got married and doing better than i am , life sucked here for me so

bad as you saw haw Egypt was during the past 15 years .

am 40 now i graduated from collage at 24 to the society the way its revealed today there actually little chance for me

but now after i saw what is going on in Syria i dont regret coming here . at least these is no war .

i cant leave my mum anyway she 80 and supposed to look after her ..

i saw what i saw on the media it was when they started to show those children's being cut off to half's with knifes

i came to a point when i decided its ok ,, i will either block this media at all or go there and live my reality .

so i blacked out the media all together i dont watch news at all unless sometimes to see what is the situation

around me in Cairo .. their revolution succeeds but they are fighting and going nuts all the time as usual

maybe electing a new president will make things better ..

also am alone no work or wife , the world lies around me as i grow nearer to death . maybe you see now why

am looking for god .. lots of fake and emptiness in my life .

maybe god is just another fantasy of that great genius called human being .

but anyway the society here is going near to make an Islamic stat , i dont hate them personally .

i dont drink or mix with girls and all the other things that freaks them out . lol

i like it when Islam talk haw to maintain and look ofter the human buddy and its respect tp horror human buddy even

in wars and i like haw it say to keep out of sin and crime and do some spiritual pray then god will love you

i dont have any problems with that .

but no am not really into the super natural . i just dont buy it ..

i use to dope in my youth i liked spiritual material like watching the pharaohs and their gods and listening to doors

janis joplin/bob Marley ex .. getting high made me experience or undergo some psychological/physical changes but it

there was lots of negative effects along and was repetitive .

dunno maybe you see haw i think more now .
are you a small child?

don't you know the difference between ghosts and demons?

ghosts are souls of humans which do not cross over to heaven or hell. they can be good or bad depending on their nature.

demons on the other hand are the opposite of supernatural beings like god. demons are opposite of god. if god uses his power to do good, demon uses his power to do bad.

They do have one similarity. Both are mythical.

Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk

all words in old verses can be manipulated to fit what we know now

This statement basically sums up the entire thread and every such to be made in the future.

If you have already convinced your mind, then your eyes will only see what your mind wants to.

Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk
ok you guys win ,, haw about satanism ??? or is it just straight science ? i so ignorant anyway science is harder for\

me to understand even than ghosts hehe..
if you believe in good then theres evil also , if you dont believe in god then theres no satan

you like it shiny ?

ok here is an easier one :

the iron verses

We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

he sent down the iron , that means the iron came down from space dint it ?

Iron's very common presence in rocky planets like Earth is due to its abundant production as a result of fusion in high-mass stars, where the production of nickel-56 (which decays to the most common isotope of iron) is the last nuclear fusion reaction that is exothermic. This causes radioactive nickel to become the last element to be produced before collapse of a supernova leads to the explosive events that scatter this precursor radionuclide of iron abundantly into space.

google iron is not from planet earth and tell me haw he learned that in that dark cave again or why i am trying to be Zakir Naik.

i just read this verses today
I believe in science, not some vague mumbo-jumbo which can be twisted and fitted to anything. For all I know, above verses can be about plane crash, assassination, satellite launch or even duel between Sauron/Gandalf or Dumbledore/Grindelwald.

all respect to your believes , but if you have doubts that this book existed the same way it is now since 1433 years ago

i would beg you to better axe some buddy .

We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
OMG, I was just going over the thread, whole 5 pages.

#[member='id1x']: Salute to you bro, as u stand upon ur words till the last post.

Look, if you believe then everything is possible, else all is just made up.

I just consider a world as a rare planet on which life sustains, and the humans which evolved overtakes everyone in their understanding.

We just have a very short life span, in which we live, breathe, eat, sleep, think, imagine, understand, believe n die.

So in that small lifespan, we hardly see any major changes in world or our solar system.

Let me give u a little explanation, place a box full of food in a room.

What you think will happen, food will rot but before it rots, life will come out of it.

Insects, bacteria, worms will come eat, live and die.

Same just happens if we(human) are raised in a above circumstances.

But its a different story, human use their 2000 years expertise and experience to live and learn and then die on Earth.

So we intellectuals, got the time to THINK. We begin to argue every thing that happen around us. We even interfere in all life cycles going along.

We change all the natural cycle which was going fine without us.

Nice effort for the links which u have provided, but if you explore more then u will get more information saying Sun will get close to earth during judgement day. (Dont open endless debate over the same)

Thats gonna happen after 5 billion years according to Science considering the mass of Sun, no supernova. It will convert to Red Giant.

So its all just our belief & nothing else.
from what i learned about my self , i am what they call a hypersensitive person .

yes i am 40 years old but i just started studying quran a short while ago .

yes the society i live in is Muslim so i was ok just going with it without thinking .

i still dont know what is faith or what is my real believes are . i have lots of turns in my personality .

from day to night . am not an intellectual , but as i am reading its the first time for me to see this

like all the guys here . i didnt come here to spread the word of religion in a tech board .

am very low ranked as Muslim and i dont even know if god except me or not .

i dont even do my prairies in the right way .

actually those are Mohamed words as he defended them his self through me , i believe i am a trans medium.

i have had many negative trans before and i have had contracted things . but now am trying to praise my gift to god .

i came to discuss with people that i know they have a scientific thinking .

am in struggle of getting older /having hard life/living in a war country .

just this morning i was going crazy and i decided to stop praying and reading quran but when night

came i went back to praying . am really suffering physically emotionally and spiritually .

i thank you , you are one of the few people i came to meet here ,

its good where you have reach with your intellect i am already staggering and will make a draw back.

my mind is at a lock up point . but before i go i want to pray for you with this verses i think god loves

you and you are one of those he mentioned in this verses :

He sends down from the sky, rain, and valleys flow according to their capacity, and the torrent carries a rising foam. And from that [ore] which they heat in the fire, desiring adornments and utensils, is a foam like it. Thus Allah presents [the example of] truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off; but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present examples.

you cant believe haw hard to me to study this book , some guys here think am out preaching

fact it is driving me mad haw it was made , the prophet died without even putting it together .

some of his friends had some papers made of palm trees papers some others where just

memorized by them . he didnt even tell them to make it a book while in lots of parts of the book

its clear haw god describe it as one book and that he is responsible for its unity .

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.

Qaf. By the honored Qur'an...

Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant."

Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Lord - to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy -

countless verses tells that those verses that where passed to mohamed are a book yet he did not

put them together even that he had all the manners and fortunes to do so neither that he orders

his companions to do so . his last words where ,,, my friends gather around me . pointing at

the sky he told ,,, haven't i reported ? they said yes he repeated them 3 times havent i reported ?

they said yes . he said then god be my witness . then he passed away .

the book then manifested it self , amazing haw the book had integrated it self to one book

unchanged just by inspiring those men to gather the papers and pieces and from the memory of

the readers , it went to its complete form .

i remember haw admin told me not to spam the verses on this thread , but it was necessary

to express what i wanted to say . anyway it has been very useful to discuss this with you guys

everyone said what he think and feel and that is what i needed . good luck to you all who participated

i dont want life to end just because the sun will die some day . or turn to an orange .

maybe at that time we will make planetary space ships and travel through space to another solar system


Girl ya gotta love your man

Girl ya gotta love your man

Take him by the hand

Make him understand

The world on you depends

Our life will never end

Gotta love your man, yeah

^ yep, it's not from earth. But deposited as a result of supernova
. Not only iron, but all d and f block elements heavier than iron were deposited as a result of supernova.
All the elements in the universe have come from an exploding star(a supernova). The elements in our body have come from an exploding star.

Any idiot who scrolls through the wiki pages of cosmology will soon realize that humankind's concept of religion and god is a f'in myth. Earth, our solar system and the milky way galaxy is 0.000{...nth}0001% of the never ending mass of the universe.

Although, I have to agree that some parts of religious texts are mild based on empirical data. Eg: The vedic literature describes that the universe as a never ending cycle of birth, death and rebirth. It's a crazy concept but its actually true and the scientific community attests to this theory.

I'll show you something that'll blow you away.

This is the life period of our star(sun) according to the scientific community


Life on earth will start dying between 8-9 billion

And below is vedic mathematics of time

10 blinks of the eye = 1 Kashtha

35 Kashthas = 1 Kala

20 Kalas = 1 Muhurtta

30 Muhurttas = 1 day (24 hours)

30 days = 1 month

6 months = 1 Ayana

2 Ayanas = 1 year

432000 years = Period of 4th yuga: kali (10%)

864000 years = Period of 3rd yuga: dwapara (20%)

1296000 years = Period of 2nd yuga: treta (30%)

1728000 years = Period of 1st yuga: satya (40%)

All 4 yugas = 4320000 years (4.32 million years)

4320000 years = 1 Mahayuga

71 Mahayuga's = 1 Manu rule

14 Manu rule = 1 Kalpa (4.32 billion years)

1 kalpa = 1 daylight in the life of a brahma

1 daylight in the life of a brahma - 4.32 billion years

1 night in the life of a brahma = 4.32 billion years

1 daylight + night = 8.64 billion years

Compare life span of our sun with vedic maths. That's the closest figure ever. It leads one to wonder what kind of empirical studies the old baba's in vedic periods were conducting. ***Groovy***
Any idiot who scrolls through the wiki pages of cosmology will soon realize that humankind's concept of religion and god is a f'in myth. Earth, our solar system and the milky way galaxy is 0.000{...nth}0001% of the never ending mass of the universe.

Compare life span of our sun with vedic maths. That's the closest figure ever. It leads one to wonder what kind of empirical studies the old baba's in vedic periods were conducting. ***Groovy***

am a man who dose not have faith or intellect . on the other hand you sound like an intellectual . but as i see you ask a question that

shows that you know that you dont know everything . its a hard thing to say (my whole galaxy is smaller than a small dot in this universe but i know everything ) i did that once then i suffered a lot .

yet at the first quote you answered your question by (yes i know everything ) .

well let me tell you something , those religion survived longer than your 100 years civilization that is on the verge of destruction , haunted by wars

corruption and sin .

for 1000s of years those religion stood the way they are now , where

other superior civilizations and systems disappeared in thin air .

Jesus where tortured like a criminal and Moses was an orphan thrown in the sea as a baby, chased down

by the pharaohs god him self , and Mohammad is just a sheep Shepard badwan who cant read or wright .

but have beaten the Persian and roman empires and went to middle of

Europe .

where no other regime or empire or anything else has survived those prophets Jesus,Mohamed,and Moses are ruling the earth .

its not ruled by your fade edge science

you dont think there is a 0.000001% a chance they where trans mediums

to a mighty spiritual being ?

you think its easy for me to believe in jinn and demons and my resurrection ?

you want me to believe in your world while my world is burning with your

civilization fire for 60 years now ?

you think its all a fin myth ? lol usa eroupe are followers of Jesus

isreal are based on Moses legends ?

and 2 billion Muslims around the world are just wondering zombies ?

you need lots of empirical tests to realize that the concept of god on this earth is much much stronger than your existence on this earth as a concept?

where is your science now when its all going to burn in the battle between

Satan and god ? your failed capitalism has failed to save humans on this planet and

only used them as you see now in the united nations security council its a real comedy play lol

capitalism as a concept lol can vanish in a flick of the eye faster than nazy and Communists

you think any teen ager that played elder scroll can tell that god is just

a video game character in skyrim ??

yes i am scared and i dunno where to go or who to talk to or what to say

am stupid and my religion is so complicated and its making me crazy .

but with all what i have i think your
brain is in great great danger
you just trapped in your own

illusion as the rest of us . and its not doing so well as i see it .

btw what is that child in your dp ? why she is beaten up like this ?

really scarey pic if you ask me .

life with all its atoms is pushing me voluntarily toward god maybe am hallucinating again but am not

your idiot . make no mistake about it .
Put simply: This thread needs to be shut down.

I don't think TE has ever associated itself with any religious thoughts, sects, cults, or people.

Religion is a personal opinion, a belief to be maintained within and not splashed all over a board discussing technology.

Any one man's personal life and past are irrelevant here. Keep it to yourself. Move on. Life will deal us shitty cards at one point or another.

I am sure there are other boards that discuss religion and deal extensively in verses from all the religious texts. Just don't do that here. Let's stick to tech, gadgets, gaming and science.
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