Black holes

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Well, black hole is a pretty interesting subject to do research on.

But sadly, most of what is available on the net today are just assumptions and possiblities. You need to have a nice visualisation to be able to research on this subject.

If you are interested,

finally, Large Hadron Collider(located in Geneva, Switzerland) was successfully used to create a black but for very very small time!
Large Hadron Collider(located in Geneva, Switzerland) was successfully used to create a black but for very very small time!


BTW you can create something like that for a specific time frame. Although due to Hawking radiation, a black hole could be a net loser of mass and thus shrink over a period of time. The time such a black hole would exist is directly proportional to its size.
Well, black hole is a pretty interesting subject to do research on.

But sadly, most of what is available on the net today are just assumptions and possiblities. You need to have a nice visualisation to be able to research on this subject.

If you are interested,

finally, Large Hadron Collider(located in Geneva, Switzerland) was successfully used to create a black but for very very small time!

Are you crazy?! Black Hole on earth, you do know black holes don't die right?

They absorb or are absorbed.

And you can't see a black hole either BTW. Keyword is BLACK

Depending on the Star's mass, the result might be a supernova or could just be a red dwarf. Supernova do not necessarily result in a black hole.

Besides that, the highest concentration of black holes is at the centre of the galaxy, where presumably there is a the big daddy of all black hole sucking everything else.

Also IIRC dark matter (the matter which we cannot see) actually accounts for 75%-80% mass of the galaxy.
Are you crazy?! Black Hole on earth, you do know black holes don't die right?

They absorb or are absorbed.

And you can't see a black hole either BTW. Keyword is BLACK

Depending on the Star's mass, the result might be a supernova or could just be a red dwarf. Supernova do not necessarily result in a black hole.

Besides that, the highest concentration of black holes is at the centre of the galaxy, where presumably there is a the big daddy of all black hole sucking everything else.

Also IIRC dark matter (the matter which we cannot see) actually accounts for 75%-80% mass of the galaxy.

Black holes dont necessarily form as a result of gravitational collapse. High energy collisions like the one's in a particle accelerator can also lead to the formation of a black hole.

There are several types of supernova's. Its believed that there is a supermassive balck hole at the center of each galaxy (not multiple; and no the highest concentration of black holes is not at the center of galaxies).

It says there is a possibility of Black Holes being formed, but none have been encountered till date.

Yes there is a possibility, it hasnt occured yet.
Black holes dont necessarily form as a result of gravitational collapse. High energy collisions like the one's in a particle accelerator can also lead to the formation of a black hole.

There are several types of supernova's. Its believed that there is a supermassive balck hole at the center of each galaxy (not multiple; and no the highest concentration of black holes is not at the center of galaxies).

Yes there is a possibility, it hasnt occurred yet.

ok basically these kinds of replys is why i came here to hear . i want asking if the verses is right or not i thought adding it would make

the discussion more exiting

anyway i posted this on other forums and they where very strict with me . this community is positive .
You should read up on ghosts. Don't believe in science, it can't explain many unexplained phenomena. Ask your aunt or someone, they will explain it to you better.


It busts the myth that man made black hole can destroy the earth!


Ha! Can't even laugh on that! Idk what personal grudge you have against me, but please don't try to be oversmart here! Nobody mentioned about ghosts here, did they? Come on man we don't come here to argue, do we?

Lets keep the discussion healthy and yes I took it on the personal level.

I hope everything is alright between us.


What do you guys think about the possiblity that we ourselves are situated inside a black hole.

This is one of the predicted theory and there is no proof for it till now
i want asking if the verses is right or not i thought adding it would make the discussion more exiting.

Sire why don't you learn basic English, this translator is leaving your replies very muddled and grammatically incorrect.

As for your query regarding verses, no the verse is not correct atleast from my point of view primarily because of the following reason --
  • It is a religious text with a very vague outline, just connecting it to black-holes borders on scientific anathema.
  • Their is no illustration describing this so called Black Hole, I understand according to religion it is considered incorrect to put down illustrations pertaining to nature OR self-portraits in Islam but again because of vague parallels in description one cannot say that the Qur'an is referring exclusively to Black Holes. \
  • Science was not developed enough in those days but thesis have been put down by various philosophers, laureates , early scientists pertaining to their belief on certain issues, fortunately OR unfortunately most were baseless and have been since laid to rest. A few were found to be promising and till date have withstood the vagaries and fickle nature of the Sciences. E.g. --
  1. Plastic surgery was practised since the second half of 4th Century B.C. in India -->
  2. Invention of the Zero and the Indo-Arabic numeric system, a great leap over the Roman numeric system -->

I understand that both the examples I have given are of Indian origin but if you search for similar traces in your history you will find a lot of people who have been mocked for their belief OR outright denounced as heretics [this happened everywhere in the world at some point in time]. So do a bit of research before giving into such vague connections of Science <--> Religion.

anyway i posted this on other forums and they where very strict with me. this community is positive.

Glad to know, hope you enjoy your time on TE.

This is strictly my point of view, so anybody offended OR with diverging thoughts... Peace. Hope I haven't hurt religious sentiments OR Patriotic fervour, I am an Indian, proud one at that.


Abhay Masand -->ALPHA17
You should read up on ghosts. Don't believe in science, it can't explain many unexplained phenomena. Ask your aunt or someone, they will explain it to you better.

i dont see the need to be rude here , as you surely dont sound funny . read about ghosts ? you mean demonology ?

so do you know they dont exist ? 100 years ago they didnt know why a person is sick because they could not

see the virus . dose that means it dosnt exist ? and would you argue with a scientists at that time that there is

a totally different alien being in the buddy called the virus then he would say to you go ask your mother because

we cant see it ?

am not a religious person if you are a scientist . i will not speak in the name of religious as you please dont

speak in the name of science if you are some drunken 17 yo boy who think religion will stop him from meeting his girl friend .

you need to know about religious to speak its name or attack it and you need to be a Secular to speak the

name of science am not a religious person no and i dont believe in ghosts but at contrary of you

i cant claim that i know what i dont know . so am open minded .

at the other hand i dont see you talk like a Secular , but you talk common with aggression to what you dont like

so ill just skip talking to you . believe me religious people and scientist knows very little about this universe

that is why the world sucks as it is . and people like you knows nothing but Mocking others more powerful than him .

you are smarter than 2 billions Muslim world wide ? and the rest are Christians or Jews ? 90% of world population

knows nothing about your science and they believe in ghosts you got a lots of angry aunts here to deal with

including yours , try to go more to church on Sundays as long as your not doing so well with your homework

_Abhay Masand am not using translator , just spelling corrector and sometimes i chose the wrong word

like typos . i hop you like my basic English .
# id1x

I don't have any problem with your basic english, as long as you make me understand what you wanna say.

BTW did you come across any other info on black holes?

Because I'm not able to.
read about ghosts ? you mean demonology ?

are you a small child?

don't you know the difference between ghosts and demons?

ghosts are souls of humans which do not cross over to heaven or hell. they can be good or bad depending on their nature.

demons on the other hand are the opposite of supernatural beings like god. demons are opposite of god. if god uses his power to do good, demon uses his power to do bad.
are you a small child?

don't you know the difference between ghosts and demons?

ghosts are souls of humans which do not cross over to heaven or hell. they can be good or bad depending on their nature.

demons on the other hand are the opposite of supernatural beings like god. demons are opposite of god. if god uses his power to do good, demon uses his power to do bad.

good i respect what anyone believe in the other side that is his own opinion as long as there is no material prof

but all those : ghosts demons devils angels are the spiritual round are under one science . referred to by demonology, which study spiritual beings and the paranormal of the supernatural not only demons as long as you dont follow a religion and use the ghosts monitoring tools like dvp sounds or cameras . those things can be good or evil

or neutral no matter what they are . meaning there would be a demon that wont cause much damage while a ghost

would tend to attack .. in islam there is a different theory :

1_ animals and organic beings , we are the only one of them responsible against god

2_ angles exist near god thrown and pray for him and dose not act on their own if they wasnt commanded directly by god and they do as they told and they are immortal .

3_ the jinn who god made them of special kind of fire , like us there is good ones and bad ones and they die .

except Satan who is not an angle as it claims but a jinn but he is immortal because god gave him that power , the jinn are responsible for all the known or unknown paranormal activity ,

bad or evil jinn are called demons or devils like we can bad guys in human criminals.

evil makes them bigger and stronger that is why they are tempted with and that is why satan

is strongest one of them like money tempt us to be criminals they are tempted on feeding on

negative energy so then they become demons like feeding on stolen money end up with a crime

4_human souls stay in their grave until resurrection day when they either go to heaven or hell and they dont wounder around between anything . but jinn sometimes use their image to trick humans.

actually they use all kinds of things like animal shape or scarey figure or even temptations and art

like the spirit of music Jim Morrison have experienced

these are all kinds of god creation that we are informed about plus plants

about black holes i know from long time ago they result from star explosion i dont need to research them

i watched lots of programs on them ,, if there is more complicated theory like Trade Inspector say such as

Black holes dont necessarily form as a result of gravitational collapse. High energy collisions like the one's in a particle accelerator can also lead to the formation of a black hole.

There are several types of supernova's. Its believed that there is a supermassive balck hole at the center of each galaxy (not multiple; and no the highest concentration of black holes is not at the center of galaxies).

then am not so able to research that deep . but i can read it but mostly i wont understand
and your avatar might be what start with dig and rhymes with to bury a pig ..

i hop its just a demonic pic and dose not reflect haw you really look inside so am not expecting much light

from there
well said, yours looks much better ,,, it died and became a machine ? or its an AI droid that just got possessed by evil spirits ? or you where just making x ray for your skull after you crashed with your bike ??
take a look at my galaxy :

homs/syria 20/4/2012

You stay in Hom, Syria. Is it safe there now OR is the autocratic junta still cracking down on your freedom?

Please no comments about what my dp, looks like. I know it is a wolf and no I do not have any pet wolves, it is from a game. Cheerio!!
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