Black holes

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Shut the thread up. ASAP. Mega crap.

OT Spread your word of what ever it is, in facebook. That is a much better place for trolling as we found out, to our benefit
shows that you know that you dont know everything.

I don't know what this statement means.

its a hard thing to say (my whole galaxy is smaller than a small dot in this universe but i know everything ) i did that once then i suffered a lot .

That is sad to hear. Please tell me how you suffered a lot.

yet at the first quote you answered your question by (yes i know everything ) .

Please tell me where i said "yes i know everything".

well let me tell you something , those religion survived longer than your 100 years civilization that is on the verge of destruction , haunted by wars corruption and sin .

In the old days, men welded power through religion. That's slowly changing. Nerds are building rockets and sending into the sky which are beaming back data of the cosmos. My beliefs have options now. I'd rather believe those nerds who send machines to peek into the universe than a self-proclaimed messenger of god who sits on earth and writes imagined theories of creation and the universe.

for 1000s of years those religion stood the way they are now , where other superior civilizations and systems disappeared in thin air .

The new civilisations are more real and stronger than ever. There was a time when the vatican persecuted nerds who claimed that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way around. Where is the vatican now? Do they still defend their biblical theories. NO. They accepted the scientific theories and moved on.

Jesus where tortured like a criminal and Moses was an orphan thrown in the sea as a baby, chased down

by the pharaohs god him self , and Mohammad is just a sheep Shepard badwan who cant read or wright .

Oh please spare me your theories.

Jesus was nothing but a tantric baba who roamed around the cities performing magic tricks. So was moses. Mohammad was a war lord with power who spread his theories with his sword. Power is everything.

id1x' timestamp='1335215052' post='1745118 said:
you dont think there is a 0.000001% a chance they where trans mediums to a mighty spiritual being ?

At the most, I believe in "energy" which defies laws of physics and chemistry. This is a whole another branch of science that still remains largely undiscovered.

id1x' timestamp='1335215052' post='1745118 said:
you want me to believe in your world while my world is burning with your civilization fire for 60 years now ?

Change is good

id1x' timestamp='1335215052' post='1745118 said:
where is your science now when its all going to burn in the battle between Satan and god ?

You are not so open to ideas as you say you are. If you have decided to give your complete alliegence to religion then why are you even arguing.

id1x' timestamp='1335215052' post='1745118 said:
yes i am scared and i dunno where to go or who to talk to or what to say am stupid and my religion is so complicated and its making me crazy .

Actually, you don't know what you're talking about. In the absence of concrete answers, you feel it is right to take solace in the religious teaching of jesus, micky mouse or mohammed. That's absurd.

Lot of people in the world like you who think that the universe is so complex that something magical must be involved.

Humans have actually recreated the magic of the universe here on earth. It's called a fission(atom) bomb. It's the same thing that happens in a star(sun). We studied it and found a way to release a$$ loads of energy by fusing atoms together. Call it gods work if you think fusing atoms is too comples.
maybe am hallucinating again but am not your idiot . make no mistake about it .

Or maybe you are really hallucinating when you say that..

Ok, let me ask you a question..

Lets say someone very dear to you has met with an accident and lying on the road on the verge of death. What would you choose?

1. Take him/her to the hospital to be treated immediately.

2. Take him/her to the hospital to be treated and then pray to god.

3. Take him/her to the hospital while praying all the time.

4. Take him/her home with the faith that god will take care.

If you choose

1. You believe in science alone.

2. You believe in science first and foremost, but doesn't hurt to pray in case god does exist.

3. You believe in both science and god, but don't believe god to be capable of saving anyone on his own.

4. You are just a dumb follower without any real understanding or faith in god or science.

Religion and faith are not one and same. In practicality most people who claim to have faith in god are merely religious, their faith is blind and untrue. They are the people who see science as a competition to religion. There are only a few people who have real faith in god and they see science as a tool rather than as a competitor and embrace it.

Lastly, Think of God as a concept, not an entity. That is how I see it myself.

If you believe god to be an entity, something that you can never concretely prove the existence of, your faith is reduced to a mere religion. You would end up with misconceptions like God favors certain people, God protects the people that he loves or punish the ones that he doesn't, God will save a person just because someone prayed for his life. God will give everything to those that believe in him etc...etc.. You end up reducing a being that is supposed to be all powerful and bring him down to the level of a man with the same weaknesses.

If you believe god to be a concept, your faith is in the concept of the existence of something powerful, but not necessarily an entity. How was the universe created? you can say that God created it. God may be an entity or just a big bang for all you know, but you just attributed it to a concept of some thing powerful being the reason for the creation of the universe, which is acceptable. However unlike religious people, you won't have to believe that the big bang will save a dying person without a doctors help (or even when doctors can't help) or that it will help you with a exam even when haven't studied for it or that it like certain people and doesn't like others.
And there are people who follow religion out of fear. They fear that they will be punished after they die. Such people are not true to religion or their own self.
well there is things to reply , but i will come to the opinion of the majority and close this thread as a sign of good intention .

if someone needs anything pm me .

as the forum dose not allow user to close threads i may request a lock up .
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