Blackberry Mobile Phone Thread

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I got a Bold 9780 and a galaxy S2 some time back. I was really regretting the BB purchase at that time.
But now, after a month or hooked on to my BB more than the droid. :ohyeah:

I searched the forum for many queries but noticed that BB is hardly discussed on this forum and when it does come up ..its bashed! :P

Just noticed that we have a WP7, iOS, Android, Symbian i though of creating this too.
I know that we dont have many BB users on TE but with the launch of 9900 i wish that changes.

Please post Tips and Tricks, queries about OS and H/W..etc

Let me start. :D

• Name: Decibel meter.
• Description/purpose: Displays your signal strength in decibels, instead of bars.
• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "N", "M", "L", "L" (repeat to reverse the effect).
• Name: Address Book file verification.
• Description/purpose: Checks the data in your Address Book for inconsistencies.
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "V", "A", "L", "D".
• Name: Address Book data structure rebuild.
• Description/purpose: Forces a data structure re-build in the Address Book...
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "L", "D".
• Name: View source code.
• Description/purpose: Displays the source code of a Web page.
• Process: In the Browser, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "V", "S".
• Name: Help Me! menu.
• Description/purpose: Provides crucial technical information about your device, for when seeking technical support or help in forums...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and (left) "shift", then press "H".
• Name: IMEI display.
• Description/purpose: Displays your device's international mobile equipment identity (IMEI - your serial number) on-screen... Also works from all other GSM handsets.
• Process: Type "*", "#", "0", "6", "#" on the Home screen.
• Name: "Soft" reset.
• Description/purpose: Performs a "soft" reset of your device; the equivalent of doing a "battery pull" (ie. Removing the battery for a few seconds).
• Process: Press-and-hold "Alt", then press-and-hold (left) "shift", then press-and-hold "Del".
• Name: Event Log.
• Purpose: Displays event logs of all the system-level events that occur on your device...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "L", "G", "L", "G".

You can obtain various types of information by entering smart code on your device. From your BlackBerry device go into messages and compose a new email, then enter one of the following smart codes in the text feild and press space.

Smart Codes:

Code: myver
Information Returned: Displays your devices model number and software version.

Code: LD
Information Returned: Displays the local date

Code: LT
Information Returned: Displays the local time

Code: mysig
Information Returned: Displays the information you entered in the BlackBerry Options > Owner screen

Code: mypin
Information Returned: Displays your devices PIN
If you guys know more, keep 'em coming.

This thread is also for upcoming devices.

Starting off with the new BOLD.
The device is a beauty. The old big 9000 like body is back!
With a 1.2ghz processor and a upgraded GPU. its pretty fast.
Saw the Hands on video on youtube and the liquid processing was amazing!

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It was long overdue for a Blackberry Thread. Congratulations on starting it. I have used BB last year (9000 and 9700) and you are right. It is addicting. I just love the Bold series. Will definitely contribute with any news or tips.
Some interesting news and videos of Blackberry:

I am falling in love with this phone by each minute. Just impressive specs and shows us why Blackberry is considered an excellent business phone. Very fast and smooth ui, excellent design and also slimmer/more boxier than the Bold 9000.
BlackBerry Bold 9900 in 10 Minutes - YouTube

Blackberry Bold Touch 9900 launched in India. Really worth a look as this Bold is the best yet with touch and keypad plus excellent OS. Look at the video above
BlackBerry Bold 9900 launched in India -

Here is the review of BB Bold 9900
BlackBerry Bold 9900, reviews from around the web - Tech Talk - CBS News
Uncertainty plagues RIM in India -

Now I honestly thought that Playbook would actually make a difference in tablet market. But I guess Ipad is dominating, while Android is quickly catching up and RIM is strugling to catch up. Are they too late to the party?
Times Wire Service - Sprint scraps BlackBerry PlayBook 4G due to market failure
I am also addicted to BB. We had TE BB Group on BBM. I will create the new group and post the barcode. :)

I am mostly into Hybrid OS. Love to try different hybrids.

Anyone looking for good and stable hybrids head over to Driphter and bzone. :)
cisco_tech said:
I am also addicted to BB. We had TE BB Group on BBM. I will create the new group and post the barcode. :)

I am mostly into Hybrid OS. Love to try different hybrids.

Anyone looking for good and stable hybrids head over to Driphter and bzone. :)

Ya, do create the will be nice to chat with TE buddies on bbm :P

and please, more info on the hybrid OS.

This page is also for your homescreen shots :)
cisco_tech said:
Anyone looking for good and stable hybrids head over to Driphter and bzone. :)

I am interested in hybrid OS too... please provide more info if u can... Will visit the sites for sure though...
Hybrid OS is a mixture of the different oses that comnbined into 1 superfast OS. well not always superfast or bugfree. but Hybrid builder always try to get the best mixture from leaked and officials os. Genreally if you intsall reputed Hybrid Builder's OS you will get 95% bug free and smooth OS. and also a great battery life.

I have never used Official OS from BB. For me Hybrid always works best. :)

Here is the Bracode to Join the Group.

Can you please pm me the links for downloading the hybrid OS from reputed bulders would love to give it a try...
cisco_tech said:
Hybrid OS is a mixture of the different oses that comnbined into 1 superfast OS. well not always superfast or bugfree. but Hybrid builder always try to get the best mixture from leaked and officials os. Genreally if you intsall reputed Hybrid Builder's OS you will get 95% bug free and smooth OS. and also a great battery life.
I have never used Official OS from BB. For me Hybrid always works best. :)

Here is the Bracode to Join the Group.

Joined group. using bb from last 7 yrs but now i am no more bb fan due to sad devices and lack of apps still have to pay price at par with apple and samsung
Sure why not. I am posting here so other members can also try them.

Before Get into hybrid OS scene. Always Read Hybrid Builder's Post carefully. And Do backup your data.

Most of the Hybrid builder post their Hybrid OS at crackberry as cb is most known site amongst BB community.

Hybrid OS - BlackBerry Forums at

Driphter - Dcom Community. - Index

Bzone - indonesian BB community. translate the site via google. Few Hybrid makers on their forums makes pretty superb Hybrid.

BlackBerry - - Make It Better Than Ever | Come and join us..
My Curve 8310 trackball conked ordered replacement through Dealextreme. Saving for 9900 it looks promising :D
Roxtin said:
My Curve 8310 trackball conked ordered replacement through Dealextreme. Saving for 9900 it looks promising :D
You can also order it from berrynxt. They have almost all the parts for bb. And you get next day delivery. They have shop on too.

Got recently trackball for 250 rs.
Roxtin said:
My Curve 8310 trackball conked ordered replacement through Dealextreme. Saving for 9900 it looks promising :D

Why dont u take it to a repair store close by... sometimes when moisture seeps in to the trackball it stops working and only cleaning it will do the trick u dont have to replace the trackball.... cause the same thing happened to me and just to find out the cost of the trackball took it to the repair fellow and he said trackball was fine and there was moisture so got the trackball working again for just 100 bucks...
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