Blasts in Mumbai

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techno_guy said:
Just read an update that it wasn't kasab's birthday yesterday someone had edited it to 13th june instead of 13th september and his ip has been traced to chennai
I guess it was july yesterday.

Aces no offense you deserve to be gujju because every gujju has this habbit of turning all tide saying it was targeted among us and we will hit back strong.And its the gujju community who flourish well.No hard feeling just a point to make is they take everything upto themselves and prove them to be stronger enough.

Personally i dont think it was targeted like that else dadar wont have been a part.Its more towards congested area where its easy to target,easy to run away and tough for security people to sort the matter.

Really thats admirable quality of this community.
Aces no offense you deserve to be gujju because every gujju has this habbit of turning all tide saying it was targeted among us and we will hit back strong.And its the gujju community who flourish well.No hard feeling just a point to make is they take everything upto themselves and prove them to be stronger enough.

Personally i dont think it was targeted like that else dadar wont have been a part.Its more towards congested area where its easy to target,easy to run away and tough for security people to sort the matter.

Just my hypothesis :P Terrorist attacks are not just to take maximum toll. Else slum areas like Dharavi or Kurla would have been targeted many times over. BTW the Dadar Kabuttar Khana area is also heavily congested by gujju/marwari traders.
MAGNeT said:
I guess it was july yesterday.

Aces no offense you deserve to be gujju because every gujju has this habbit of turning all tide saying it was targeted among us and we will hit back strong.And its the gujju community who flourish well.No hard feeling just a point to make is they take everything upto themselves and prove them to be stronger enough.

Personally i dont think it was targeted like that else dadar wont have been a part.Its more towards congested area where its easy to target,easy to run away and tough for security people to sort the matter.

Really thats admirable quality of this community.


Yes its nothing related to gujjus here. Its just that javeri bazaar is a crowded place so it has become a soft target

All dealers there should come together to find solution to their safety

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raksrules said:
Any way i can avoid paying tax to this sick Govt ???

Become more tax efficient and if You from majority community(sorry if i am hurting some sentiments using such terms ).HUF is a better tool.
Some people in office were spreading a rumor that more live bombs have been found and that tomorrow will be declared an off so that people can stay indoors while they search for more.
Our Authorities are incompetent , they let them selves get taken our by a bunch of Terrorists ,Rag heads , the government better start contemplating things before it gets outta control .

18 dead , 100+ injured ,,, THANKS TO OUR SITTING DUCKS GOVERNMENT !!!
Renegade said:
Some people in office were spreading a rumor that more live bombs have been found and that tomorrow will be declared an off so that people can stay indoors while they search for more.
Lazy excuse to stay home

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MAGNeT said:
Personally i dont think it was targeted like that else dadar wont have been a part.Its more towards congested area where its easy to target,easy to run away and tough for security people to sort the matter.
This was my first impression because i could not see any pattern.

In other words it was opportunistic.

Waiting for more details.

Nobody claiming responsiblity yet ? where is the boasting statement from these perps.

Aces170 said:
Just my hypothesis :P Terrorist attacks are not just to take maximum toll. Else slum areas like Dharavi or Kurla would have been targeted many times over. BTW the Dadar Kabuttar Khana area is also heavily congested by gujju/marwari traders.
I read an academic study about terrorism in Pakistan and it stated that the urban poor hate these perps the most. Because they're the ones that end up paying the price.

Its mostly the middle classes that sympathise with these sorts of causes. The poor are too tied up trying to survive than to think about this sort of nonsense. I doubt the situation would be different in India.

Going after the poor would backfire badly.

DigitalDude said:
btw it does matter that it maybe his birthday. shows how the jihadi network is mocking at us with so much audacity.
They can use any pretext, that's not the point. The point is why they were successful.

You just can't stop with the politcs can you. Well, after 2008, the same party was voted back in. Got it. The ppl of Maha did not think the opposition was worth it.

The turnout was 44%. You think you know better than them ?
CA50 said:
its no use of discussing about our govt, wastage of time, they have more impotant works to attend to like - politics, price hike and not to forget their daily duty -CORRUPTION :@

"May the soul of the dead ones rest in peace and i pray for the health of the injured one"

I hope every TEians is safe :)

rather than spending crores on MMRDA sponsored projects like skywalk money could have been utilized to tighten security :(
Anyone got sonia's/man mohan's email. I would request them to join TE and to start a thread like "how to run india"

Bloody politics:@
Read headlines at some places -> "Perpetrators shall be pursued relentlessly: PM"

The most sitting duck PM of India saying this. I remember he said this last time too. Useless. His degrees and all don't matter when it comes to running a country. Has to have g&^&d mein dum, which he serious lacks.

My guess is if Narendra Modi becomes the PM, he will rape the terrorists big time.
blr_p said:
They can use any pretext, that's not the point. The point is why they were successful.

You just can't stop with the politcs can you. Well, after 2008, the same party was voted back in. Got it. The ppl of Maha did not think the opposition was worth it.

The turnout was 44%. You think you know better than them ?
* Successful in what ? What is the motive for terror ?

* pol·i·tics/ˈpäləˌtiks/Noun 1. The activities associated with the governance of a country or area.

So yes I can't stop talking about governance, the failure of which is evident.

* If the same party gets voted back, is that an argument to support their indifference to governance and security ? Congress Party's votebank politics are well known. they nurture them and don't miss a moment to appease them, for eg: Four burgeoning suburban slums dwarf Dharavi and there is a reason bomb blasts don't take place in slums. Which does not mean the opposition is a brave and the most efficient governance provider, but pathetic non-performance should result in overthrow of the incumbent; see the case of TN, ADMK is neither a party of saints nor the holy grail of governance.

Btw it does not matter whether I know better than an average mumbai voter or not but what efforts have been taken by the incumbent government to augment counter-terror efforts after 26/11 ? 5000 cctv cams are still awaiting HM nod, no special incentives have been planned for informers, no citizens charter as promised, no restriction on rampant media reporting and trampling of evidence, rejection of all offers from countries like US and Israel for training of police forces in counter-terrorism efforts, no stringent message to terrorists by punishing the culprits and master-minds behind them, instead kasab's protection bill runs into crores, same for afzal guru and banglore serial blasts madani is having a 28 day panchakarma spa treatment at the cost of 85 lakhs. instead zaveri bazar's police chowki and metal detectors were removed as per info from locals :@

Terrorists have no religion? Religion is the only thing they have. #ReligiousTerrorism

Religious #terrorism will continue as long as religious schools, religious laws, and the relationship between state & religion continue.

@ph0oey Terrorists terrorize the world. They don't care who get killed. Pakistani terrorists killing their Muslim brothers everyday.@DhrubaK

If Hindu fanatics bomb Bangladesh or Christian fanatics bomb Pakistan -- violent riots will break out. India is amazingly tolerant. #ILoveIndia

If BJP comes to power, will they execute terrorists, stop building mosques and madrassas, implement uniform civil code? I don't think so.

Terrorist attacks on Mumbai – A preliminary assessment

Well if people don't vote nor talk politics, we cannot solve political problems, as simple as that. being politically correct is not my style. so please don't argue just for the sake of arguing.

raksrules said:
Read headlines at some places -> "Perpetrators shall be pursued relentlessly: PM"

The most sitting duck PM of India saying this. I remember he said this last time too. Useless. His degrees and all don't matter when it comes to running a country. Has to have g&^&d mein dum, which he serious lacks.

My guess is if Narendra Modi becomes the PM, he will rape the terrorists big time.
bro blame the remote control, not the controlled :P

^^I'm sure you have only the best intentions in mind but its easy to for some people to get carried away and say things that will offend a lot of people.This thread was made to talk about news and mourn the victims.You can always start a new thread to talk about the politics involved so that members will know about the risks of joining the discussion.

Just my suggestion.Everyone has the right to the freedom of speech and expression so the choice is your's.Peace.

I sincerely pray for all the victims and their families and let's hope that such disasters never happen again.
Just to provide some perspective for people comparing the US response and results post 9/11 with the Indian situation, US has spent almost $635 billion on homeland security excluding the private sector. Now add to this an overpopulated and underpoliced chaotic country like India and to that the volatile neighborhood! Also to keep in mind the effects of this cost along with the war costs (which are a part of the same strategy) have had on their economy. There is a reason why Republicans could not win in 2008.

I do in fact think that the agencies have been fairly commendable in their handling of the situation. The authorities have been asking to decongest the textile markets and diamond markets from Kalbadevi and Opera House since decades, but some seths will have to travel all the way from their Malabar Hill/Napean Sea abodes, why bother? Of all the blasts in the recent years how many have taken place in newly developed areas built with proper planning? Why do all the blasts occur only in crowded bazaars in old city areas? Of course it causes much more damage but then more importantly it is much more easier to mix in and do your job. Do you think the terrorists would not like to target more prominent institutions?

And yes with regards to Taslima Nasreen's tweets posted above, I very much agree with most of them. As Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." This of course stands true for religions across the board, and nowhere more true than in India!
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