Blizzard Teasers

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As said before, StarCraft and Warcraft are the epitome of RTS balancing inspite of having 3-4 entirely unique factions.

AOE and CnC refuse to even try it with basically the same units across each faction.
Relic tried to do it with DOW and sort of managed it only to fail miserably in COH (with the balancing i.e., otherwise the game is pretty good).
nahh i used dota mostly online only (warcafrt3 frozen throne) mostly and world of warcarft also will try diabo 3 soon if game play is ok
Ck Nish said:
Starcraft is absolute shit when it comes to balance. In creating unique factions, they threw gameplay out the window.

Dude, with all due respect- I think your opinion on Starcraft's balance being shit is completely wrong. Whatever SC's faults may be- It is a extremely well balanced game.

Anyway you are free to your opinion so thats cool.
You start out with weak units that barely get any stronger as the game progresess rendering them useless later on. The stronger units are too strong to be effectively countered by any other unit, so every match is essentially a race to build the strongest unit.

Also, counters.... This game has none of it. All units do the exact same damage no matter what they're hitting. This essentially makes siege units ridiculously powerfull. No unit has attack bonuses vs. other particular units, neither are they weak against particular units. This just eliminates any possibilty of strategic planning or victories. It's either all upto numbers or having more powerfull units, nothing else.

Sorry guys. Starcraft, while good from the face of it, has always been below average in working. People just fall for the hype and the theatrics. It's pretty much the MGS of the RTS genre.
what!? ofcourse there is unit specific damage.
The Arclite Siege Tank isn't terribly effective at first. Its good range and damage infliction is offset by its poor speed and slow rate of fire. What's more, its explosive rounds only deal half their normal damage against small, lightly armored units like Protoss Zealots and Zerg Zerglings, who can easily swarm, surround, and destroy a Siege Tank in no time.

Source : GameSpot:Video Games PC Xbox 360 PS3 Wii PSP DS PS2 PlayStation 2 GameCube GBA PlayStation 3

And all the siege weapons in the game can only attack ground units, which is a huge disadvantage along side their slow speed. if u have a single protoss zealot with full armor and shield upgrades, or two or three base zealots can easily take out a siege tank in siege mode. The protoss siege unit, the reaver iirc, is absolutely usless even in numbers if undefended IMO.

Even the uber air units have their weaknesses. the terran battlecruiser is so slow and its rate of fire is a huge handicap against faster firing anti-air units despite its armor. the protoss carrier can be taken down by six lowly zerg scourge (add a couple more to make sure the six hit).

And this brings me to the second point. The time it takes to get the upgrades and buildings that allow you to make these flagship units, even if u have all the resources already on hand (which is never the case) is so long, that the opposing team can form a gigantic army of base units, say marines with stimpacks, or zerglings with hyrdalisks, or zealots with dragoons, that even a couple of flagship units wouldnt stand a chance against. the zerg's unique building and unit construction method is perfect for early shock and awe tactics, while the protoss, though slow to build, their ubiquitous shields make them terrifying to face even in small numbers.

And all this doesnt even include the range of tactics that become available to you with specialized units like the science vessel, queen or arbiter.
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Ck Nish said:
Sorry guys. Starcraft, while good from the face of it, has always been below average in working. People just fall for the hype and the theatrics. It's pretty much the MGS of the RTS genre.

If there's one game that's still played in big pro tournaments for ACTUALLY being a good solid RTS... it's Starcraft. Warcraft 3 has had its share of NE imbaness but generally speaking, both the Blizzard games are way better choices for competitive gaming than ANY OTHER RTS that exists today.

AoE and CnC balancing is a joke and I have played way more AoE than either of the Blizzard games. Can't comment on Warhammer since I haven't tried it but it didn't impress me from what I've seen.
I havent played D1/2 but i used to sit and watch my brother play..i loved the videos at the starting of each act..awesome :D
saumilsingh said:
Sounds like someone doesn't know that Blizzard has perfected rock-paper-scissor to an artform.

While they are the best in the RTS industry, Warcraft 3 still has a bit of NE imbaness which doesn't seem to go away no matter what Blizzard does.

Their MMORPG balancing is another story... WoW is so shitty when it comes to class balancing. Warlocks have been overpowered ever since Burning Crusade released, Pallies were outhealing priests, druids were outtanking warriors and other support classes were out dpsing the pure damage class, the magi. The trouble is... if they try to change something for PvE, PvP takes a direct hit. The reverse is also applicable. I don't think WoW can ever be "fixed".
Ambar said:
I havent played D1/2 but i used to sit and watch my brother play..i loved the videos at the starting of each act..awesome :D

Every CG sequence made my Blizzard is incredible.

Watching the intro to the Diablo 2 expansion pack, it's hard to believe that it's from a game which was released in 2001. It's as good as the stuff we see in Hollywood movies today.
And the stuff they put in Warcraft 3 is simply out of this world.

I think the only other game company that makes CG sequences anywhere as good is Square.
ashr said:
Their MMORPG balancing is another story... WoW is so shitty when it comes to class balancing. Warlocks have been overpowered ever since Burning Crusade released, Pallies were outhealing priests, druids were outtanking warriors and other support classes were out dpsing the pure damage class, the magi. The trouble is... if they try to change something for PvE, PvP takes a direct hit. The reverse is also applicable. I don't think WoW can ever be "fixed".

man weren't you going to restart wow? if you did, you would realize you're opinion is about a year out of date.

warlocks were overpowered for arena season 1. in season 2 teams used to stack shadow resist gear after seeing warlocks and locks/spriests were neutralized. and season 3 onwards the melee gear itemization has totally screwed warlocks. in case you don't know, melee gear now stacks armor penetration which literally reduces cloth armor to zero. with no viable escape mechanisms, locks suffer the hardest. not to mention melee top end dmg has scaled incredibly (hint - arena season 4 weapons have similar dps output to the warglaives of azzinoth, the legendary swords dropped by illidan stormrage). warlock representation in arena has steadily been falling and some consider them to be a liability in arena now.

your other points are wrong too. paladins have awesome mana regen but they have their role -- they are only good as single target healers. they are properly screwed in arena. also in endgame pve you have loads of raid damage where shamans and priests outshine paladins.

feral druids don't 'outtank' warriors either. they play the role of a hybrid - they don't tank single targets as well as warriors, and they can't aoe tank as well as prot pallies. the only thing that might be out of balance is that they bring so much damage to the table as feral which is a bit out of proportion when you consider classic tanking means threat generation and not a lot of damage.

mages need help in damage output, that's for sure. but that's only true because they lie close to the bottom of the list when it comes to pure dps classes. hunters, rogues and warlocks outdps a mage most of the time. blizzard developers have acknowledged this fact and they plan to rectify it.

wow has lots of balance issues, that's true, but as i mentioned, your view is kinda out of date and you sound like a whiny mage :bleh:
The fact that some of you would use AOK to prove Starcraft's superiority is just a sign of poor taste and just complete misdirection. Too bad AOK didn't have flying monkeys and uber shielded cosmonauts or it would've been a hella lot more balanced, right?

But please, tell me how wrong I am because I don't let the BIG gaming tournaments think for me. By their logic NFS Prostreet is the best current racer and FIFA08 the best sports/football game out right now. It's not like they just go with what is popular. NO! That would be blasphemous.
Because StarCraft is more than a decade old and Blizzard no longer sponsers the tourney organisers and yet it's still used in every major pro-gaming event.
Hell as far as S.Korea is concerned, StarCraft is a national sport.

It's really a matter of knowing when it's marketting BS and when a game truly stands the test of time.
because nfs prostreet and fifa gets dropped every year for the new version. it's pure marketing. starcraft hasn't been dropped for 10 years.
don't go by the millions of copies sold, millions of players playing millions of games of starcraft to this day. nope they're all idiots. you're the only one who can be right about this.
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