Blizzard Teasers

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spindoctor said:
man weren't you going to restart wow? if you did, you would realize you're opinion is about a year out of date.

warlocks were overpowered for arena season 1. in season 2 teams used to stack shadow resist gear after seeing warlocks and locks/spriests were neutralized. and season 3 onwards the melee gear itemization has totally screwed warlocks. in case you don't know, melee gear now stacks armor penetration which literally reduces cloth armor to zero. with no viable escape mechanisms, locks suffer the hardest. not to mention melee top end dmg has scaled incredibly (hint - arena season 4 weapons have similar dps output to the warglaives of azzinoth, the legendary swords dropped by illidan stormrage). warlock representation in arena has steadily been falling and some consider them to be a liability in arena now.

your other points are wrong too. paladins have awesome mana regen but they have their role -- they are only good as single target healers. they are properly screwed in arena. also in endgame pve you have loads of raid damage where shamans and priests outshine paladins.

feral druids don't 'outtank' warriors either. they play the role of a hybrid - they don't tank single targets as well as warriors, and they can't aoe tank as well as prot pallies. the only thing that might be out of balance is that they bring so much damage to the table as feral which is a bit out of proportion when you consider classic tanking means threat generation and not a lot of damage.

mages need help in damage output, that's for sure. but that's only true because they lie close to the bottom of the list when it comes to pure dps classes. hunters, rogues and warlocks outdps a mage most of the time. blizzard developers have acknowledged this fact and they plan to rectify it.

wow has lots of balance issues, that's true, but as i mentioned, your view is kinda out of date and you sound like a whiny mage :bleh:
of course my views are out of date... you know i quit the game long back. however, all the things i've mentioned were true from the beginning of TBC. so many guilds on Illidan were using pallies as main healers for a long time (very skilled pallies who were always on top of things mind you... healing multiple targets with pallies is obviously way harder but it WAS being done) and feral druids WERE outtanking warriors until they got buffed. this happened before you started playing so you probably wouldn't know.

however dated i am, it doesn't change the fact that Blizzard CANNOT truly fix WoW and you know it. there's this huge butterfly effect thing that the game cannot evade IMO... one small change to some class in PvP HAS in the past affected something completely different like PvE on a large scale.
Ck Nish said:
But please, tell me how wrong I am because I don't let the BIG gaming tournaments think for me. By their logic NFS Prostreet is the best current racer and FIFA08 the best sports/football game out right now. It's not like they just go with what is popular. NO! That would be blasphemous.

What saumil said.
ashr said:
however dated i am, it doesn't change the fact that Blizzard CANNOT truly fix WoW and you know it. there's this huge butterfly effect thing that the game cannot evade IMO... one small change to some class in PvP HAS in the past affected something completely different like PvE on a large scale.

you're right obviously. but that's not what really ticks me off tbh. when you have 9 unique classes with 30 unique abilities and both pvp/pve to consider, the magnitude of permutations possible where one affects the other is mind can't be balanced, pure and simple.

the problem is blizzard doesn't see this. all their balancing now is pvp oriented, specifically arena oriented. they somehow have it in their minds that arena can be an e-sport. someone needs to drill into their heads the fact that a game can never be about skill and hence an esport when there is so much variety in the competitors, their abilities and the fact that everything in this game (healing/dmg etc) is ultimately the outcome of a random number generator. there is no possible balance when these factors exist. on many occasions they have come close to breaking pve just to cater to their pet pvp-arena-esport project.

another thing is the turnaround time on blizzard development. yes we all know they take their sweet time on making games but when there are glaringly critical class flaws it can take them several months to even address the issue. this doesn't bode well when there are lots of things that need to be rebalanced/tweaked.

inspite of all that it's still the best out there. i just started age of conan and although i'm not very far in, all i can think is that this game has nothing on wow so far.
Spindoctor said:
don't go by the millions of copies sold, millions of players playing millions of games of starcraft to this day. nope they're all idiots. you're the only one who can be right about this.

Yeah, Sims is the greatest game ever.
spindoctor said:
you're right obviously. but that's not what really ticks me off tbh. when you have 9 unique classes with 30 unique abilities and both pvp/pve to consider, the magnitude of permutations possible where one affects the other is mind can't be balanced, pure and simple.

the problem is blizzard doesn't see this. all their balancing now is pvp oriented, specifically arena oriented. they somehow have it in their minds that arena can be an e-sport. someone needs to drill into their heads the fact that a game can never be about skill and hence an esport when there is so much variety in the competitors, their abilities and the fact that everything in this game (healing/dmg etc) is ultimately the outcome of a random number generator. there is no possible balance when these factors exist. on many occasions they have come close to breaking pve just to cater to their pet pvp-arena-esport project.

another thing is the turnaround time on blizzard development. yes we all know they take their sweet time on making games but when there are glaringly critical class flaws it can take them several months to even address the issue. this doesn't bode well when there are lots of things that need to be rebalanced/tweaked.

inspite of all that it's still the best out there. i just started age of conan and although i'm not very far in, all i can think is that this game has nothing on wow so far.
if you raided with a mage when i was active, you'd quit too :P like you said.. the game cannot be balanced and that's sad. warlocks were close to useless prior to TBC. nobody really wanted them in raids for dps. mages were the heroes of damage dealing. now the tables have turned and mage dps isn't all that anymore. come WOTLK, you'd probably see another class taking the spotlight. what ticks me off about WoW is that if you're not playing the right class at the right time... you can end up tearing your hair out. trust me when i say raiding upto Magtheridon on a mage was a horrible experience for the most part. worse geared locks and shadow priests destroyed me on dps thanks to their synergy with shadow. what was even more annoying was that i was literally on top of my game... had to be alert at all times and put some effort into it (the pallies had to do this too on heals) while some other classes like rogues could simply spam 2-3 keys and be done with it.
Ck Nish said:
Yeah, Sims is the greatest game ever.

you sir are an idiot of the highest order... oops did i say that? i meant you're a genius. you're right and everyone else is wrong.

ashr said:
if you raided with a mage when i was active, you'd quit too :P like you said.. the game cannot be balanced and that's sad. warlocks were close to useless prior to TBC. nobody really wanted them in raids for dps. mages were the heroes of damage dealing. now the tables have turned and mage dps isn't all that anymore. come WOTLK, you'd probably see another class taking the spotlight. what ticks me off about WoW is that if you're not playing the right class at the right time... you can end up tearing your hair out. trust me when i say raiding upto Magtheridon on a mage was a horrible experience for the most part. worse geared locks and shadow priests destroyed me on dps thanks to their synergy with shadow. what was even more annoying was that i was literally on top of my game... had to be alert at all times and put some effort into it (the pallies had to do this too on heals) while some other classes like rogues could simply spam 2-3 keys and be done with it.

what you're describing is what i meant by blizzard's turnaround time with respect to development. as you said, you better be playing the right class at the right time because if you're not, you'll be waiting a very long time for things to change.

the shadow synergy between spriests and warlocks exists amazingly well to this day. in terms of min-maxing a raid, every single class is pigeonholed into a specific role with an identical spec. most raiding is about pressing 2-3 buttons for every class and maybe managing a handful of global cooldowns. it's not hard for any class at all. for mages all you have to do is keep scorch up and spam fireballs, while possibly watching your sheep target. paladins now have mouseover macros to heal so all they have to do is click a button and hover their mouse over the target they want to heal on their raid frame and voila. playing your character isn't the hardest part of raiding by a long shot, it's handling the mechanics of the encounter that matters.

it's a shame you left when you did. you missed out on some really great content...
spindoctor said:
you sir are an idiot of the highest order... oops did i say that? i meant you're a genius. you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Would you question the veracity of a game that has sold over 50 million copies. How dare an insignifant lonely pest like you question the decision of all the people who bought that game. Bow down to the masses, little man and accept that the Sims is the greatest game of them all because clearly, your ability to think for yourself died a long time ago.

Saumil said:
No that's GTA.

Was that a response to my sarcasm or to what you thought was a serious post? Please clarify.
Ck Nish said:
Would you question the veracity of a game that has sold over 50 million copies. How dare an insignifant lonely pest like you question the decision of all the people who bought that game. Bow down to the masses, little man and accept that the Sims is the greatest game of them all because clearly, your ability to think for yourself died a long time ago.

you try too hard...
I know resorting to calling someone "an idiot of the highest order" would've been a lot easier, but I prefer to go that extra mile.
Ck Nish said:
Was that a response to my sarcasm or to what you thought was a serious post? Please clarify.

he was pointing out that even in your sarcasm you were mistaken. if youre going by game sales, its GTA, not The Sims.
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