^^ The Wildfire has a poor display resolution. Makes it a bad Android device. Even at ~ 9k, people would definitely prefer buying the Dell XCD35 from letsbuy.G33kgod said:Boom, any one interested?
sajitsm said:Is this price final?
vikas049 said:I am interested..Do call me
RD274 said:HD2 for 15k isn't wise now. Its days of being the ultimate phone are slowly coming to an end. Sure it held the spot light for a long time but if you look in the HD2 forum on XDA, there are already discussions going on about which phone would be the next ultimate phone.
I'm going to order one from Ebay and have it shipped it here for around 11k ~ 12k including customs and shipping. To me it just isn't wise spending anymore on that phone now when its bright future might come to an end in a year or so.
sajitsm said:Which ultimate phone do you suggest for 15k? Its an old phone, but hardware specs are decent enough. I can see some low listings in global ebay but couldn't anything below 15k. Could you care to link it?
Even then, I believe OP should get a better deal as 16k is still steep for something phased out(?)
vabhu said:i m iterested in wildfire but i need it urgently
plz pm the details
vabhu said:i have booked one for me
will get it personally