Punker said:Can you get pricing of Wildfire S also ?
vabhu said:i have made payment to your account
navino87 said:One of my friend might be interested in wildfire.. He is hunting for droid mobile under 10k price tag.. I suggested his to go for dell XCD35.. how good is it compared to XCD35? what is the actual market price of this mobile?
navino87 said:One of my friend might be interested in wildfire.. He is hunting for droid mobile under 10k price tag.. I suggested his to go for dell XCD35.. how good is it compared to XCD35? what is the actual market price of this mobile?
G33kgod said:Handed over the phone to Vabhu. Waiting for him to confirm.
vabhu said:ya got the phone buddy
will buy more from you soon
gcbeldar said:Is this WildFire is free upgrade to 2.3.3 ?
vabhu said:need one more
spawnfreak said:I might need a WildFire but what would be the shipping charges? Will you provide bill and all? What about warranty?