They replied me back to wait till 23rd july... should I ask them to cancel the order??
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk
Let me be honest with you mate, they'll tell one of these on the 23rd
1 - We are waiting for the stock to come, please wait till 15th of August
2 - Sir we said 23rd of July 2013
3 - Sir our dispatch team is on leave and we will dispatch when we feel like
4 - Sir we never received your payment
5 - Sir we don't have any excuse for now, once we do we will call you
6 - Sir your order says delivered last week in our system, please ask your mom if she hid it
and so on. (Am not trying to make fun of you, but these are the kind of excuses you can hear on pimp tara)
If you can get a refund GET IT!, its not worth the siht to buy stuff from pimp tara, where you have to wait endlessly to get what you paid for, besides it may be faulty or old stock.
Ask them to cancel the refund, if they don't comply threaten with police complaints and say you work in media and will expose their scam file a consumer complaint case, this call is being recorded etc.,
P.S. - Am not blaming you, but the average indian consumer who for the sake of saving a few hundred bucks shops on unreliable sites and gets cheated, and we have baskits like pimp tara who take advantage of this.
In short just get a refund by hook, or crook.
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------
Also after you get the refund buy it from flipkart or ebay (some reputed seller) or locally