So much effort is made to paint it that way. Manchurian candidate much? Who benefits.Brother, Trump has been caught with state secrets stuffed in his toilet closet, which also contained the name of agents who were oddly enough exposed/murdered, he regularly sucks Russian dick, has on TV rode the Putin dick train,
What I don't understand is why so many people believe this. But that is easily explained through ignorance or better. Hate.
The Mueller investigation didn't make sense to me until after the Ukraine conflict began and then with hindsight it became obvious why all this effort was made to brand him so. Trump was an obstacle to the liberal warmongers.
Decent interview but nothing new for Russia watchers. A much longer version was done by Oliver Stone back in 2016. This was just more of the same for an American audience who were willing to listen.Just recently that idiot Tucker Carlson flew to Russia to interview Putin,
other Republicans are known as pro russian supporters, What other proof do you want? A live confession from Putin himself?
Tell me in what way Russia benefitted during his term? Trump refused to play along with project Ukraine. So there would be no conflict and this topic would not exist. There was no lifting of prior sanctions by Trump. Some Russian agent he turned out to be.
No war with Russia. That is how Russia benefited. And for this he must be a Russia supporter. The repubs do not see Russia as a future adversary. They're right. China is the only contender. Why the hell is Europe back in the limelight when these days they are pretty much irrelevant on the global stage? Nothing more than American vassals now. Sleepwalked into a conflict because Euro elites were too dumb to object.
Trump's mistake was arming Ukraine only because the Russia puppet taunts got to him. He should have held his ground.
It's amazing how many cold war warriors just won't retire and go to pasture. They wasted thirty years of peace dividend all for domestic interests.
He has many against him. Just need one indictment to block him from running. Since we are in the final stretches and nothing has stuck I'm guessing whatever cases they have are not good enough otherwise he'd have been out already.Trump already has a federal case against him and is crying for presidential immunity everyday,
The recent US supreme court ruling went in his favour. Earlier Colorado decided to block his results if he ran there. Same with Illinois & Maine. What sort of nonsense is this?
If any Indian state said we will block voting results of this or that candidate in the general election there would be an uproar.
To save America we need to destroy democracy. Right? And see how many are in support only because they hate Trump.
Just read what you wrote. Exactly what I'm trying to sayComparing it to Modi's acquittal by Supreme Court where everyone knows the opposition parties just wanted to drag his name through mud is just asinine to say the least

No, not everyone knows. An article of faith until the Indian supreme court weighed in. There is no difference at all here. Same tactics. Same expected outcome.
The Anti-Democratic Democratic Left
Check out Victor Davis Hanson's earlier articles. Look him up and see his background. You'll understand things this so called 'American media' won't tell you. There is a reason Trump referred to said media as 'fake news'
But he is an opposition guy and I say to ignore them. Do that if you want to understand the Democrats and their policy. Listen to him if you want to understand Trump and his supporters.
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