Thanks again man. I've been talking about WiFi for almost a week now, but I didn't have to sense to check which WiFi my netbook actually supports until I read your above post.
This is what my manual says:
Acer InviLink 802.11 b/g WiFi Certified network connection, supperting Acer SingnalUp wireless technology.
In device properties it says "Braodcom 802.11g Network adapter"
So guess I should be ready for a range of about 20 meters or so. I really should have checked the capabilities of my netbook adapter before deciding on the modem to purchase, that bad of me. I appreciate your post above, you probably saved me 2000Rs.
I got to be honest with you, though. It will be at least 2 weeks before I get the WiFi modem (for financial reasons). What I do right now is unplug the lan cable from the back of my computer and plug it into my netbook. For this I have had to move my modem and rotate my cabinet so the rear of the cabinet now faces me all the time.
So if there is anyone who can still write a tutorial for for bluetooth on Win7/Vista he can still save me a further Rs.1600/-
The OSes I have are:
PC - Vista/Wiin7 dual booth (vista prefered)
Netbook - Win7
Although I am willing to dump Win7 on the netbook and use vista if it helps.
blr_p said:
This is the thing, here we have solid concrete walls versus
drywall panels in the west.
What can you do in this case ? get a more powerful router, maybe some hacks to extend range. I suppose for the odd file transfer & web/document browsing wi-fi is ok. Throw in any multimedia streaming and its gets tricky.
I forgot to mention before...
But many times at night timings I can see networks available under my WiFi connection. I wont mention the exact name, but it it like XXXXXXX House.
The other WiFi network I get very often is simply named "dlink"
Now my house's compound itself is 400 square meters, and I really don't know who in my neighborhood is so close that I can get their Wi-Fi single so often.
The strength is mostly "weak" and sometimes "moderate".
But I guess these are not enough for smooth browsing, are they?