Broken Heart :(

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Hi guys ! I know we all must have had a broken heart sometime or da other (well almost). I am going though one... its my first one... broke up after a 3yr ol' relationship...dont ask me Y...Feeling so low n terrible... dunno wat to do... Wanna get over her man...dunno know how any tips people ??? :(
Well, everyone does have a broken heart sometime or the other. 3 years is a long time, and people bond a lot in 3 years. It isn't too easy to let go of something you had for 3 years. But look at it this way, that 3 year relationship it isn't going to make a difference to how you will live from this point on. In a few days, you'll get over this whole issue of yours, and this gal as well. In simple words, you'll get tired of thinking so much about your relationship, this gal, and what went wrong. You'll understand that it really makes no difference, and you'll get on with it. Till then, do everything which you would normally do, eg. visit TE, blog, watch a movie,.... Just don't let yourself feel any different. After all, you're still the same person, it's only one of your relationships which has changed.

My Tip - Be as normal as you are usually, and don't feel like you've changed.

Study? Read a book? Go for a long drive.
Listen to some music u despise.
Try cooking some gourmet stuff.
Flirt with her best friend.
Learn to knit.
lol! Dont worry bro same thing happened to me almost a year back... You will get over it in maybe about a month or 2 depending on how deep your relationship was.
Never try and get back together. I mean like if you have broken its for the best. Think like that and go ahead with life. I know its really difficult but you will manage just fine.
Thanks people...well its been over a week now.... will try your advises... wat hurts more is tat when frnds come n tell tat dey saw her last night at da disc or at da movie n all...hurts bad...really bad...
make yourself useful to people around you. focus on studies. work hard on your strengths and make em your USP.
OR get a new game and keep playing.
Just try being light hearted. Go to all the jokes sites on the net, bone up on jokes, and then go around telling them to everyone you know. Trust me, ur popularity will soar too (just as long as you pick the right jokes, it is better to avoid the non veg stuff, otherwise people will think u are being a boor after breaking up with her).
As for her being at the disc...
well, just as well. I mean, since u aren't hanging out at the discs, well that means that there is definitely no chane of running into her any time soon.
Well........go the hottest hangout in your city where most HOT chicks come. Sit with your friends and look at EACH and every girl and imagine her being your GF. Makes for good timepass. Think of a loooooong relationship with her ;).

Of course, it helps if you have something to distract you. Like a movie, games, music, comedy movies( Stay away from Mushy mushy movies) or anything else.

Go around spreading the news that she is gay!!!

OK......I was kidding abt that last one...... Do it only if you parted on bad terms!!!!

Again......kidding ;)
The owner of a broken Heart.

Time heals all wounds. just give it some time and you will know what to do.(whether to let go of her or to return back togather , yes that is a distinct possiblity)

but remember this "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned"

so keep aside your respective ego's and atleast try to remain friends if not lovers.......
Can't help quoting this one from the 'Indecent Proposal':

if u love something, set it free & if it returns it is yours always, if it does not, it was not yours to begin with
and here is one of my "Decent Proposal"
"if u love something, set it free & if it returns ...., shoot it till it is confirmed dead":P :cool2:
step 1. - listen to the following songs twice a day ,and three times a night
a)"no woman no cry"- bob marley
b) "let it be" - beatles
3)"again"- lenny kravitz
4)"said i loved u but i lied"- michael bolton

Step 3 - Face it
Dude,if i tell you that it hurts u a lot just bcoz its ur first gf,then you wont believe me.neither did i.but its true. might feel a sense of responsibility since u havnt had this with any other girl.and sure u still think she like s u ,but not able to say sok to think that way.

step 3. - Realise it....that its not leaving her that is subconscioulsy effecting you,its that ur alone .and check this out buddy ,think about this - its the absence of a gf,not her absence thats actaully paining u inside somehow ,but we dont realise it.

Step 4 - Analyse it [/b]
what made u like her,wud u have liked her if she hadnt had them ? so think of a a girl who 's just like her but with all teh same qualities ,theoritically it shud work with her too rite ? so although its crazy to hear this at this stage .... open ur mind to other ppl around u.and listen dude - "why bother/regret about some1 who doesnt care bout u " ,coz if she did,she wudnt do this to u.that aside maybe u can still care for each other without going arouind - coz "true love asks for nothing in return"

tada... bosky's 4 step path(form a guy who went thru the same thing some time back,and currently single and ready ta mingle :P )
broken heart ..?.... well dude ...its gonna pre occupy ur mind not matter what .... and its directly proportional to the intensity of the relationship ..... best remedy ..... no point in running away ....face it.....ask urself how bad can it get ...?!....and then look at it in cool relaxed manner and say to urself ...u can take much more !....besides u can keep urself pre-occupied play games , flirt with other women ....(though u wudnt feel like ,cos u wudnt find any other girl appealing enuff, happens in love ) of the most effective let outs---> help urself .... u know what i mean :P , dont wanna use the right words in the Anarchaic atmosphere . another let out .... drown urself ....booze ...listen to broken heart songs ... my favs
1) goo goo dolls - iris
2) kya hua tera wada
3) hum bewafa
4) more than words
5) bon jovi always ......etc ... and hell yea .....dont kill urself ...hehe .. :no: .

its an experience in itself .... be bold and face it ....u will come off it ....take care ...bbye
the best thing is tht...curse her in ur mind in the worst language ever in case u see her or think abt her :P i did the same, didnt see her for a month(xam time) the next time i saw her..well...strangers ;)

works reeeally she goes with abt 2-3 boys, i dont feel bad seeing her anymore......hehehe..cursing really works :ohyeah:
and still after following so loooooong list of advises your heart does not stop aching do contact me i have two of my friends specialising in cardiology one is cardiologist and one is cardiac surgeon we can even repair / upgrade you heart.

if still things dont go ok then we can flash your heart with a new firmware.

even if still it does not find piece we can find a replacement :P

well my dear friend, there are setbacks at the every corner of life and you have to face them with brave mind.

you always drive while looking forward donot you?

there may be something which lead to your breakup, find it and try for a new and better courtship and life does not end there only.

do what you find is the best for you, a new hobby, a few older relations in a new shape and many a things.
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