step 1. - listen to the following songs twice a day ,and three times a night
a)"no woman no cry"- bob marley
b) "let it be" - beatles
3)"again"- lenny kravitz
4)"said i loved u but i lied"- michael bolton
Step 3 - Face it
Dude,if i tell you that it hurts u a lot just bcoz its ur first gf,then you wont believe me.neither did i.but its true. might feel a sense of responsibility since u havnt had this with any other girl.and sure u still think she like s u ,but not able to say sok to think that way.
step 3. - Realise it....that its not leaving her that is subconscioulsy effecting you,its that ur alone .and check this out buddy ,think about this - its the absence of a gf,not
her absence thats actaully paining u inside somehow ,but we dont realise it.
Step 4 - Analyse it [/b]
what made u like her,wud u have liked her if she hadnt had them ? so think of a a girl who 's just like her but with all teh same qualities ,theoritically it shud work with her too rite ? so although its crazy to hear this at this stage .... open ur mind to other ppl around u.and listen dude - "why bother/regret about some1 who doesnt care bout u " ,coz if she did,she wudnt do this to u.that aside maybe u can still care for each other without going arouind - coz
"true love asks for nothing in return"
tada... bosky's 4 step path(form a guy who went thru the same thing some time back,and currently single and ready ta mingle
