For past 2 years I have been on BSNL's 512Kbps Unlimites plan. My problem started 2 weeks ago. Please bear with me this long woeful tale. :ashamed:
In March of this year, after filing a formal complaint regarding the disturbances in my landline, 2 linemen came and told that my wire was messed up and needs to be replaced. As my broadband connection was working fine, I didn't cared much at that time but 2 weeks ago, I started following problem. The modem is in PPPoE mode so I describe and deduce via LED indicators so please bear with me.
My modem is UTStarcom WA3002G4. The "Orange DSL LED" blinks first slowly then fast and faster and when after a while it is supposed to get stable, i.e. constantly lit, instead it faints out. After 1/2 or 1 hour sometimes, it gets stable and when it does, the "Green Internet LED" which is supposed to first blink and then become stable to confirm connection, it blinks, becomes stable but as soon as it becomes stable, after 3-5 seconds both DSL and Internet LEDs go off and same drama is repeated. After 2-3 Hours of doing this charade, a link is established but problem doesn't ends up there. When I'm downloading torrents, if a torrent completes then the connection disconnects and reconnects after doing all that freak show just mentioned but now it takes lees time i.e. 15-20 minutes to reconnect.
Now I complained to the BSNL J.E, S.D.O, almost everyone daily for past 2 weeks. Every time they asked for the error code and I always told them that my modem dials the connection so I can't tell them the error code. Last week on Wednesday the Lineman came and told me that,"Aapka number bind ho gaya thha, main unbind kara diya hai, ab koi problem nahin aayegi". Well everything worked fine till Friday but then again it started acting up. Today the BSNL people finally came and replaced my wire and as for Broadband, what they did was they removed the LAN cables from the modem and just allowed it to connect. This time in 2-3 tries, it connected but as soon as I connected my cables and resumed my downloads, it disconnected again. As it happened in front of them, they blamed my system for it citing that my LAN or CPU ahs a virus which is causing this bubbling of DSL link:S
A 4 year degree in B.Tech in I.T tells me that this is a completely baseless allegation. Moreover I'm running Vista, Windows 7 , Ubuntu and Open SUSE and the problem is seen in all of them. For a moment even if I consider the remote possibility of it being a Virus attack then logic says my connection shouldn't work at all. There is no setting in uTorrent that is configured to disconnect the link after completion of a download as the LAN cable itself carries Internet data, no dialing is done. Even the idle timeout is disabled in the modem's internal settings.
Only solution I see now is to go to the JTO but last time I met the guy, he was less informed than me.
Now I ask u guys as to what to do and if by chance u know the cause of the problem then please tell me the solution. I can't switch ISP as the BSNL is the sole ISP in my small town. 
In March of this year, after filing a formal complaint regarding the disturbances in my landline, 2 linemen came and told that my wire was messed up and needs to be replaced. As my broadband connection was working fine, I didn't cared much at that time but 2 weeks ago, I started following problem. The modem is in PPPoE mode so I describe and deduce via LED indicators so please bear with me.
My modem is UTStarcom WA3002G4. The "Orange DSL LED" blinks first slowly then fast and faster and when after a while it is supposed to get stable, i.e. constantly lit, instead it faints out. After 1/2 or 1 hour sometimes, it gets stable and when it does, the "Green Internet LED" which is supposed to first blink and then become stable to confirm connection, it blinks, becomes stable but as soon as it becomes stable, after 3-5 seconds both DSL and Internet LEDs go off and same drama is repeated. After 2-3 Hours of doing this charade, a link is established but problem doesn't ends up there. When I'm downloading torrents, if a torrent completes then the connection disconnects and reconnects after doing all that freak show just mentioned but now it takes lees time i.e. 15-20 minutes to reconnect.
Now I complained to the BSNL J.E, S.D.O, almost everyone daily for past 2 weeks. Every time they asked for the error code and I always told them that my modem dials the connection so I can't tell them the error code. Last week on Wednesday the Lineman came and told me that,"Aapka number bind ho gaya thha, main unbind kara diya hai, ab koi problem nahin aayegi". Well everything worked fine till Friday but then again it started acting up. Today the BSNL people finally came and replaced my wire and as for Broadband, what they did was they removed the LAN cables from the modem and just allowed it to connect. This time in 2-3 tries, it connected but as soon as I connected my cables and resumed my downloads, it disconnected again. As it happened in front of them, they blamed my system for it citing that my LAN or CPU ahs a virus which is causing this bubbling of DSL link:S

A 4 year degree in B.Tech in I.T tells me that this is a completely baseless allegation. Moreover I'm running Vista, Windows 7 , Ubuntu and Open SUSE and the problem is seen in all of them. For a moment even if I consider the remote possibility of it being a Virus attack then logic says my connection shouldn't work at all. There is no setting in uTorrent that is configured to disconnect the link after completion of a download as the LAN cable itself carries Internet data, no dialing is done. Even the idle timeout is disabled in the modem's internal settings.
Only solution I see now is to go to the JTO but last time I met the guy, he was less informed than me.