Compare the Logitech MX Master 3S and Logitech Signature M650 mice
Use this website comparison tool. Scroll all the way near the bottom to the sound section and compare it. You can also compare other wireless mices that you may like. A few of the older reviews/models testing method seem to use a different mic so a few of them have more background noise but otherwise it's a pretty good comparison list tool with majority of the popular mices. But for the most part it seems that a "quiet" mouse replaces the clicky sound for a much more quiet thud type, but I suppose that's basically unnoticeable in real life. In the above link, the m650 has noisy side buttons compared to the LMB and RMB
Also there is this one which I just randomly saw a while back but you probably can't get it in india
However there likely is some other mouse with the same sort of switch flipping quiet mode.