Bulk file copying utilities-suggestion needed

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Slowest: within partition

Slower: within disk (diff partition)

Quickest: Disk to Disk.

FWIW: It took me 2 hours to transfer 415 GB of data on Sunday morning.

Source: WD 750 AAKS

Destination: WD 10 EACS

System: 780G/SB700

690G is significantly slower, with 120Gb of data taking about 45-55 minutes with similar drives.
6pack said:
in my machine a 4gb file copies in less than 20 seconds (max), between two sata2 hdds. even transferring around 100-120gb took around 10-15mins max.

That equates to a 200MB/s sustained transfer rates

Anyone aware of consumer disks that can achieve that kind of speed

On a side note, why do you guys need to keep moving so much of data around at regular intervals?
I'd like to see HDtachs for that kind of speed.

Edit: SC: I basically upgrade my capacities regularly. From 1TB 18 months ago, I'm at 4.5TB total today and growing. The older data sets still need to move between drives. Also I run backups, which require stuff to be moved between drives regularly.
Hmm, but why not let the old data sit on the old drives and just add the new disks instead

Also, backups are typically incremental, so after that one time backup at the start, subdequent backups should not take too long even if the DTRs are low.

The only reason why I am blabberig on what may seem unrelated stuff on this thread is because I was on the same boat till a couple of years ago

Some bit of planning and setting up of a basic back end infrastructure, I haven't faced any data transfer issues ever since

Your needs may be different from mine, but a little bit of planning may help you save a lot of wasted time on reshuffling of data
@TS: Be careful with that drive. There are issues with caching on the Seagate 1.5TB drives, I'm surprised you didn't research before buying. You may need to RMA the drive. The transfer process basically pauses and freezes, so you need to manually copy them in small batches.

@SC: I move drives between machines, really. as of now I'm settled in - I have enough storage to last till the end of 2008 at least, maybe even the first quarter. I also don't fill drives beyond 80%, it's just an old thing with me. Once drives start hitting the 60% mark it's time for keeping funds aside for new drives, in my book. Also, now I'm using the server model myself so hopefully I won't have to switch drives, just adding in another 2x1TB disks should see me through 2009.
superczar said:
That equates to a 200MB/s sustained transfer rates
Anyone aware of consumer disks that can achieve that kind of speed
my bad - a 4.5 gb file took around 80 secs to copy :ashamed: from hdd to hdd.
@ranjan2001 sorry dude for the mistake on my part :(

superczar said:
On a side note, why do you guys need to keep moving so much of data around at regular intervals?

in my case - to free up hdd space on the downloading drive.
I am now on a newly loaded Vista SP1 x64.
I installed Vista on the fastest disk (120mb/s) in AHCI mode, BIOS set to "Set SATA as AHCI"
I am copying 114gb of data by using "SuperCopier2" & getting average speed of 42-45mb/s, reporting that it will take 45-55 mins. I am copying 88402 images from a 250gb hdd to 1.5tb hdd.

This speed is nowhere what many members are reporting, is something still wrong the way I have set the computer?? MY asus CD is not working so I had to manually download the required drivers from asus.

Here is the screen shot of my Atapi controllers, is this right or am I missing some old drivers which is causing slow speed?

this is the atapi controller driver

It took 68 mins to copy the entire 114gb data
ranjan2001 said:
I am now on a newly loaded Vista SP1 x64.
I installed Vista on the fastest disk (120mb/s) in AHCI mode, BIOS set to "Set SATA as AHCI"
I am copying 114gb of data by using "SuperCopier2" & getting average speed of 42-45mb/s, reporting that it will take 45-55 mins. I am copying 88402 images from a 250gb hdd to 1.5tb hdd.

This speed is nowhere what many members are reporting, is something still wrong the way I have set the computer?? MY asus CD is not working so I had to manually download the required drivers from asus.

Here is the screen shot of my Atapi controllers, is this right or am I missing some old drivers which is causing slow speed?

this is the atapi controller driver

It took 68 mins to copy the entire 114gb data

Its not just about the data, you're copying a whole lot of files, speed is bound to be slow...try copying a bunch of HD movies..
is there a chance for the data 2 get corrupted during such bulk transfers???

and is there a chance of damaging of the HD by using such bulk copy softwares by getting bad sectors in the HD?

and which of the above mentioned softwares in you opinion guys is reliable and a good one?





plz give ur opinions...
Out of the 4 software u mentioned I tested all but found Teracopy & Supercopier to be better & I finally choose Supercopier as it offers more features.
I havent read the entire thread but I would still recommend teracopy.

1) You can see what files are being copied and You can also pause the transfer if you want
2) You can increase the cache size to increase the speed.
3)It replaces your windows default copy functions, So all you need to do is ctrl+c/x and ctrl +v
ill effetcs:
I am not aware if any

can anybody give me a direct link to download supercopier? i m finding it difficult to find a proper setup for the same since i seem to be downloading some other file of supercopier...is there an .exe setup for supercopier? is yes, then i would be very thankful 2 have the same...
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