Nope no patch. When the game runs well i never apply any patches (until and unless its a MP game).Gannu said:^Aman did you apply the patch? DigitalDude what about you?
Gannu said:^Got it off via Steam? Or got the physical copy? I think Steam auto-updates the version and a new patch was released just yesterday.
So did i, our cards are pretty much same in performance.Gannu said:Nvm the problem isn't that severe. At least I can run everything maxed out at 8x AA.
One of my friend also has the card, he said that when he unlocked his card, he started facing more glitches than before. You're not facing that, right?Gannu said:^Yeah and overclocked it to 10% of the clocks.
Yeah it is, this is one game whose sequel i am dearly waiting.bond_212 said:wonderful game ........
the best thing is playing the echos .......... 5 to 8 mins of fultoo entertainment ....... good for when u are taking a break ....
Oh thanks for that. Will do that.Lord Nemesis said:^^ The diagonal line goes off if you turn down the Post Processing to Medium.
I don't really think it was. It was in its own class. Didn't have this much fun playing a shootrer... EVER.Gannu said:If this was EPIC's response to KZ3
Have you completed KZ2 yet? It wouldn't be worthwhile playing KZ3 without playing KZ2. You wouldn't get a grip of the storyline otherwise.Aman27deep said:I have played one level of KZ3 so far.
Tone down the PP to medium. Should solve some issues.kauzy said:started playing it.. and its fun.. apart from some glitches and shadow part
love shooting them in their ba**s and asses..
Really? cause i faced none. The game looks just FABULOUS on all maxed with 16x AA on 1980*1080. REALLY GOOD.viralbug said:^ Nope. PC has it's own big share of glitches and by far the worst.
The worst being blocky shadows, weird lighting and overall bad graphic performance. Sad really cause it's a really fun game.