0-20k Buy PS3 or save and buy Gaming PC?

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Let me explain my current predicament
i have a laptop(i3-380m/GT540M) which has terrible overheating problems: any average PC game causes my Laptop to shut down after 10mins~ of continous play
this has led me to think about buying a PS3,but after the recent PS4 announcement the ps3 will be obsolete next year, also, i have 20+ legit PC games which i have spent my mom's money upon,so i am reconsidering my decision since a ps3 + games would be a waste of money
so my mom told me to put the same money which i will be using to buy a ps3(25k) in to an FD for 45 days @ 4.5% for one year and use that to buy a gaming pc or ps4 or whatever i like
so i just wanted to ask the experts here whether should i buy a ps3 now, or save up and buy a ps4 or gaming pc later next year
It depends on the usage ,

Practically PS$ can never takes pace the the position of a real world PC but PC can nearly obsolete the use of Playstation.

Invest in a PC with a decent GPU.
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