the 60k repair bill was actually due to the incompetent ford service center. some seal or cap in the cooling system was busted, and they changed a lot of other stuff at his expense , and about 3~4 sets of coolant refills (ford uses some proprietary coolant) before finally figuring out the problem.
the indigo - looks like a good deal, unless its a petrol, in which case , avoid.
but it will need more maintenance than , say an esteem, and if you are not planning to buy a diesel vehicle eventually/ have a monthly running in excess of 1000 km per month, does not make sense. And its nice if you can find out a good garage which specializes in tata cars. tata ASS is cheap, but dumb, and their diagnosis skills are zilch
I would buy it , if it were for me , since I've been driving an indica for 2 years and figured out a lot of the cars idiosyncrasies by virtue of owning it , and hanging around at the Indica user group.
But not recommended for a newbie, since its a diesel car, the power steering and the controls - clutch, gearbox etc are an order of magnitude harder than an alto etc, and the visiblity of the front is very low (its like sitting on an elephant

BUT , if you are planning to buy a new diesel sedan eventually, and if you know the service history/owner of the indigo, I'd say buy it. It will be hard to learn initially, but once you get comfortable , all other cars will be a piece of cake for you - I have had the same experience with my indica