Even in India, all AGV models, from base plain ones to the highly decorated ones, adhere to the same design and standard and are one of the finest helmets for the price they sell at!!
Amongst Indians manufs, MPA used to be quite strict about adhering to norms and hence used to be quite pricier than other brands which had put off most Indian junta-coz most want a flashy full face for less than 500/- bucks:rofl: !!:cool2:
BTW, AGV in India is manufactured by MPA!!
MPA used to manufacture top quality helmets in India for leading international brands and export them, local sale not allowed!!
Won't take names!!:cool2:
AGV top models are 2k odd and recently Quad got one, That will give u an idea of present rates and u may try for lower than that- u r in Bangalore pal- biking heaven- aahhh!!

I can only second all the Points Vignesh mentioned, after all didnt i claim he is TE's True Blue biker, in his Bday thread!!:hap2:
One technical thing abt good helmets is they require minimum 4 layers EPS shell internally and good manufs adhere to that!!
So u will find most AGV helmets far bigger in size compared to other brands but still find it quite difficult to fit ur head inside!!
some ISI helmets sold here are so small, its like no shell almost- forget fit and visibility!!
I have personally seen two ISI helmets of same make, both fit me well, but one twice the volume of the other!!:rofl:
And a loose fitting helmet, what can i say- it will protect ur head only if it stays on, even if u tie the chin strap tight, but it will snap your neck for sure
if it don't fly off!!:rofl:
Another thing is that even after wearing a helmet, ur vision- due to quality of visor (scratch resistance, optical index)- and field of vison (which is designed adhering to technical and practical values)- should not be hampered while riding!!
Not so critical aspect- actually critical in Hot Indian climes- is ventilation!!
A hot stuffy helmet is irritating, adding to rider distraction and hence not good for his/her safety!!
Also such an helmet will have less overall useable life!!
Heres where removable washable liners are a boon- coz trust me- washing a helmet whole is not fun and at times- disastrous!!
If u want something better, one can buy (ony select) Bieffe ones, made by steelbird in tech collaboration with Bieffe!!
They had a 'Biaggi' replica and another top rider replica- damn old age- one of the best helmets available locally just b4 AGV range was launched!!
Were for 2.5k odd but rare as ... 'insert what u like'!!
You might have seen Adil Jal Darukhanawala and few other test riders in Overdrive and Auto car wear it in pics!!:cool2:
Maybe you could find few more points in that thread Quad had started- actually i am lost- dunno what i said and whats left unsaid!!:rofl: :ashamed:
All the best Nik!!:hap2: