PC Peripherals Cabinet - Cooler Master or zebronics?

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My PC is running very hot nowdays so I have decided to buy new cabinet.But I am really confused between CM Elite 330 and Zebronics Peace,antiboitics and reaper.Which one would be better.My budget is 2k max.Any other cabinet suggestions are appreciated.
Zebronics cabinets are of a miserable build. Cooler Master Elite 330 is the best you can get is that price range. Do check out the Antec 300 too, it is over your budget, but an amazing product at its price.
Yeah I am also inclined towards Cooler Master Elite 330 but it has only 1 fan.I need more fans.It has one optional front fan.How much will it cost?
get the elite 334 ...it looks similar to the 690..

and then u can add an amigo led fan at the front..costs arnd 180 bucks
See you are upgrading.And upgrading is part of PC life.But upgrade should be in a wiser manner that would last long.

Heat is the greatest performance killer.Think wisely and choose your cabinet.

And look forward through it in a manner that need not need it to be changed for at least 3 years.

I would suggest CM Centurion 590 it's around 3.8K because with it the possibilities are unlimited.It is as good as HAF that costs around 8K.But remember these cabinets does not have SMPS within them so you have to buy them extra.So,that is an extra headache.

So, if your budget is really tight then go for rather iball cabinets and not zebronics.

Thank you
I have total 5k in my pocket.3k will be used for CM Extreme Power 500W and 2k for cabinet.My PC is running really hot so i need cabinet with good air circulation.Looks like I will get CM Elite 330.

Chk out Zebronics Bijli or antibiotic, they hav lots of cooling options as ur main concern is temps and ur budget is pretty tight. It costs just 1.4k

And for PSU part dont go for Extreme Power series of CM as they r not efficient. Get Real Power Pro 460W comes with 5 yrs warranty and pretty efficient. Mediahome has it for 3.4k.



Total 5k and try to get more cash for some fans.
CM RP 460w 3500Rs/tagan 500w 3k
Bijli/antibiotic 1.5k max

dont bother buying extreme series, for 1k more u get real power series/VX 450 which are far better.
pavasedge said:
I have total 5k in my pocket.3k will be used for CM Extreme Power 500W and 2k for cabinet.My PC is running really hot so i need cabinet with good air circulation.Looks like I will get CM Elite 330.

Look for u there is a way though, but it depends upon you.Just buy CM Elite 330 and mod it.I mean Cut 120mm circular parts on side panel and the top of it and drill holes for fitting the fans and and meshes on it.Like this you can save money and also have a good air flow also.But I would suggest you to give it to hands of experts to do this kind of job.But before you make holes for the fans just draw the inside structure and air flow on a sheet of paper so that you can pin point your heating areas and deal with them.

Thank you
antec nsk4400 for 1925/- has very good 120mm tricool fan and good build quality... tagan 500W for 3275/- total 5200/-
pavasedge said:
I have total 5k in my pocket.3k will be used for CM Extreme Power 500W and 2k for cabinet.My PC is running really hot so i need cabinet with good air circulation.Looks like I will get CM Elite 330.

Please don't go for an Extreme power series PSU.
Choose either one of the following:=
CM RP 460W,Tagan TG U37 500W, Corsair CX400, Corsair VX450.
Spend the money left on the cabinet.
The PSU is a lot more important than the case, trust me.
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