Call of Duty: Black Ops - Discussion Thread

Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

nj_gamer said:

Probably your C: drive needs to be cleared up a little... plus i guess you can play now right? since ur facing the stuttering?

I got it to work,but i had to do something behind the scenes...

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

A new big patch is in the offing .should arrive in a few day's time.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

sorry for off topic but i am getting this error in world at words in chat.

please help.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

PC Patch incoming this Friday XX PST for Multiplayer followed by SP..That means we'll get it on Friday..Hope it solves every bug!
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Thats why i hold out on PC version of the game, have already got it for PC hope it runs smooth now
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Did you folks watch the video on youtube of a guy going through the whole assassinate Castro mission without firing a single bullet? On Hardened none the less.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Offtopic:- Completed CoD:MW2. And indeed, if you tell me to sum up the game in one line I'll say, its an explosive roller coaster ride of an action game.

It peaks with adrenaline pumping chases on snow mobile, steady sniper mission, latest technology weapons, realistic environment, awesome graphic, superb voice acting by Hans "the music god" Zimmer followed by frigging epic ending and thus kept me temptingly plausible throughout the game. I'll rate it 9/10.

And yes, finally Black Ops, here I come.. :p

--- Updated Post ---

Damnit! Installed Black Ops followed by the patch, but the game is shuttering like hell on my pc..

I cranked the visuals down, but all efforts in vain.. :mad:

Hope, that the upcoming patch will solves these all bugs..
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Started the game last night. And like all cod games i can feel its awesomeness just by playing only 5 mins. Will continue today later. :D

BTW no lags on highest settings here.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Hey guys, is it true that the game is not going to be retailed it India at all?

I am thinking of getting it through steam, but am unsure whether it would be worth it, as it seems the closest servers are all european...

Would be a bummer if I go for the game for 59.99$ and end up playing only the SP.

Any help would be much appreciated as I really want to decide to go either for the PC or Xbox version.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

^yup its true....... and lowest ping u would get for mp is around 159ms which is playable...... but the rig has to be quite good to play it stutter free.....
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

The last three COD games have been brilliantly overhyped. Just played Black ops and the impression was meh.

COD died for me after MW1 , since then all the titles are just worthy of pirating.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

psyph3r said:
The last three COD games have been brilliantly overhyped. Just played Black ops and the impression was meh.
COD died for me after MW1 , since then all the titles are just worthy of pirating.
I must admit with you modern warfare was brilliant what modern warfare started revolutionized the whole fps genre.MW2 was also good for me but i would say the expectations from it was a bit high.anyways mw2 compensates that very well through its multiplayer.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

i saw the ps3 version of the call of duty game in the landmark today........ i was thinking that it wont be released at all in india.......... but seeing the ps3 version(priced at 3.5k) of game was wondering why they didn't release the pc version with price of 3k...... atleast few will buy.......... (those who bought on steam liked me.......would have really like to have a boxed version of it.....)

even street fighter is kept there for pc which is priced at 1.5k......