call of duty modern warfare 2 playing now!!!

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spindoctor said:
you'll never be the host in a match. however, that doesn't mean you can't play the game... someone else in the game lobby will always be chosen the host. i've put in over 6 hours into the multiplayer so far and it's very playable all the way through.
hey spin...

u played the multiplayer version on PC or a console ?

if PC... does the *ahem* version supports online multiplayer as of now ?

warm regards
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
hey spin...

u played the multiplayer version on PC or a console ?

if PC... does the *ahem* version supports online multiplayer as of now ?

warm regards

pc version. bought the game on steam. no idea if you can play mp with pirated copies.
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
hey spin...

u played the multiplayer version on PC or a console ?

if PC... does the *ahem* version supports online multiplayer as of now ?

warm regards
It does using Hamachi.
For all those who miss the ghetto sniper level in MW1, you will find that same level (Slightly modified) and similar other levels in the SpecOps mode. Totally loving it :P Some modes are insanely difficult on Veteran, like Snatch & Grab (Boneyard). That level in teh Single Player campaign was already so tough with the two enemies fighting each other, in the SpecOps mission, they are all out against me :P and there are nearly twice as many dudes :P With juggernauts :P With damn good accuracy.
It gets tougher as you progress.. and the worst thing is that you have to start that level all over again even if u are near the end point.. :@
Bravo has two 2 player missions.. which i can't complete.. stupid college VPN.. blocked the gaming ports :@
Does any one else think that this game is being terribly overrated by reviewers and all? This is not the worthy sequel to COD4 that I was expecting. I am not saying its bad, but I would not rate it anything above COD 5 World at War.

If I rate COD 4 9.8/10, this would not get anything more than an 8.5. Graphics are worse in many ways compared to COD4 at the same settings (Texture sharpness issues) and the story line in COD 4 was a lot more gripping.
To me the game is amazing, definitely not CoD4 amazing, that game was a legend, but this is much better than World at War. The story line is short, and slightly predicable, but is amazing nonetheless.Personally I found the graphics to be better in nearly all aspects. :P

@kauzy - me too :P I meant Bravo all single player missions done. Just completed the Snowmobile time trial :P So one left in Charlie.
Lord Nemesis said:
Graphics are worse in many ways compared to COD4 at the same settings (Texture sharpness issues) and the story line in COD 4 was a lot more gripping.
That's weird. Could you post a screenshot showing the difference?
i have recently shifted to a new place, so the desktop is packed and its place is not decided. but the first thing i am doing after i have it setup is playing this game... (also want to do borderlands, which i have but that can wait)
any idea if they are coming out with dedicated servers? i know there was a petition going on, not sure if it will fall through
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