Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Discussion Thread

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Fixed. :P

baccilus said:
MW3 will be a flop in India for genuine gamers because:

1. BF3 will be better. Can't be too sure about this but BF3 will surely not have the dedicated server issue.

2. They will try to charge American prices from people in India which will definitely not work.
Activision had not released MW2 and Blops for PC in india that's why they were flop here.

Whatever reasons there are, you will sure find more peeps playing MW2 and Blops and less playing BC2. (And this so called comparison would be applicable in India also if MW2 and blops would had been released here as well.)
Let them release MW3 (which I highly doubt they will). At least peeps complaining about "not releasing" will prolly buy and may not pirate, if they think the reason to pirate COD game is so.

BF series is indeed a good FPS (Specially BC2 MP for PC) , no doubt in that.
A genuine gamer will play both the games IMO. And won't try to compare the shit.
Why can't both stand their on own grounds!
They will obviously be compared, look at them, both are FPS, both have class based multiplayer, both have short SP campaigns. Never mind the fact that COD multiplayer has less strategy, more intense action while BF has more open maps, vehicles and require some planning and execution. Both are fun, it depends on what you prefer really. I generally prefer the wide open maps and long battles of BC2, but there are times when I don't mind running around shooting full auto in COD4 as well :)
crossbow said:
Why can't both stand their on own grounds!
exactly Thats what i tried to say in my previous post if both are fps it doesn't means both are comparable.BF and cod are two opposite sides of the same genre.
LOL, this fight between COD and Battlefield is now evolving into the new PC vs Console fight :P

P.S I am not a troll :P
@Gannu: Thanks. The commercial success of a game is measured in terms of genuine players. people in India have a lot of inertia. If they play one game they will just keep playing that game. Just look at CS. Especially in case of multiplayer games, it matters a lot what your peers are playing.
BF has always been a success on PC, and COD has nearly revolutionized MP gaming on consoles. So just f*cking buy what you like and enjoy it pirates! :P
Hey atleast us MW fanboys are not phonies. I have yet to come across a single BF fan who did not buy MW. =D
I am a BF fan and i bought MW, would have bought MW2 if it available for BF prices.

I'll but MW3 if it costs less than 1.5k and i available in india(and multiplayer is worth buying), otherwise just single player :)
quan chi said:

kindly remove your last sentence.:D
Done don't wanna get banned now.

Btw, a similar problem i am faceing with is HAWX2 i loved HAWX and its not available on online shops! can't find it on net also, they are not even bothering crack it (or they all have failed to crack maybe)!, can't believe it is that unpopular(even angry bird is more popular, i think)
Alrighty fellas, please keep the discussions clean and relating to the subject. Please don't start a war here and don't feed the trolls.
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