Camera phone

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^^^^ stretching a budget is not an issue, actually looking for VFM.

But I'll still wait for Ankit till he post the pictures.
I have owned the K790i for about 6 months and now i own a N93, and i can assure you that its a no contest between K790i and N Series phones as far as picture quality is concerned, as someone mentioned there is too much of picture processing in N73 which for some1 like me takes away the photo quality, what it does is remove the grains in the picture by post processing which also takes away the detail, however the lens in SE is of better quality and shows more detail and there is not much post processing, plus the Xeon light on SE takes it a league apart in low light condition, you may think that you dont get into low light condition, but believe me that you will, like in a party or a disco...the N73 LED is simply not capable enuf.
^^^^ that's why I am looking at SE.

@Ankit= Take your time buddy, I can wait for 2-3 days, i'm not in hurry.
although n73 led flash light is no competition for xenon flash of k790i .. but in terms of led flash, its a very strong led flash..
Hey so sorry man.. TOTALLY forgot about this thread. Just remembered so thought id upload the pics i had taken. Don think you'l need it now but anyway, though id post for whoever else is interested as well..

Left : N73ME ----- Right : k790i

We kinda see that both the cameras are almost equal though in some aspects (mouse being the most prominent) the k790i is much better. Also, look at the last pic iv posted (taken with the k790i).. Im really impressed that it caught something like that.
Some taken for fun with the k790i (not default settings) :)


I havent opened the photographs, but one of the main difference between K790i and N73 is that with its post processing, N73 makes the pics look more vibrant (and more beautiful to some) but Ankit most probably will be able to attest to the fact that the colors of K790i are more true to the actualy colour of the objects, the pillow and the table being most prominent.
^ exactly.. Also, the N73 has a slight bluish tinge at times.. Hmm dont think its visible in these pics but iv seen it myself mostly in outdoor photographs. Will try and get hold of the same.
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