Camera Camera : Which one to choose?

my vote for the Canon S5 IS , its a very good camera :)

Over and above, Canon customer support/service is excellent. Very customer friendly and responsive. +1 to them all the way :hap2:
Yeah the G9 is a good bet. It has a bigger sensor than most P&S cams and so less noise at higher ISOs.

Also 6x zoom is plenty enough IMHO. And the lesser the zoom, the lesser the compromises. I have a 10x zoom camera and I have clicked a few snaps at a higher focal length. The snaps are all soft and not sharp at all. I haven't printed any of those snaps.
Yeah the G9 is a good cam but the lack of wide-angle is a limiter. :)

@BF1983, I would have to disagree with you on the whole "more zoom = less optical quality". While that's true for all DSLR lenses, the smaller P&S cameras have smaller image circles and the optics are extremely well managed. I've posted so many samples at 12x zoom with my H2 (including the Upside Down shot a few pages back), which are tack-sharp.
BUT, the crazy 18x-20x zoom cams will have distortion issues (28mm showing the highest distortion of the lot).
BUT, most users will hardly notice it. :D

Hence, my vote again goes for the Panny FZ18 - 28mm, user-friendly 18x zoom, small package and full manual controls.

The G9 @ 36mm for a guy who doesn't seem like he's gonna delve into RAW and other complexities is wasted, in fact the if you're going for 36mm you may as well get an S5 IS which will give him zoom as well.

Thanks for all the input guys. As per the discussion going on for the past 3 days I have finally decided to go with Panasonic FZ18. Just Few questions about it..

a) How good is it with Macro shots/ CloseUp shots

b) How good is it with the Night Shoots with the default flash and with increased exposure.

c) What about things in motion. like a speedy car or bike.

d) If I use zoom can I take print in poster size without causing issues with image quality.

deepakkrishnan said:
a) How good is it with Macro shots/ CloseUp shots
Should do fine
b) How good is it with the Night Shoots with the default flash and with increased exposure.
Bad... High ISO performance of that camera is quite bad.
c) What about things in motion. like a speedy car or bike.
Should be alright

d) If I use zoom can I take print in poster size without causing issues with image quality.
No point and shoot will do well for poster sized prints.
Okie so the final verdict of the jury is Panasonic FZ18. So whats the price for this cam as I just checked on compare india and it 29K.That would be a bit too steep

Ps : Just out of curiosity,where exactly does it take over H50 and P80
29k seems awfully expensive for the FZ18. i could get a Sony A300 DSLR with kit lens imported from US at that price!

as a comparison, i recently got a Sony H50 imported from US (through KMD) for abt 19k. the FZ18 should cost a little less than that, if you want to import it in.
Checked some pics clicked by spolygon . Macro shots looks really good. So People its done with .. FZ18 for me.. Have to wait to find the best price of the thing now.

Thanks to you all for the time and prompt response..

I would have bought H50 if wouldn't have posted here..

Thanks once again!!!!!!!!11
Welcome to the 18 and above club :)

deepakkrishnan said:
Checked some pics clicked by spolygon . Macro shots looks really good. So People its done with .. FZ18 for me.. Have to wait to find the best price of the thing now.

Where did u find pics taken by him?
He Pm'ed me with the link of his flicker account.. checked it over there.. I would have posted it but then again as he pm'ed me so I thought otherwise.. maybe he should post that link over here for other's to check...

Anyway : Panny 18 it is for me....

Any sites which helps us out with manual settings and info regarding the same.
Hey spolygon post your flickr acc man :)

deepakkrishnan said:
He Pm'ed me with the link of his flicker account.. checked it over there.. I would have posted it but then again as he pm'ed me so I thought otherwise.. maybe he should post that link over here for other's to check...

Anyway : Panny 18 it is for me....

Any sites which helps us out with manual settings and info regarding the same.

have a read at, to get started
Well I had not posted the links to the pictures here because

a) I have not had time to take many pictures yet and so there are very few snaps.

b) Considering the quality of photos on the photography thread on techenclave, i was a bit embarrassed.

But here are the macro shots of a few flowers that I took in my garden:

I like the last two. These were all taken using the telemacro mode and at about a 5 feet distance and are posted as they came out of the camera with no processing.