CPU/Mobo Can D2500HN perform as office PC?

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geek ashish

Few months ago my uncle's Asus motherboard stopped working.
I can not find a new motherboard for him, so now we have decided to buy a new mobo+cpu+ram

Due to budget constraints, he finalised on Intel D2500HN.
BTW all he knows about computers is MS office, email and Card games. That's all.

  1. Q: What is your budget?
    • 4K -5k
  2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - AMD Athlon 64 4800+ (AM2 ado4800iaa5dd )
    • Motherboard - Some ASUS board, not working
    • GPU - No GPU (On-board Graphics)
    • RAM - Transcend 2 X 1GB DDR2 working
    • Monitor - LG 19"
    • SMPS - VIP ATX (good one)
    • HardDrive (Primary) - Seagate 320 GB SATA
    • DVD Drive - Sony DVD RW PATA
    • Cabinet - ATX Mid Tower
    • Keyboard,mouse- I ball
    • Speakers - ATP3
    • UPS - APC 600VA
    I assembled this PC myself in around 2007. Upgrading because I can't find a new motherboard
  3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - LG 19"
    • SMPS - VIP ATX
    • HardDrive (Primary) - Seagate 320 GB SATA
    • DVD Drive - need it only for windows installation, so i'll borrow from friend
    • Cabinet - ATX Mid Tower
    • keyboard, mouse - Iball
    • Speakers - ATP3
    • UPS - APC 600VA

  4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU + Motherboard - Intel D2500HN
    • RAM - Corsair 2GB DDR3 Laptop RAM
    Please note that I will be using same primary hard-disk as before. I intend to just format my C: drive partition in order to install the new hardware.
  5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No.
  6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • I prefer online / Primeabgb
  7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Browsing, emails
    • Office work (PDFs, docs, emails etc)
    • Solitaire
  9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • No preference
  10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • No gaming at all
  11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Desktop - 1440x900 (I prefer this resolution over Full HD)
    2. No gaming
  12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows XP SP3 (Not upgrading to Win 7 because I don't think my uncle will be comfortable with the shift)

Now I'm confused about we should buy D2500Hn and Corsair laptop RAM or stretch for G630+mobo+2GBRAM
The cost difference is about 3000/-, which is a lot for him.

Can this PC perform?

Please help as soon as possible. need to assemble it in two days.
It will work fine.

The 2500 cannot handle Aero at all so forget 7 (also costs more), but works fine for pretty much any basic computing task.

As long as the expectations are realistic it will be fine. It will feel a bit slower than the Athlon it is replacing, but not by very much. The G630 et al will be far quicker, though I do know that you can aim much lower and get a Celeron or Sempron combo in about the same price as the 2500 - and both those will smoke the Atom.
^^ Better than the above configuration go for this --

Intel Pentium G530 ~2500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/- OR GIGABYTE-H61M-SV2 ~3000/-
Corsair 2GB x2 ValueRAM ~1400/- (you will need to go for new RAM modules because DDR II is no longer supported)
[rest configurations from your old PC]

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
Thanks for the replys,
sempron are living on overdraft. being a single core, not power efficient as well.
sempron cpu+mobo+ram works out to be 1000 bucks more than D2500+ram
Also my uncle doesn't want to go for AMD.
He's furious abt not finding a new mobo for his AMD cpu, whereas I bought
a new mobo for my Intel E8400 when my ABIt IP-35e conked off.

"It was 4.5 yrs old, so what? I hardly used it. I never played any games too." :facepalm:


celerons are no where to be found
atleast not with Prime.

Actually I'm trying t convince my uncle to stretch and go for g620/630 system, if it works voila !!
coz reformatting and installing windows again and again on D2500 ( or celeron/sempron) is going to be pain in my a**.
Good news guys, My uncle bought G630, gigabyte mobo and Kingstone ram...
Took some convincing, but.. problem solved.
No worries now.

thanks for the support though
@geek ashish, good on ya' mate.

You got lucky there, may this one serve your uncle well.

"It was 4.5 yrs old, so what? I hardly used it. I never played any games too." :facepalm:

This deserves --
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