Career Advisor / Consultant in India

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I have created similar threads in the past, but spare me as I am narrowing down my criteria :P

As the title suggests, I need to discuss with some career advisor - no I am not looking for a job - I need to figure out what I should probably do. I feel (and know) I am good at a few things, but am confused about the prospects.

Do we have any (good) career consultants / advisors in India? Either available on the phone or in person? I have suggested a few things to a few people but I suck at making decisions for myself :D
Even I am looking for the same :)

I talked to one counselor in phone after my 12th, but dont think he is worthy enough to be shared here :no:

He talked the way like your Mama Chacha gives suggestions to you
Many in the same boat I guess. Some do take up a parallel career, but everyone has a different fit. Hoping someone on TE has some info :)
Why not !?

Consider me as your first client. I am confused what to do after engineering which is going to finish by June 2012 :P
Don't want to boast or anything, but I do have plenty of knowledg in this niche, not about every sub niche but about quite a few. And I have myself used services of a few high profile counselors and I can guarantee you that on the ub niches I know, I can beat all of them together hands down.

I am not a professional at this and I don't guarantee any help, but if you pm me details and if I can suggest anything at all, I would love to help all of you.

I won't charge anything, no self interest is involved except for the fact that I dislike how career counselors loot people with zero knowledge. :)
^ I think most counsellors available are for students. Probably because they can get away saying pretty much anything.

I am not too sure about these aptitude test based tests. I mean what does clearing them signify? In todays market most engineers and prospective MBAs would clear those tests, how do they differentiate?
Nope, there could be a huge difference btw two people based on aptitude even though the lower aptitude one might have scored better marks.

If you want to go for research and all, it is useless to consider the line until you are significantly above avergeintelligence. Often average people do a decent job, but they are just a fraction of the people who actually try.
^ Yea but if two people get exactly the same marks in an aptitude test - very much possible - how do they determine who takes what? Not both will have the same inclinations.
But there are various subtests within a test to test you for your strong points. And these tests are only cut off not the sole criteria.
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