Career graph is going bad , need advice from older people :'(

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Mr India

Grad - BBA , after that worked in a small company in a operations role for like 8 months

Then did MBA from a average college - after that I worked for 11 months in a company in core marketing profile but due to issues with boss left. had to join another and due to my desperation joined for same salary at a company. However i worked for only 4 month there and joined a 'growing' company by foolishly listening to a friend who worked there. Again i did mistake in leaving prev company without intimation and din get any exp. letter and thought since friend was manager i wud get a good raise.My profile here is operations which is diff from prev, however salary wasn't given much hike(approx 10% only :( ) and was lured there that appraisal happens in dec so ul get a good hike in it like last year. Now company didnt get good business this year and is on a slowdown phase. While last year people got 20-40% hikes this year already i heard today rumors and talks of just 5-15% hike. Feels like biggest mistake of life to come here, what to do ? My friends who started career with similar 20-25k salary have moved on to like 30-35 most of them while im stuck and crying in my heart. Nowdays u cant even expect to marry a decent woman in under 45k salary and that seems so far away in years. My very soul has become sad and unhappy with my life.

I feel i should have stuck with a marketing profile ( not sales btw ) than go to a operations one . now im stuck and feel hopeless. got me worried now. Im giving my MBA entrance exams now and I hope I find a good college. BTW, were you selected from the college?
Shrug the past, rise and move on. There will be struggle but it would be well worth. Just do NOT repeat mistakes from past.
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Complete your tenure in the present organization. After this find a stable brand to work at. Don't look into startups for few years.

Just a side note - it's always better to keep friendships and professional life separate. Don't mix them.

All the best!
I really think you should stop chasing salary so much and instead focus on your CV. Forget switching jobs every 6-8 months, this creates a very bad impression on any potential recruiter. Not to mention leaving a job without informing them. WTH is that? And have you decided WHAT you want to do in your career? You have about 1 year work ex in marketing and I guess about 1 year in operations. So while changing fields you were, for all intents and purposes, a fresher. In which case it would be naive to think you will get a huge hike/ appraisal.

And 8-10% increment is normal for average performers (90% of the company as per the bell curve). Had you expected this from the start, you probably would not be so angry and frustrated.
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decent woman in under 45k salary and that seems so far away in years.

Disclaimer- personal opinion

The day you shrug this notion off and start working for and on yourself and your parents, and start doing what you like to do, or start loving what you do, miracles would start! Dot it for yourself and not for some obscure girl you haven't seen/don't know.

With that said, complete your tenure here and look for greener pastures.[DOUBLEPOST=1450279706][/DOUBLEPOST] got me worried now. Im giving my MBA entrance exams now and I hope I find a good college. BTW, were you selected from the college?

In today's day and age, where algorithms are replacing managers, doing MBA for the heck of it is not a prudent decision. Either get in some top rung college, or go for specializations. This is the age of specializations...
Disclaimer- personal opinion

The day you shrug this notion off and start working for and on yourself and your parents, and start doing what you like to do, or start loving what you do, miracles would start! Dot it for yourself and not for some obscure girl you haven't seen/don't know.

With that said, complete your tenure here and look for greener pastures.[DOUBLEPOST=1450279706][/DOUBLEPOST]

In today's day and age, where algorithms are replacing managers, doing MBA for the heck of it is not a prudent decision. Either get in some top rung college, or go for specializations. This is the age of specializations...
What are specializations?
What are specializations?

Whatever you like, based on your preferences and background. Look for specialised courses in banking if finance excites you, or maybe cfa.

Same with marketing, hr etc. Also, some companies have some short term courses. They'll recruit you directly once you complete them successfully. Point is, you should be good based on industry standards and any ordinary college doesn't fit the bill these days. Companies are looking for better workforce.
have seen it myself. all the good looking girls marry big salary people. below 40 u cnt hope anything. why will a girl choose u over some guy who earns like 60-80k

What's with girls, marriages etc dude? Do it for yourself...
I really think you should stop chasing salary so much and instead focus on your CV. Forgot switching jobs every 6-8 months, this creates a very bad impression on any potential recruiter. Not to mention leaving a job without informing them. WTH is that? And have you decided WHAT you want to do in your career? You have about 1 year work ex in marketing and I guess about 1 year in operations. So while changing fields you were, for all intents and purposes, a fresher. In which case it would be naive to think you will get a huge hike/ appraisal.

And 8-10% increment is normal for average performers (90% of the company as per the bell curve). Had you expected this from the start, you probably would not be so angry and frustrated.
what i am planning to do is edit cv so the marketing job also looks like a bit operations profile as it involved lotta coordination , followups for marketing with various depts. etc and setting processes. current is also similar , though now i use no brains and its a boring job.

@derp - i am doing it for myself , all i wanna do in life is to be rich or close to rich. and who wouldnt want a nice woman in your life. The only women who wud marry someone with under 40k would be from small towns etc. , here in ggn and delhi you have no value if you are not well off.
i am doing it for myself , all i wanna do in life is to be rich or close to rich. and who wouldnt want a nice woman in your life. The only women who wud marry someone with under 40k would be from small towns etc. , here in ggn and delhi you have no value if you are not well off.

So you mean women from small towns are not nice? I think your definition of nice needs some introspection. Anyways, that's for you to do!!

I think he meant to avoid generic MBA titles. Specialize in one field in management. Get that squared off. Dont do what the OP did unless he have a plan ahead.
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So you mean women from small towns are not nice? I think your definition of nice needs some introspection. Anyways, that's for you to do!!
they are very nice and my first gf was from a so called very small town but thing is they have different hobbies ,interests and they wont match with me 90% of them.
im like 26 bro , u want me to sleep alone for how long?
Dude, 26 is not late. I'm just 20, and my parents wants me to settle down, get my own house and marry at the age of 29-30. And that's fine with me. What's the use of marrying when you don't have funds to live happily?
Not judging you, but you want to marry just to sleep with someone?

Either I have a wrong notion towards issues like these or someone needs to really sit down and think what he wants from life.

Anyways, no more ot-ing!
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