Case Fans ??

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When I look at the 12v case fans in the market I see some have shorter blades and a large centre core where the wire is wound and some other fans are opposite - meaning that the blades are large and the centre core is small.

My question does it make a difference which way the fan is built regarding....

1. amount of air flow
2. RPM speed
3. lasting quality
4. power usage
Hmmm, from what i have seen with fans, often, fans with large sweeping blades offer good airflow. Just make sure the blades are of good quality, and are inclined at a large angle

Thanks for the reply. :)

Just to give a better idea of what I was trying to get across here is a picture of 2 fans - the left one is a Panaflo and the right one is a Mitsibushi.
well the fans you see with larger armature and small fins are usually high RPM and high CFM fans.
They are loud.
On the opposite side, the BIg blade fans are High CFM, low RPM and silent fans. They may not always give as much CFM as the tornado fans but they are preety silent.
funkymonkey said:
well the fans you see with larger armature and small fins are usually high RPM and high CFM fans.
They are loud.
On the opposite side, the BIg blade fans are High CFM, low RPM and silent fans. They may not always give as much CFM as the tornado fans but they are preety silent.

So which is better for trouble free long term use ? I seem to feel you are saying that the Panaflo fan on the left would be better - right ?

I dont care about the noise the fans make as I live next to a very busy street and I cannot hear the case fans. :D
Hey, has anybody got ne idea whether Antec Fans r available here ?? N how much is da Antec Super LaNBoy available for ?
andy_anu said:
Hey, has anybody got ne idea whether Antec Fans r available here ?? N how much is da Antec Super LaNBoy available for ?

I have an Antec 120mm Smartfan - paid 1000 for it. Not worth it believe me.

Last week I got a price of 5200 for super lanboy without power supply and 7525 with 350w power supply + 4% tax.
Delta, Panaflo, Sunon = the best fans you can get. Those are industry grade fans. Everything else comes after that. Antec fans are not really worth the money.
I got 2x Delta 120MM 3 pin fans for 200 bucks each. They do about 3200 rpm and are very silent.
Look around some decent shops you will surely find it.
I have one of them colling my winne ;) will try and post pics
Are you sure they are real Deltas? Cos real Delta 120mm fans will cost atleast 10-15$ a piece!

@bottle: you can get all of 'em here...

edit: oops! they don't seem to ship other than canada and usa even though their main page says they do :P
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Chaos said:
Are you sure they are real Deltas? Cos real Delta 120mm fans will cost atleast 10-15$ a piece!

@bottle: you can get all of 'em here...

edit: oops! they don't seem to ship other than canada and usa even though their main page says they do :P

yeah i know of sidewinder.. was looking for something more you know *local*

having hassles with customs.. the guy there thinks i m a dealer :P

by the way your xp 90 is from sidewinder so they DO deliver here :)
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What tha? They cost that much. Yup they are original all right. They work great too. I will surely pick up a couple more. I have a feeling that local shops dont really know the prices.

ok so you have bought soemthing from there. Was there any problem when it came?

@ Rave
These are 3 pin fans so they connect to the mobo directly. Mobo give the rmp read out.
bottle said:
yeah i know of sidewinder.. was looking for something more you know *local*

having hassles with customs.. the guy there thinks i m a dealer :P

by the way your xp 90 is from sidewinder so they DO deliver here :)

Oh didn't know abt that :) Why do they think ur a dealer :S.
coz once i went twice in a week ... 2 parcels came one after teh other :(

so he asked if i was selling the stuff outside or what .. got the 20 questions.
no didnt have to pay anything at the customs office. had to go there only to submit a write up,photostat of bill etc. later when the postman brought the stuff home they charged tax as well .. i got a lot of things with my xp 120 so tax was close to 1k :(

earlier i got the xp 90 for a friend (this is now with chaos) and they charged rs 200 tax. didnt have to go to customs office to provide any documents for this though. maybe coz it was a single item.
Stalkersoftware said:
Did you have to pay anything to get them released?
I am thinking of ordering an XP 120. Will it get through without any problems?

Get the XP-90C + panaflo instead. The neo2 is not perfectly compatible with the xp-120. You might have to bend a few capacitors.
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