Chat About The Resident Evil Series

:bleh: :cool2: Well if you want to know anything,need help or you may just want to have a convosation about the series please feel free to leave a message.:cool2: :bleh:
Welcome fellow RE player to TE :)

Well, Resident Evil : Umbrella Chronicles is apparently the new RE game for the Nintendo Wii, and from the name it sounds like it will cover the story of the fall of Umbrella which the Re4 missed out at. Perhaps the events between Code Veronica and Resident Evil 4. If that'll be the case i'll be forced to the buy the Wii just for this :p

And I wonder why Capcom is being so secretive about Re5. Look at Konami and Mgs4, they've already generated all the hype and publicity the game could recieve and Re5 is still stuck with that damn teaser trailer Capcom released a year ago.
Well,it could be their strategy of increasing ppl's anticipation instead of hyping it like Halo 2(Being a halo fan,I can't believe I said tht).I mean after I played the story was too short whereas the multiplayer made up for it.So it's good if capcom kept re5 under the hood and then reveal it in the next e3 to surprise us.

Can't wait for co-op mode in re5.I'll run while leaving my partner to defend the 100's or more zombies alone :p
I reckon Nemisis was the best boss of all the games!Erm... was the tyrant in re2? The dude with the bald head wernt he? He was in another aswell i think it was code veronica?? NEMISIS RULES

T-Virus Scientist-Date Of Death-Unknown........

Oh Ye Carlos Does Rule:p....

If anyone has any more info on RE5 please let me know am sick of seeing the same 5 pictures and the same Boring trailer over and over again :p it would help me alot instead of taking a long look around and finding nothing :p......
Nope no info on re5..capcom sure knows how to keep a secret.

The scene which gave me a fright in re3 was when the nemesis appeared suddenly when you had to deliver a vaccine for jill,tht scene is still fresh in my mind..I can never forget it,Hell..even horror movies didn't even give me a fright like tht.I was like WTF #%$@#%@$ :mad: ..

It's good to hear tht the original resident evil team is working on re5,so more fear factor ;) is assured.But I still hope they would make atleast 4 or 5 players to play the story together instead of 2...I mean they did say there would be 1500 zombies coming after you,so wht would you do with only 2 ppl..I know it may happen like this.Just imagine..hey params you take the 750 on the left and I take the 750 on the right...CHAARRGEEE!!

Next thing you know only my clothes would be hanging there in mid-air as I would be running too fast for even my clothes to be on my body.Btw has anyone finished re4 here??I reached an area where ashley was kidnapped again and she was in a room with 2 other merc ganados are there...and it looked like they were going to rape her :p and then suddenly they notice a camera watching them and quickly covers it.I had asaved it till there when mgs3 subsistence suddenly formatted my card without any confirmations :mad: .

So wht I would like to know is if it's worth playing again to see the ending??I m interested in finding out the ending but the thought of going through all those levels again is wht's discouraging me.
Maconie said:
I reckon Nemisis was the best boss of all the games!Erm... was the tyrant in re2? The dude with the bald head wernt he? He was in another aswell i think it was code veronica?? NEMISIS RULES

The official name of the tyrant in Re2 was Mr.X. I last played Re2 5 yrs ago and only completed it once.

Ah, he has his own Wikipedia page :

Tyrant (Resident Evil) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Code Veronica one was different, he was a little weaker IIRC.

MadM said:
The scene which gave me a fright in re3 was when the nemesis appeared suddenly when you had to deliver a vaccine for jill,tht scene is still fresh in my mind..I can never forget it,Hell..even horror movies didn't even give me a fright like tht.I was like WTF #%$@#%@$

Ah yes, remember that scene clearly. I can't even pick which scene was the scariest, basically everytime I heard loud thuds out of nowhere which were Nemmy's footsteps, and then followed by a "AARRGGHH, STAAARS!" the dualshock would start trembling in my hands, sometimes I have no idea what to do, run away or fight him.

I mean they did say there would be 1500 zombies coming after you,so wht would you do with only 2 ppl..I know it may happen like this.Just imagine..hey params you take the 750 on the left and I take the 750 on the right...CHAARRGEEE!!

That's if Re5 gets the multiplayer, and if it does, leave 1400 of them to me :p

So wht I would like to know is if it's worth playing again to see the ending??I m interested in finding out the ending but the thought of going through all those levels again is wht's discouraging me.

First half was the best part of Re4. Around the castle part it only gets more harder, dull and depressing. There's a lot of game still left, though. I took 19 hours to finish it on my first time on easy. If I were you i'd finish Mgs3 first and then restart Re4.

Also, have you tried RE : Code Veronica X yet? If not, get and finish this first then go onto Re4. Its just as good as Re3 imo.
Nope,haven't tried code veronica,Guess I'll check for it tomorrow..oh yeah it seems 2 ppl left capcom once clover studios was dissolved into capcom studios and these 2 were involved in some of the resident evil series but one of the main ppl is still there i.e. shinji mikami who is a producer and was involved in re2,3 and 4.

That's if Re5 gets the multiplayer, and if it does, leave 1400 of them to me :p
LOL!! No can have all 1500 if you wan't..I'll just setup a chair, a tv with cable and watch some shows while you can brain bust zombies to your liking :p .Oh and btw,who knows I might go looking for Jill valentine :tongue: while you're busy with zombies :rofl: .

Anyways,I found this video where a japanese guy is playing re3 and you can hear his screams when he's playing it :rofl: ,the guy is so scared tht he pauses every second to see anything out of the ordinary.:p

YouTube - PeCa bio hazard highlight

I couldn't find the other re4 funny vdeo where it had the benny hill song and it showed the different types of death leon would face.
hahaha that video's funny..., aniways thanks for the info. i thought RE4's ending was preety dawn good but it wernt like the other RE's thats what made it lack in intrest really. It is worth playing it though it took me 22hr's and 53min's to complete it my first time and i certainly enjoyed it. Does anyone know albert weskers report(IN TXT) because i never got to see it as i didnt complete the add on game with Ada. Thanks alot dudes:p.....
Atleast you guys were able to finish the game while my memory card was automatically formatted..all thx to mgs3.I lost all my data including the level in dmc3 where you had to face all the bosses you defeated before continously.

Anyways Like I said before,the co-op mode will rock in re5.Seems some new details abt wii's version of re has been released along with some screenies,will dig more to find out abt it.
get a new memory card madmonkey RE4 is worth the money its a really gd game you should try and finish it A.S.A.P it really is good apart from the way the zombies are..... wel you cant really call them zombies ( weirdos ) lol its a minted game it does take a lot of commitment to complete it because its sooo long.... the co-op mode on RE5 will rule ( if they stick to it:p ) ........
Yeah Re4 is the longest game in the series.

You can watch the complete Wesker's report here :


YouTube - Wesker Report 1



YouTube - Wesker Report 3

Another one with re3

YouTube - PeCa bio hazard highlight 2 (bio hazard 3) special:escape!


YouTube - Wesker Report 4

MadM said:

YouTube - PeCa bio hazard highlight

I couldn't find the other re4 funny vdeo where it had the benny hill song and it showed the different types of death leon would face.

XD! Repped you for that! That was awesome, lol I bet he crapped his pants by the time he finished it.

And that was with Re2, I found his experience with Re3

YouTube - PeCa bio hazard highlight 2 (bio hazard 3) special:escape!

Don't have much info about RE on the Wii here but most probably it will be a side story covering plotholes, Re5 will be the direct sequel to Re4. Some rumours say it will summarize the events of all the previous RE title, in levels, Level 1 will have the mansion with Chris and Jill as playable characters, level 2 will have Re2 and Leon and Claire, level 3 with Carlos and Jill and maybe even ReCvX and Re4's. More info up at Resident Evil Horror

Also news about Re1 for the PSP on that site.

And I've got some pics of the shooting of the third RE movie. So far, Alice, Carlos, Wesker, Claire and that comic relief from the 2nd movie Mike Epps are confirmed, Jill is not in the movie yet for some reason.
MaconiE said:
the co-op mode on RE5 will rule ( if they stick to it:p ) ........

Actually it's cofirmed tht there will be co-op mode,but the only prob is tht will it be thru online using the PNP network or is it splitscreen ;)

params7 said:
Yeah Re4 is the longest game in the series.

You can watch the complete Wesker's report here :

YouTube - Wesker Report 1


YouTube - Wesker Report 3

YouTube - Wesker Report 4
XD! Repped you for that! That was awesome, lol I bet he crapped his pants by the time he finished it.

And that was with Re2, I found his experience with Re3

YouTube - PeCa bio hazard highlight 2 (bio hazard 3)

Thx for the links for wesker's report,and as for the link of the guy getting scared...OMFG!! XD..did you hear him cry...LMAO!!!

Oh and btw did you hear him say time out,time out when the mutated croc or alligator was abt to bite his head off in the first video link..tht was hilarious...never expected tht.
thanks for the links dude, i hope Re5 is split screen as i dnt have my ps2 online..... that video with the man screaming is ace :p haha its about as funny as stifler out of american pie:p........
and there was one called resident evil 1.5

Take a look at this site ( Resident Evil 1.5 Cancelled )

Take A Look At These Videos ( Resident Evil 1.5 Videos. )


Here's a site dedicated to resident evil 1.5.....( BIO HAZARD 1.5 )

Check it out.......

These sites could be useful to ( BIO HAZARD 1 )

------------------------------( BIO HAZARD 2 )

------------------------------( The Right Game-Site Portal )

This is said on one of the sites above (BIO HAZARD 1.5)...

Ok... As everybody probably know - the game that now is called Biohazard (Resident evil) 1.5 (or prototype as Capcom have named it) is the original version of Biohazard 2 that was set to be released in March 1997, but this original version of Biohazard 2 was scrapped very near completion - At 70-80 % through production --Why?-- The official word from Capcom stated that it was scrapped because it played to much like the first Biohazard game (Like that should be something bad!) So Capcom started (almost) completely over again and made the BH 2 that we all know and love .... Anyway, this unreleased version had some really cool weapons enemies and scenes that never made it to the "new" version of BH 2.

In BH 1.5 the main characters was: Leon S. Kennedy -Click text for image- Basiclly same guy as in BH 2, the main difference was that Leon already was working in the R.P.D when the virus outbreak occurred. Elza Walker -Click text for image- A young motorcycle daredevil who had just arrived to Raccoon city, she was replaced by Claire Redfield in BH 2, the main difference between Elza and Claire is that Elza have no connection to Chris Redfield, there of a big difference in the original story of BH 2. One interesting thing with the main characters in BH 1.5 was that they had some animations not include in BH 2 -Click text for image- Both characters hold their guns in a pose ready to fire -Click text to download short gif animation of Leon-.

The characters that survived the transition from BH 1.5 to BH 2 was: Sherry Birkin -Click text for image- Anette Birkin -Click text for image- William Birkin (In human and mutated form) Linda (Ada Wong in BH 2) -Click text for image- She probably was a scientist working for Umbrella before it was closed down - Marvin Branagh -Click text for image- Marvin was Leons supporting character and was playable instead of Ada Wong in BH 2 (In Elza's scenario Sherry Birkin was playable just like in BH 2) Police Chief Brian Irons -Click text for image- Irons was a good guy compared to the sinister Police Chief of BH 2, Irons were wounded in BH 1.5 - John (Robert Kendo in BH 2) -Click text for image- John was Elzas supporting character and had a much larger role in BH 1.5 then in BH 2. There were one character in BH 1.5 that never made it to the new game - Roy (DJ) -Click text for image- He probably was one of the surviving R.P.D officers, maybe a colleague to Leon - Note that Capcom used Leon's early design of R.P.D uniform for Roy. Ben was the only character that was not in the original game.

Thanks for looking.......
this one shows what RE4 could of been:p It makes me cry.....

( What RE4 Could Of Been )

Enjoy......( that about as far as you can get to enjoying it )

RE4 could of been much better, God forbid they actually make the game resemble something like, you know, an actual Resident Evil game. RE4 taints the very name of RE itself, and to think they scrapped this faithful masterpiece for something that bares literally no resemblence to the series. Mikami-san, I'm eternally disappointed.........

---------------------------------------------Resident Evil 5-------------------------------------------------

Who do you think the main character is in RE5 theres a picture of him in the attachment on this Thread-Post......

I Think Its ---------Chris Redfield!!!

They better bring him back.........

Anyways claire will be pleased....:p haha Only Joking......


  • re5screen_3.jpg
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Heres a picture of Chris in the remake....

They do lookalike.....

I reckon it will be him....


  • newremakechris2.jpg
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