Chat About The Resident Evil Series

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Got my copy this morning! also bought the stratergy guide, so i can use it the second time around, so that i dont miss anything!!! the only thing that i really regret is that when i opened the book for the first time, i just opened it at a random page. and guess what. i now know who the ending boss is! well annoyed! oh well... ill see you guys online!
completed it a couple of days ago, collected most of the tresures and 18 of the BSAA emblems... gunna go through a couple of times for the trophies and stuff! [IMO] the ending was a bit disapointing!

Dont read below unless you realy want to spoil it for yourself!

RE1, 3 and i think CVX ended with an helicopter, and guess what, RE5 does aswell!!, even though the last chapter isn fact the most amazing chapter in the game. i was still a little disapointed with the outcome!

But what happens next???

Wesker is dead (well at least we think he is, we killed him at the end of CVX didnt we?? yeah he came back.) he will probably come back again, the Uruboros could of shielded him! i dont know.

i liked how the game made out as if they was trying to carry on evolution... and not just a bio-attack, to cause unstableness around the world...

all in all i would give this game a 9/10, only a couple of things let it down, it was a true sequal to the franchise... me and my friedns have noticed a couple of bugs, such as the AI getting stuck... well in i think it was 5.3 sheva got stuck in a door and walked in and out until i returned, and on the moving platform thing with the dead test subjects, just after i killed the reaper for the first time she got stuck behind a box.. other than this. it was AWESOME!!!! well got to go now, be back soon...

woop woop
Finished it 2 days ago, took me 2 sittings :P

Jill has been turned into an Alice from the movies.
Wesker is dead.
What's happening to RE :S
Dont know if this was posted here....

Resident Evil Retrospective

The entire history of Resident Evil thanks to There are six episodes each lasting 20 minutes. Must watch for any Resident Evil fan and also for someone who hasn't played the previous versions and want some background on the game. The last episode even charts out the entire history of how Umbrella Corp. came into existence.

You cannot imagine how many resident evil games are out there :ohyeah:
^Excellent dude. I have been a fan since RE4. So would need a background check on the previous series. Too bored to play them all. :)
Yeah those videos on GT are a must-watch for those who came new to the series with RE4 or 5.
sn4k382 said:
You cannot imagine how many resident evil games are out there

True, but only the numbered titles (0-5) + Code : Veronica X are worth playing :P
saumilsingh said:
The stories in RE games are nonsensical to say the least. Just enjoy the gameplay :P.

Sorry matey, i have to highly disagree. All the RE games make sense, if (nonsensical) means what i think it does, saying that it means that it either doesn't make sense or having no intelligible meaning. There is a big story that [IMO] makes a lot of sense! Just as long as you read or listen between the lines... Put all of the peices together and there is a massive (highly interesting) story... The gameplay just makes it that little bit better!!!

If you would like to watch the six episodes that sn4k382 is on about you would see the story that is *nonsensical*...

sn4k382 said:
Dont know if this was posted here....

Resident Evil Retrospective

The entire history of Resident Evil thanks to There are six episodes each lasting 20 minutes. Must watch for any Resident Evil fan and also for someone who hasn't played the previous versions and want some background on the game. The last episode even charts out the entire history of how Umbrella Corp. came into existence.

The only way that the RE stories could be nonsensical, is that each game has a different story (if they didn't, wouldn't it be the same game?) and they may not all make sense with each other. but even RE4 (which was a kind of spin-off) was mentioned in RE5 which makes it part of the RE history (story)...

I am sorry if i have misunderstood, but i have to disagree, please correct me if i have misunderstood...
I saw the first 2 episodes. Man I love the way the GT guy explains everything. The rest episodes should be done by tomorrow morning. It's a good thing I got to know more about Wesker before playing RE5. I had no clue who he actually was until I saw the first episode.
Not literally nonsensical, but shoddy.
It's more along the lines of the Saw movies that like to find unseeming connections between characters (or killing them off for the sheer shock value) than truly nice story telling like in the POP games.
Zombie shoot-em-up game rarely have a very concrete storyline. It's the horror & tension which they build up in the gameplay which makes them worthwhile. The episodes presented are merely a debrief of how the characters are associated with each instalment of the game & their journey through it. I really needed some background info on some of the characters in RE4, since I joined the party pretty late. I couldn't really connect to Ada's involvement in that game. After watching these episodes, I knew who she was & how she was a part of the storyline.

The more the popularity of this franchise grows, the more fan base it builds up & hence the fans want to know every bit of detail they can find about the game. Be it the cheesiest of storylines, we need details. ;)
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