Chat About The Resident Evil Series

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Did anyone check out the recent gameplay videos of RE5? It's freaking awesome.Man I will go berserk if it won't receive a PC release.It's stated that this would have offline co-op mode with the other playable character as Sheva Alomar.Man this would be fun.Can't wait for this game to hit the scene.
Capcom has been porting all their games to PC recently.
Moreover all the major RE's right from 1 through 4 have been on PC.

Propects are bright for a PC version of RE5 :).
Yeah, but I also read that Capcom wasn't too happy with the poor DMC4 PC sales and that may affect future decisions of porting stuff over to the PC, especially RE5.
DMC 4 was brilliantly optimised for the PC.With Lost Planet's rock solid port, I would never doubt Capcom's optimisation for any of their games barring RE 4 which they messed up royally for the PC.But with RE5's graphics getting a major next generation facelift I strongly hope they announce a PC version.Of course with better controls & mouse support.They often fail to recognise that mouse is a PC accessory too.:P
RE4 was a very good port once the latest patch was applied. Just don't even try to configure it for keyboard and mouse play.

I played through the entire game using a DualShock converter and had ZERO issues whatsoever.
Plus it had the added benefit of higher resolutions, AA and AF (look here).

The only bad thing about it were the irritating and frequent loading screens between even the most smallest of areas. Capcom really should have optimised it to take advantage of the huge memories on a modern PC.

And they still haven't learned as DMC4 PC suffers from the exact same issue.
^DMC 4 didn't have very high loading times.It was just a fraction & gone before you could even notice the loading screen.No matter how many tweaks were applied to RE 4 on PC, I still believe the PS2 version was much superior.My most irritating part was that it was cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio which was absurd.Even if you switched it to 720p resolution it would achieve full screen but the area would look weirdly stretched.Half of my time was spent figuring that out as the usual resolution I play on is 1280x1024 & this thing wouldn't accept it properly.

If Capcom put their act together they can really pull off a beautiful port for RE5.One that can even crush Far Cry 2.I have noticed that both games have the African set-up but interestingly RE5's locations & graphics are looking way more promising.Moreover if there is online co-op then it will be a blast.

What caught me by surprise was during one gameplay video it actually shows a bunch of zombie travelling on bikes & we have to fend them off while in motion.This looked very promising.Also I just hope this time round the boss fights go even bigger.RE 4's true highlight was it's boss fights so I'm hoping this would be bigger & better.:)
New videos and images of RE:5...


New Co-Op Videos and New trailers, looks really cool, cant wait for this...

better not get delayed again.
It would be awesome to play this game in Co-op.How I wish it gets a PC announcement.Capcom really could make a fortune with it being multi-platform.:)
I just pre-orderd my copy from my local games store :):) im so happy that its coming closer=] i just hope it doesnt get delayed again =] whooooooohooooooo!!!!
Why you lucky son of a gun. I envy you guys who will be able to get this on the consoles first. :(

BTW has anyone played the demo on the 360? Any impressions?
as far as i know the demo has only been released in japan up until now:( soo luckly we will get it soon!!

BTW, i watched RE: Degeneration last night thought it was great, one thing i can say, dont go off bad reviews and stupid critics! most of them havent even played the games. anywhoo, i thought leon was a bit dodgy, he didnt even crack a smile once. they made him out to be a morbid person, IMO he wasnt like that in the games?? i thought it was great anyways. if your an hardcore RE Fan you wont be able to miss this!!!
For those who have seen it.....
How funny was the bit where the zombies where just walking (dropping) of the plane hahaha i loved that bit!
Leon acted like a pale wood. No emotions no movement at all. While the conversations were on he would stand there like a lifeless dummy. That's the only thing I hated about the movie. The animation is top notch. Capcom is the king when it comes to full blown CGI rendered animations. They really have raised the bar for CGI motion pictures now. Just wish they would have a Devil May Cry CGI movie out as well.

Angela looked real pretty towards the end. If only Leon was not so uptight I wish they could have gone swimming yet another time. :P
i want resiedent evil 5 for pc if they can release street fighter 4 for the pc i seen no reason y they cant rlease re5 for the pc even DMC4 was pretty successfull :D
MaconiE90 said:
as far as i know the demo has only been released in japan up until now:( soo luckly we will get it soon!!

BTW, i watched RE: Degeneration last night thought it was great, one thing i can say, dont go off bad reviews and stupid critics! most of them havent even played the games. anywhoo, i thought leon was a bit dodgy, he didnt even crack a smile once. they made him out to be a morbid person, IMO he wasnt like that in the games?? i thought it was great anyways. if your an hardcore RE Fan you wont be able to miss this!!!

me gonna watch it soon. :D
ubergeek said:
i want resiedent evil 5 for pc if they can release street fighter 4 for the pc i seen no reason y they cant rlease re5 for the pc even DMC4 was pretty successfull :D
They will eventually. Pretty positive about it. With the MT framework engine working wonders for the previous games, RE5 should easily look stunning for the PC version. :)
Ethan_Hunt said:
They will eventually. Pretty positive about it. With the MT framework engine working wonders for the previous games, RE5 should easily look stunning for the PC version. :)

dont see why not... i just cant wait to see whats twists capcom are gunna make with the new story and plot.. its sooo anticipating :P hehe
Of course. I'd like to see how Sheva & Redfield's combination turns out. It's a good thing they opted for a co-op mode. Been waiting for a proper co-op game for a long time now. :)
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