Chat About The Resident Evil Series

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I played Re2 & Re3 on the ps1, the resident evil games were probably the best games available for the ps1. On the ps2 so far i have played Outbreak file#2 & Re4. Outbreak was the worst game that i have played in the series i stoped playing about 30 mins into the game. Re4 is the best game that i have played on the ps2, the only game that i replayed after completing it once.
did you not play the first RE?

Ive played all of the RE games and completed most of them except from both outbreaks:P there POO hehe

you need to get hold of RE1 and complete that thats a really good game.......

its hard to get hold of it now tho, go on ebay:P....
Did not play Re1 because it wasnt available in the markets. I wont play it now, it was released 10 years ago.
That is unless you have the gamecube, you can get the Remake :P

And Outbreak games are only meant to be played online, and with a harddrive to lower loading time. They have very little to do with the main storyline.

@Maconie - You've played Re0 (Zero)? Its exclusive to Gamecube.
Like params said,outbreak looks fun when you play it online.It seems some ppl used the ps2 outbreak on pc to play it online and it wasn't an emulator but someother software.Need to dig more to check this out and seeing some of the outbreak videos where ppl were playing online made you wish tht you were with them too cause it was too hilarious.

The one funny moment I saw when abt 5 of was them were near some building shooting at 5-6 zombies and then suddenly 4 of them quickly wen't inside the building also closing the door behind them leaving this poor guy all alone.The best part was how he was screaming on the mic..OMFG!! It was hilarious,at first he said.."Hey,let me in,let me in you asses" and when those zombies overwhelmed him..he was like.."OMG!! Don't come near me,you ppl stink..AAAAHHHH!!!!!".He got killed :rofl:

Hope tht rumour abt the software is true cause if it is..then we can all go on a camping trip to raccoon city :P.

P.S. Remember when we are overwhelmed by an unimaginable number of zombies...then it's "Every man for himself"
O no i aint completed that one i have played it tho :P i forgot bout that ( i only have a PS2 and a PC hehe i'll get to complete it one day:P

I heard its not the best of the bunch anyways so i aint that botherd.....

Soooo are you saying that i can play the PS2's outbreak on my PC:S??

thanks for the info anyways dude's, have you found any official Info about the software theory??

Yeah,you can play the ps2 re outbreak on the pc with this for finding out more on this software,I came upon a dead end.

I had found this info on some re fansite and when I checked it out now..the domain is for sale..Now the only thing I can do is wait for the resident evil mod for half-life 2 which would have the singleplayer storymode and also multiplayer.And you could also play the storyline co-operatively with 2-4 I am waiting for tht now.
Madm said:
The one funny moment I saw when abt 5 of was them were near some building shooting at 5-6 zombies and then suddenly 4 of them quickly wen't inside the building also closing the door behind them leaving this poor guy all alone.The best part was how he was screaming on the mic..OMFG!! It was hilarious,at first he said.."Hey,let me in,let me in you asses" and when those zombies overwhelmed him..he was like.."OMG!! Don't come near me,you ppl stink..AAAAHHHH!!!!!".He got killed

That's hillarious! I can't even imagine something like that in a Resident Evil.

Outbreak sure is a lot of fun if you play it online, the Co-Op settings make it one of the best online survival horror multiplayer experience.
what software are you guys talking about?....

How do i get hold of it?

How much is it?, can i download it:p

Like I said,can't find tht software anymore..tht re fansite where I had got the info..well,now it's web domain is for sale..

So till then you have to wait for re5 and besides if you have hl2..worry not since an awesome re mod is in the making and it'll be out soon.
:P i'll get it when it comes out hehe you guys will have to tell me how coz im not reely that good with computers :P

will you tell me when its out.....

i found this on gamespot.....
(this fourth movie)

Resident Evil 4 or currently known as Resident Evil: Afterlife (not to be confused with the video game Resident Evil 4) is the informal name of a currently untitled fourth installment from Sony Screen Gems series of movies based on the Resident Evil survival horror series. On August 13, 2006 Ali Larter (who portrays Claire Redfield in Extinction) confirmed that the film has entered into pre-production . The film is also said to begin filming sometime next year Plot summary
The events from Extinction have led to Tokyo where Resident Evil 4 will take place. Confirmed Information
Jensen Ackles possibility for role of Leon S. Kennedy. Milla Jovovich will return as Alice.
Albert Wesker and Chris Redfield have been confirmed to appear.

Confirmed Cast
Actor/Actress Role Status Milla Jovovich Alice Confirmed Charlie Clausen Chris Redfield Talks Sienna Guillory Jill Valentine Unconfirmed Jensen Ackles Leon S. Kennedy Talks Ali Larter Claire Redfield Confirmed Matthew Marsden Captain Alexander Slater Rumoured Peter O'Meara Albert Wesker Confirmed Follow The Reaper Once More......

The Real Post On Gamespot

Is this dude talking bubbles, you look on google images( if you dont know who the actors/actress are ) and see for your self not one of them looks good enough to be the characters stated......

In My Opinion They Are all dull.... except the people who played the others in the other movies( Alice - Milla Jovovich )..........

He may be right put i wouldn't depend on it.........
Does anybody know where i can download the whole weskers report from apart from filefront...

ive alreadt seen it online but i would like to download it as i want it on my mobile phone.
i got some info on resident evil 5


No details have been released about the game's storyline other than the fact that the setting will have a similar feel to the movie Black Hawk Down. The main character in "Resident Evil 5" is expected to be Chris Redfield or HUNK based on the technical demonstration released by Capcom. It should also be noted that GamePro magazine has speculated Carlos Oliveira to be the protagonist, as the game is reported to take place in a South American country.

# Although enemies were faster in Resident Evil 4 than in previous Resident Evil games, the Japanese teaser trailer shows enemies that are now even faster, like the ones in 28 Days Later making them more deadly enemies.
# According to Play magazine, the enemies are shaping up to be a cross between a ganado and a zombie. They communicate with each other like the Ganados in Resident Evil 4, but have a thirst for blood like the zombies in the classic RE games.
# Play has also said that according to the producers the temperature will play a big role, with the player having to find a spot to cool down. The heat will make it harder to shoot due to hallucinations and mirages appearing and the main character being unstable. Additionally, the same magazine suggests the presence of more interactive environments that are vital to the player's survival. On the 21 of December 2006, Jun Takeuchi confirmed this.
# The game will run at 60fps (quicker than the 30fps that Resident Evil 4 used).
#Jun Takeuchi also confirmed that the games engine will be very powerful and single muscles will be easy to determine. Also hair will be extremely realistic from root to point.

heres the link
Resident Evil 5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so far its Resident Evil 4 for ps2 or gamecube put they brought the first RE back out for the DS - Resident Evil Deadly Silence.

if this helps buddy...
This message is to bring this thread up to date:P

anybody want to know or chat about any topic relevant to the resident evil franchise??

leave your message here!!
Capcom is being real silent on Re5. There's been no new material except the old teaser trailer they released back in TGS.

On the movie front, Ali Larter (The HEROES chick!) is playing Claire, should be good.

And where you live Maconie?? I was wondering if I should get the Resident Evil Archives, its available in no bookstore in India.

The Cover, and what its about., only bad thing is that it covers event from 1960 to 1998, that leaves Re4 out.

Its too expensive on ebay+shipping, so if anybody finds this book in Delhi please let me a PM.
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