Chat About The Resident Evil Series

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And heres one from RE1.....

it does look like its going to be him......


  • chris.jpg
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i thought you might of wanted to see them pics next to each other, rather than scrolling up and down........

here goes....

hehe it proves i did my research....:P


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Yeah it is Chris Redfield. I thought the fact that the same team which developed Re1 (which had Chris) is making Re5, was proof enough.

Question is, there can't be an RE game without a 2nd main character, who will that be :P?

Jill most probably.
claire could come back and chris and claire could reunite....:P

wel dude did you know about re 1.5 and re 3.5???....

( From Post 17, 18, 19.......)
lol i dont know about you lot but i only just realised, months after i played RE4 and years since i played RE2 that leaon has changed his hair colour........ haha.
I never realised........... ( Look At The Attachments )...

You probs realised before but its new news for me:P.....


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Yeah I knew about Re 1.5. Even saw some footage. The game was scraped and turned into Re2.

Well here's another news shock, the series you know as DEVIL MAY CRY was originaly a Resident Evil game. I forgot which number it was but it was one of the sequels. Dante was supposed to be the main character and all, it got rejected, but they still made it as a game with a different title and you got a very successful franchise by the name of Devil May Cry.

Re 3.5 is new to me though.

Check this out, has some pics from the upcoming RE movie
oh i didnt know that, you learn something new everyday tho dont ya..... thanks for the pics of the upcoming RE movie, the vids dnt work that are on there tho, do you know what they where on about.....?

did you realise that leon changed his hair colour ( i cant believe i've been so blind:P ) i never noticed hehe...... keep the news coming params7 and once again, thank you for your info.......
Here are some great RE Wallpapers to choose from.....

Thanks For Looking Please Take If You Want One...........
How come the pictures look shabby and boxy they wernt like that before does anybody no the reason?....
Don't know if this was posted before but some nice juicy details on wii's upcoming resident evil title umbrella chronicles was posted in the capcom forums by one of their moderators..Wish they would port this game to the ps3 too..after reading these details and seeing the screens..

:: View topic - Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

For the lazy ppl who doesn't wanna clicky..

Resident Evil Wii is finally confirmed. It's called Umbrella Chronicles and it's a game that ties up all loose ends throughout the series.
Similar to Outbreak, it's split up in different chapters; you will be able to play as the main Resident Evil protagonists from the main series[From RE Veronica to RE4, prologue to RE5], as well as unlock additional characters.
Gameplay will be in 3rd person similar to RE4, but additionally the game takes advantage of the controller's core features. -Puzzles and shooting will have a new twist to it.

Four chapters will be available, each chapter will have 2 playable characters
Chapter 1 - BH1 Mansion - Jill and Chris
Chapter 2 - BH2 RPD - Claire and Leon
Chapter 3 - BH3 Racoon City - Jill and Carlos
Chapter 4 - BH4 Village - Leon and Ada

these are a few of the details,more can be acessed at the link..

Link again..
:: View topic - Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
Yeah, RE Wii will have nothing new but it will fill all the plotholes that have been created. It'll be more like a recap of all the major events of the timeline.
I'm excited about the Re3 level though, with Jill and Carlos. Though the Wii people will not be getting Re5, and Re5 people will not be getting Re Wii.

Why does Capcom has to play like this?!

Anyways, here's more from the movie :

That's during the shooting, she's playing Claire Redfield.

Some vids can be seen here midway down

Milla News : The Official Milla Jovovich Web Site

So far we know :
Extinction is the official subname.
Albert Wesker is in it.
Claire Redfield is in it.
Carlos, Mike Epps character (LJ) are in it, while Angela (the girl from the Apocalypse) is not in this movie.
Is meant to finish with Claire going off to find Chris (Code Veronica setting) while Alice will be leading a caravan of people to Alaska. (Wtf?)
The world we know apparently has been finished, with nothing but zombies roaming the face of the earth, everywhere....
Trailers will appear in February.
The movie after this which will be the 4rth one, will be called Resident Evil : Afterlife, has been confirmed and will release a year after Extinction.
And wallpaper time! :ohyeah:

Thanks for the info Madmonkey and params7 i didnt know any of it :P the RE umbrella chronicles sounds farely good. what do you mean by
but additionally the game takes advantage of the controller's core features. -Puzzles and shooting will have a new twist to it.
Have you got any good pics of the Wii's Controller and is there any Key Features on it ................( New Bouttons etc...)

Here goes again heres the great RE wallpapers again....( Hope They Look Better Than They Did Before )

They Worked :P
Params7, you said that Devil May Cry got turned into a Resident Evil game.
Well here's another news shock, the series you know as DEVIL MAY CRY was originaly a Resident Evil game. I forgot which number it was but it was one of the sequels. Dante was supposed to be the main character and all, it got rejected, but they still made it as a game with a different title and you got a very successful franchise by the name of Devil May Cry.
Heres the info and proof on it being rahter true:P....

In 1998, after the completion of Resident Evil 3, preliminary work on Resident Evil 4 began under the supervision of Hideki Kamiya. Capcom continued producing and publishing other titles in the series, both internally and externally (Resident Evil Code: Veronica was developed by Nextech Corporation under Capcom's supervision). Early R&D work included a trip to Spain to examine various castles as a basis for the game's environments. However, in prototype status, it proved to be too different from the Resident Evil series and the survival horror genre in general. Rather than abandon the project entirely, the premise was changed and it eventually became Devil May Cry. Although the characters in the Resident Evil 4 prototype were all new, some of the monsters bore resemblance to previous Resident Evil creatures. For instance the armored reptilian creature "Blade" is similar to a Hunter. The Marionettes were zombies constructed from various body parts. The Kyklops creatures are similar to the large mutated spiders from Resident Evil.

this tells you it was RE4 (RE 3.5) which got scrapped and turned into Devil May Cry.....:no:

They shudnt of done it RE 3.5 looks perfect...( alot better than RE4 if you ask me...)
When they say tht the game takes advantage of the controller's core features..they mean you'll be using the motion sensors which is in the wii mote.The rumours are tht when you are using a knife or a'll be using the wii-mote and so you have to perform slashing movements but the interesting part is it seems you can stab the zombs :P ...I wanna stab one in the nuts and see the reaction :rofl:

Also I wish they would make a RE game where we would be part of an umbrella clean up crew and work with a no more being alone for once..

And the other thing I would wan't would be to release the old re4 gameplay under a new name..I mean the hookman look so cool..could be scarier than silent hill.
lol i wounder if they'll fall down holding the nuts haha:P thanks for the info madmonkey, the contoller features sound great, the pushing into the future with the sensor stuff hehe:P

Also I wish they would make a RE game where we would be part of an umbrella clean up crew and work with a no more being alone for once..

And the other thing I would wan't would be to release the old re4 gameplay under a new name..I mean the hookman look so cool..could be scarier than silent hill.
I think it would be really good if they made a umbella clean up squad game where you could be part of umbrella instead of being on your own to it'll be great it could be called Resident Evil-The Mysteries Of Umbrella:P only joking i dont really think that'll be a suitable name hehe, they should make the old RE4 gameplay and put it in new name it'll be really brill:p........

Thanks for that madmonkey......
lol when i play devil may cry now alls i think about is RE lol ( Not like its a bad thing:P ) hehe

Thinking he could of been a new character to the RE series gives me the heeby jeeby's :P he does look the part but his character personality doesnt ...........
Keep posting your info on the upcoming, or old RE games.....

was playin RE4 before and got frightened cause of that dude who jumps outa that fridge on fire:P.....

does anybody know about the Hedge Maze in RE4, ive completed it twice and never been through it everybody says its a good part of the game ? i just cant get into it, ive seen it but when i leave the area i dont hear or see any of it again.

Does anybody have any infomation on it????

Thanks for you help:P....
The link dont work dude and yes a did try it once but could'nt find anything about a hedge maze :P try sending the link again........

Castle - Hedge Maze


Walk along this path until you get to the stairs, then enter the hedge maze

through the main gate. Smash the barrels, then carefully move forward up the

left side of the maze. A wolf thing will attack, so blast it twice with the

shotgun to kill it. Head behind the stone thing in front of you and get the

Green Herb from the barrel, then open the gate on the right.

Turn right at the next split and follow it to the end to find a Spinel. Head

back the way you came, and snipe the wolf thing in the cage in front of you.

Take its item if it drops one, then smash the nearby barrel for another item.

Take the Second path on the left first to find a can of First Aid Spray, then

take the other path.

When you see the stone bridge thing, be careful. Another wolf is going to jump

out of the bush in front of you, so be ready to blast it with the shotgun.

Turn around the corner, then take the first left to find a Red Gem. Skip the

second path on the left for now, and instead, take the path to the right at the

end of the maze. Head up the stairs and take the Moonstone chunk from the

fountain, then turn around and head back down. Two more wolves will attack you

on the way to the next path to the right (the second path to the left you just

skipped a few seconds ago.)

Go down that path, and another wolf will attack you. Continue forward to find

a cage with several of them locked in. Toss a grenade in the cage to kill them

all, then take their stuff.

Head all the way down the path and take the last left. Open the treasure chest

at the end for some shotgun shells, then immediately do a 180 degree turn to

face the direction you came from. One wolf thing will come from the path on

the right, and then a second one will jump over the bushes in front of you.

Kill them both, then exit that part of the hedges and take a right as soon as

you get the chance to cross a bridge.

Take a right at the end of the bridge and grab the second half of the Moonstone

on the fountain. Turn around to go back to the bridge, but be prepared to

deal with three more wolves at the front of the bridge. Take the little gap to

the right of the bridge to find a treasure chest with some ammo, then go get on

the bridge again. Jump off of the left side, go through the double gates,

climb the stairs on the right, and open the locked door on the left using the

(combined) Moonstone pieces.

Got it from this FAQ :
thanks params7 but i found out why i did't see it just a coulpe of minutes ago....

Itr was due to playin it on easy, you can only enter the maze of normal, hard or professional mode :P thanks anyway......
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