Not sure why you would construe someone using Firefox as serving humanity or however else you would like to stereotype Firefox users. It is a choice and as of now it plays a part in not having a complete Googlised web. The fact that many websites work better on Chromium is mainly because developers take the easy way out but Mozilla is at least supporting initiatives that keep the standards alive and ensure that Google doesn't completely decide how the web should work.I'll tell you why I call it a scam, firefox paints itself as the last hope for humanity, "muh privacy" also google as default, your donation does not go to the development of the browser itself, but to the lavish lifestyles of the CEO and other random e-celebs. Read the article I linked.
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because, its a poisoned choice and people should know about it. some firefox users think they are doing humanity a service by using this amazing web browser which at best performs on par with chrome.
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The Manifest v3 adoption by almost all Chromium browsers also indicates the power of Google. Unfortunately, all the free mainstream Chromium alternatives are mostly relying on data harvesting for revenue. Google pays Mozilla foundation to keep competition alive in theory and to avoid anti-trust lawsuits. Mozilla foundation has not covered itself in glory over the years. However, the fact that it is a foundation ensures the transparency you can easily see what they are doing wrong and criticize them, unlike the opaqueness of Big Tech. Also, Mozilla is not Firefox with its myriad community projects.
Projects/Complete - MozillaWiki
Personally, I use it across devices because it works for 99.9% of what I do, I like the cross-platform support, extensions that are not gimped and also work on Android. I have no qualms using Edge but just haven't liked the direction Microsoft has taken to monetize it. Chrome is still a massive resource hog. Brave has been extremely shady with their practices and Opera is under Chinese ownership. You can use whatever works for you but it is always good to have options.