Not an expert on the domains front, but I agree with one (or more) of the posters above - GoDaddy has very reasonable deals, particularly on the .info domains. I think rediff has .in at decent prices the last I checked, but that was when I was in school, so... :ashamed:
As for the website itself, you've hit a good resource at W3Schools, but they have plenty of tutorials, you hardly need to go through
all of them to get a website going. Opinions vary widely about how one must go about the process of building a website, but here are a few quick pointers, which I hope will be matters of fact as opposed to opinion:
- You will need HTML along with CSS, to begin with; and some client side scripting - most often, this means JavaScript - is useful. You can learn by doing, or copying pasting -
dynamic drive is a good resource for JavaScript (and, lately, CSS), the
CSS Zen Garden and
A List Apart are good CSS resources, with links to more resources, and you can, of course, learn HTML from w3schools.
(It is generally considered preferable to use CSS for designing the layout of your site, as opposed to tables, but this still leads to a flame war at some places - most of the time, however, you should be able to get along with your common sense.)
- Many people like to have a good hang of Photoshop (or the
GIMP, depending on what you can afford, your OS, and what religion (proprietary v/s open source) you belong to) for doing the design. You would most likely want to be comfortable with at least one vector image manipulation software (ImageReady or
Inkscape), and one bitmap editor, PS or GIMP.
Once you've acquired the skills, the design is up to you, although there are (apparently) places that teach you creativity. Keep an eye out for free stock photo sites, such as
this one, they come in handy
- If your website is going to be complex - for instance, if you want forums, or galleries, or stuff that clearly cannot done with HTML and CSS, then you need to
learn more. There are many server side scripting options, mainly PHP, JSP and ASP, which are powerful tools on their own right, but are usually popular because of their ability to connect to databases. There's plenty of choice here too, notably MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite, and PGSQL.
I would recommend a combination would be PHP/MySQL, mainly because they are open source systems (admittedly, that's not a major point unless you're an aspiring core-hacker, but I have noticed that hosting is slightly cheaper). Taking this further, a LAMP combination works well for many people - Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP - you will find hosts that offer the "LAMP" deal, so might keep your eyes open for that. Of course, do explore your options - I mention this particular choice only because I use it on localhost
- An optional skill is Flash, if you would like a Flash-powered website. There's a lot that can be done with Flex and associated technologies (anyone seen the new Y! messenger on the web?!), but you should remember that not everyone might have Flash on their systems.
- If you're going the server side way, I would strongly recommend googling for "
Content Management Systems" and exploring the associated options; sometimes it does cut the slack in terms of work involved. You'll need non-trivial experience with the scripting language itself, though, before you can start skinning or otherwise customizing the stuff
- Hosting: Oh well, selecting a web host is about as complicated as choosing a laptop or a mobile phone
There are way too many options. If you don't need any server side scripting technology, it is not difficult to find good quality, no-ads, free hosting. If you do, however, it can be tough to find quality free hosting, although there are places where you can get hosting in return for posting at forums and such (not really free, but you won't need a CC). However - if this is a non-trivial enterprise, in terms of disk space, bandwidth, and technology, and if uptime is a serious concern, your best bet (generally) is to find paid hosting. Since you're going to buy a domain, it is usually a good idea to get both from the same place. I've had at least a couple of good experiences, but I am not sure if it's okay to advertise stuff here (yet to read rules and stuff
), so I guess I'll save that for later.
While most of the above qualifies as being optional, do read about web accessibility and standards. In my opinion - this absolutely crucial to building a good website! Also, look up security issues in great detail - don't want your website hacked a week after it's launched!
Finally, good luck, and remember to have fun while you're at it! :cool2:
Mod Edit: The stuff in Bold in the above text are links.