I've had persistent cough for the last 25 days after a bout of viral fever in early Dec and was diagnosed with Allergic Bronchitis, it's probably the worst coughing I've ever experienced in my life. I've been on a combination of bronchodilators and steroids for the last 15 days but I'd still wake up in the middle of the night because of the coughing.
My mom insisted on me having some warm milk with a tsp of turmeric and honey before going to bed which I did for the last 2 nights and the relief it has provided has been remarkable, I was finally able to rest and sleep like a baby this weekend.
Something to note for the turmeric haters on this thread, sometimes age old remedies do indeed work in certain situations.
good to know you found relief with that. it sounds like you have/had dry cough against which this worked as expected. in case of wet cough (with mucous) this remedy may not work quite well as the turmeric powder granules may stick to the inner lining of throat & could irritate it & result in inducing more cough. anyway, another remedy (that was suggested to me when i was down with covid & had really terrible persistent dry cough) that had worked for me in case of nightly coughing was, to take one or two cloves, roast them on stove-flame till they turn dark black, grind them to a powder by pinching or using spoon, mix with a teaspoon of honey to make a paste, lick it & go to be bed without eating or drinking anything over it (not even water).
'mulethi' (dried ginger) also works fast but in case of cough during/due to winters.
I had itching during winters, this season it was worst & google told me it is called winter itch, so tried the besan for bathing instead of soap, itching gone completely within 2 days. After that I started using Sunnipindi(non telugu speakers google it) home made, no more itching. This is first hand experience.
some one said:
Western medicine is for immediate fixes or relief.
fixing the root cause only traditional/homeo/naturo/ayur(whatever you call it).
Remember there is NO one answer to all the questions, different body different fix. And nature always comes to your rescue.
i have been having terrible, REALLY TERRIBLE itching in my palms & fingers & under elbow-joint of one of my hands since past some years (from even before covid happened, when we were forced to use hand sanitizers which had further aggravated my condition later), with some much, MUCH-NEEDED relief only since last year! its almost borderline psoriatic. ruptures in skin, bleeding, skin regeneration every few or couple of weeks in all seasons (triggered most in dry or very moist/rainy conditions), with sometimes sudden bouts of appalling itching while sleeping at night (esp. if i haven't applied any medicinal moisturizer before sleeping) that wakes me up & i find myself sitting up & itching frantically & desperately for several minutes in the dark like a ghost condemned to repeat itching-punishments at nights! the humid climate of where i live coupled with my excessive sweatiness & habit of training-exercising often outdoors in mud-'n-dirt or/and hot-'n-humid or sunny & rainy weathers and not preferring AC when in the gym, plus my line of work, also don't help but exacerbate it. have had to wrap my fingers in band-aids/hansaplast often during travel & work because of the ruptures & bleeding.
had been to multiple doctors & dermatologists but ultimately the one whom i visited last year seems to have correctly diagnosed my issue because her medication/treatment has been working! its a long-term treatment; symptoms revert with full force if i stop the medicines! was foolish enough once to stop the medicines just to see if indeed the medicines had been working or it was just a 'fluke'/symptoms subsiding on their own with time. and i was wrong, so now have continued the medication as diligently as i can! she had diagnosed it as deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids as the root-cause (not a common or very well-known condition, hence unexpected & surprising) & then aggravated by external factors like elements/climate/work-conditions/lifestyle products etc., and prescribed me external (lotion) & internal moisturizer (supplementary capsules) & a cream for the elbow. they do damage the pocket & aren't inexpensive, but they work as well! the elbow patch was the first one to go, and hasn't returned since, even though i have stopped applying the cream there now! very thankful for that! issue in the palms & fingers persist but symptoms/signs of the disease have markedly reduced or gone away! but have to keep taking the meds & use the lotion for some more time until a sort of replenishment-level is reached, else they return. she had also asked me to get off of normal soaps & bodywashes (i anyway didn't/don't use soaps often even though i bathe twice a day, and would use mild soaps/washes having better ingredients, only once a day to wash off grime & sweat after exercising or travelling. i had even moved away from conventional handwashes at home & replaced them with mild ones with natural ingredients couple of years back). i changed to mamaearth's kids' soap then after watching a video mentioning it, and it did help. sometimes when am at home i also use curd/besan/patanjali's 'kantilep' for face which also work very well.
sorry for the verbose post, but thought to share my experience. and thanks for mentioning 'sunni pindi'. noted.
Yet to explore makhana. They seem to be the new trend for weight watchers.
been munching on makhanas since childhood; they've been a sort of 'staple snack' at my home! especially lightly roasted in desi ghee (either lightly salted or sweetened with sugar of your choice or gud powder), they taste delicious & are quite (ful)filling & satiating too, physically as well as mentally!