In one para : what's wrong with our modern diet.

What if we always feel hungry? There should be something that kills hunger.
Look for High Fibre, protein, starchy foods. Foods that stay longer. Drink water before food ( ignore local advice about it being wrong - i have never faced issue)

Soaked Chia seeds / roasted ground flax seeds can be added to food too and it works very well. + No more constipation.
Boiled/baked potatoes are good and healthy too.
I also eat plain peanut butter regularly ( not too much).

Reduce/stop refined flour / refined rice / fruit juice (fruits better) etc.

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Usually, eating a little something sour or something spicy or something tangy (a few grapes, a bite of a green apple, panipuri, slice of salted (or not) kokum, a few slices of an orange or sweet-lime or gooseberries), following it up by some water should stave off the craving.

This is also a good way to keep short-circuiting the craving for those with a sweettooth!
I will try this...Kiwi and pineapple are what I often eat and immediately drinking water feels so weirdly funny.

Roasted Sing + Chana [Roasted Groundnuts & Chickpeas], avoid Fried Groundnuts & Chickpeas.

NOTE: If have severe/high acidity, than reduce Groundnuts quantity. If have Gas issue, than take both in low quantity.
But groundnuts or chickpeas are high calories no?
But groundnuts or chickpeas are high calories no?
Both are healthy. I try to eat healthy and tasty vs tasty alone and both of these are definitely in tasty and healthy category. Havent added suagr to anything for many years now.

Just google for nutrition. Peanuts are high in (healthy) fats so don't eat too much at a time ofc.
chickpeas btw are also in hummus.

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